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Summer Internship Program 2024 - Project 106
Linux Training
12.1_Industry Expert Session by ChandraShekhar_GMT20240607-064639_Recording_1920x1080 (119:01)
Bonus Sessions - Linux
Plain Text | Cipher Text | Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management (217:10)
Useradd Command | adduser Command | GECOS | chfn Command | man Command | finger Command | who Command | w Command | Home Directory | home directory | Bash Shell | Nologin Shell | Shell Program | Interactive Users | Non interactive Users (138:11)
Superuser | General User | System or Service User | Hashing | Epoch Time | Password Aging (137:51)
User Permissions| Permissions on a file | Permissions on a directory | Modes | chmod Command | chown Command | su Command | Groups | chgrp Command (149:08)
DAC (Discretionary Access Control) | Linux Permissions | Special Permissions | Sticky Bit | SGID | SUID | Challenge of 'w' Permission | Set sticky bit on a folder | Primary Group | Secondary Group | newgrp command | gpasswd command | Use case of SUID (147:23)
POSIX | ACL | getfacl Command | setfacl Command | Mask | Effective Permissions | Umask | Sudo Power| Admin Level Commands | System Level Commands | /etc/sudoers main configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d secondary configuration file | Wheel Group | Visudo (172:25)
Security Program | Firewall | Network Service | Network Traffic | Firewalld Service | Pre-created rules (Zones) | Custom rules | firewall-cmd Command | Network Interface Card (NIC) | Implement Firewalld on NIC Target | Zones | PAT | Masquerade | Port Forwarding | Rich Rules (194:50)
Basic concepts of Partition | Hard Disk | Different types of Hard Disk | Steps to create Virtual Hard Disk (100:24)
Create a Partition (100:08)
Partition | Format | Mount (94:25)
LVM | Extend the LV (103:24)
LVM | Reduce LV (79:12)
Docker Bonus Session
Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
Python Training
5. Brainstorming (79:30)
8.1_Python Programming Training By Mr. Vimal DagaGMT20240528-103753 (112:18)
Summary 9
Bonus Session - Python
Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library | speaker driver | converting strings to audio | DataFrame | resolving row-wise operation limitations faced in dictionaries | Pandas library | loc[] function | .csv files | read_csv() function | describe() function (101:20)
Summary - Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library
list in Python | memory address | Copy module | shallow and deep copy | deepcopy() function | 2-D & 3-D lists | Functions | Iteration | for loop (105:39)
Summary - list in Python | memory address
Menu program | integration of Python and Linux | If-else conditions | while loops| system| or OS commands in Python | tput setaf <0-7> command | OS module | triple quotes (“””) | input() function | (92:04)
keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings | File handling | manipulate file | two categories, text file, and binary file | handle file exceptions | append mode| Reading a file | read() | readline() | function tell ()| Closing a file | (125:34)
Summary - keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings
File handling | read mode ("r"), | write mode ("w") | append mode ("a") | open() function | tell() method | file position: | Seek() function | (92:15)
Summary - File handling | read mode ("r"),
Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure. | object | instantiation | data member |member functions | Access Modifiers | Public | Private | Setter and Getter | (90:45)
Summary - Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure
Open() function | hard disk is located | “With” keyword | “speech_recognition” | “Pyaudio”| text.lower() | Google Recognize API | (117:59)
Module | function (def) | call function | OS module | if __name__ | "__main__" | infinite loop | (88:35)
Anonymous function |lambda keyword.| adding two numbers function | modulo operator | modulo operator| filter() function | built-in function | database | (90:28)
Server | Socket programming. | Networking program | IP + port Number means | Bind function | netstat -tnip command. | client | (85:45)
Summary - Server | Socket programming. | Networking program
Server side code | client side program | network programming | conn variable | conn.recv | os.system | (70:00)
Summary - Server side code | client side program
Server | Socket programming | handle input and output | external sources | IP and port number|while" loop (97:18)
Summary - Server | Socket programming | handle input and output
local IP address | Network programming | Variable|string data | Client and server| while loop (67:16)
Summary - local IP address | Network programming
Threading | Multi-threading | RAM | CPU | Stack memory | function (72:08)
Exception handling | File handling | close() | read() | write() | (88:37)
iteration | TTS | pyttsx3 | program file | speaker | (134:36)
FullStack Training
Day 1 - What is forntend|what is backend|Which language to use for frontend or backend |mvc| Creating web page | Creating form | Start and end tag | tag | what is html | Radio button | Checkbox |difference in radio button and checkbox | Different input types | textarea input type | label tag (114:50)
Day 2 - Events | Browser console | alert() function | onclick() event | prompt() function | creating functions | Running javascript from address bar | Accessing cookies using javascript | Anchor tag | tag | creating variable | concatenation (101:15)
Day 3 - DOM(Document Object Module) | Document Variable | getElementsbyTagName() function | value property | innerHTML property | getElementbyId() function | TextArea() | tag | Creating live html interpreter (106:34)
4. Marquee tag | Var Keyword | Let Keyword | Function in Javascript | Window in Javascript | setInterval() function | setTimeout() function | clearInterval() function | Running live date in the browser using javascript (129:32)
10. Custom data structure | Class | Object | Template | Oops | Ram | list | Initiatioztion | reference | Multi-threding | parallel | inheritance | parent class | child class | single inheritance | base class | drive class | Multiple inheritance | constructor (277:45)
13.1_ Full Stack Web Development Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240605-093959 (54:37)
Machine Learning
3. Activity (173:33)
Summary Session 17
Bonus Session - MLOps Training
Mlops Introduction (152:53)
python basics | List and nested list in python | Data analysis and pandas (267:16)
Numpy Array | Image processing | Image cropping | Data analysis basiccs and linere regression (275:45)
Regression model concept | Linear regression | Image processing (247:13)
Deep Learning Sessions
Session 1-Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)|machine learning model|human brain and neurons|accuracy |feature selection|ANN function|layers | (213:38)
Session 2-dataset|churn modelling|accuracy|chat-gpt|perception|multi-layer|feedforward neural network| (153:12)
Session 3-multi class classification in deep learning|sigmoid|wine dataset (107:07)
Session 4-computer vision in deep learning|cvzone|module|face detection module|hand tracking module (138:54)
Session 5-create code for face detection|multi-factor authentication|face recognition| (71:20)
Session 6-record|Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)| (75:22)
Session 7-create code for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) (96:38)
Session 8-pooling layer|convolution layer|flatten|dense|sequential| (113:22)
Session 9-Introduction of recurrent neural network (RNN) (120:52)
Session 10-data preprocessing|one dimensionalneural network|time series|google stock price test data set (93:12)
Session 11-create code for google stock price test data set (67:15)
NLP Training
Session 1 - 4th Sept-Difference between NLP and nlu | sentiment analysis | implementation of textblob | polarity | subjectivity | objectivity (109:15)
Session 2 - 5th Sept-Implementation on dataset | data handling with pandas | textblob implementation on data (82:44)
Session 3 - 6th Sept-Tokenization | lemmatization | stemming | implementation of nltk (103:26)
Session 4 - 7th Sept-nltk installation | WordNet | Spacy | Automatic Conversion from uppercase to lowercase (113:47)
Session 5 - 11th Sept-Revision Session (66:16)
Session 6 - 12th Sept-NLU |introduction of spacy |token ID|read token|mapping| (101:52)
Prompt Engineering Training
Summary 2
Summary 3
AWS Cloud Training
Summary Session 1
Summary Session 2
Summary session 3
AWS Bonus Sessions
Discussion on Cloud First Approach | Discussion on Cloud Computing Basic | Introduction about Servers | AWS Cloud Introduction | AWS Data centers and their locations | AWS Availability zones | AWS Regions | AWS EC2 (127:21)
Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol | Internet's networking over the globe | Proxy concept | Socks5 Proxy with implementation | Deploying simple web page on EC2 | Global Accelerator | AWS's Global Network Infrastructure (142:04)
Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:28)
Need of the cloud | Public cloud | Ec2 and azure virtual machine | Multicloud strategy | Cost optimisation | Latency issue | Infrastructure as a service | Region and Location | Multicloud architecture | Storage(EBS and Azure disk storage) | Auto scaling (ASG and auto scaling sets) (123:04)
Summary - Need of the cloud | Public cloud
AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI | Access key and secret key | Launching the EC2 instance using CLI | Creating own custom commands | Script | Uploading object in S3 bucket using AWS CLI (110:41)
Summary - AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure
What is a Platform | Platform as a service | Infrastructure as a service | AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Setting up apache webserver in EC2 instance | EC2 vs Beanstalk uses | Setting up AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Domain name | Environment | Creating and uploading the code in Beanstalk (127:10)
Summary - What is a Platform | Platform as a service
What is IAM Role | Policy | Attaching different policies to EC2 | Attaching policies to Lambda function | AWS Systems manager | Nodes | SSM agent | Allowing ssm agent policy for EC2 instance | Running commands in EC2 using the AWS Systems manage (123:08)
Summary - What is IAM Role | Policy
AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga_GMT20240503-151933 (108:28)
Summary - AWS Cloud Training
Linkedin Session
1. Linkedln session By sadaf Tahir_GMT20240615-123327 (48:05)
UI Design Session
1. UI Design Session By Vatsal Sharma today_GMT20240615-052818 (176:33)
2. UI Design Session By Vatsal Sharma on 16th June_GMT20240616-055211 (285:46)
Certified Kubernetes Administrator & Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
Introduction to Kubernetes (57:56)
Lab setup (21:20)
Minikube setup document
Creating pod (27:29)
YAML language (16:55)
Launching first pod from YAML file (45:20)
Labels (50:47)
Replicas (47:24)
Service - Load balancers (72:51)
Types of Load balancers (50:03)
Types of Services (31:22)
Node port & Cluster IP (48:02)
Environmental Variables (36:42)
Replica set (33:15)
Storage in container (44:46)
Storage in kubernetes (65:41)
Storage Class (48:16)
Provisioner (47:46)
Deployment (89:54)
Secret (12:54)
Kustomize (47:52)
Namespace (21:17)
GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga
Session 1 - Introduction of GitOps |Kubernetes| EKS |EKSctl |Kubectl |CICD |SCM tool |Version control system |Jenkins |launch pod |credential |Argo CD Agent |GitOps principle |Create GitHub repo|commit IDs |Install Argo CD Agent |Argo CD dashboard | (180:49)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - Agro CD Agent | GitHub & SCM Tool |Rollback |Create namespace |Web UI & CLI |AgroCd command |Load balancer |Create ArgoCd App |Deploy App |Sync App |History |Argo cd logs |GRPC protocol |Manifest Yaml file |How to manage the yaml file |Customize|Helm chart | (131:57)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - Directory Structure |Integrate Helm chart with the Argo CD |Multi-tier application |Helm Chart |Install helm |Create Charts |Create application |Auto Sync |Prune Resource |Replicas Count |Deployment strategy |Rollback |Parameter (120:23)
Summary - Session 3
4. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241109-082047 (162:50)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 - Concept of Secrets|Passing environmental variables in the container|Creating secrets|Private key|Public key|Encryption|Vault agent |Vault plugins|Sealed secrets|Kubeseal|Auto-create namespace|CRD keyword (118:51)
Summary - Session 5
6. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 8th December_GMT20241208-111545 (130:35)
7. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241215-114511 (112:13)
LLMOps Training specialized in DevOps integrated with GenAI
Session 1 - Generative AI | LLM Model | Few shot Prompt |Chain of thought concept |AI Agents |Frame Work |LangChain |OpenAi Play Ground |Lang chain Tools|Provider|Python |Install Lang chain |Create LLm model |Import Agent |Import Tool|Google Search Library |Google API |SerpApi (110:29)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - AI Agent |Langchain Framework |Tools|SerpAPI|Import Google search |create Env file |Create SerpApi Key|Model + Agent + Tools = Chain|Verbose|Create a Chain of Google search (67:37)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - Use case of CLI|Agent |Tool|Bash shell|Launch Ec2 instance|install pip|install lang chain model |Create a Python program |Shell tool |Create a Llm model for the CLI |Install AWS commands |Launch Ec2 instance with LLm model (100:13)
Session - Session 3
Session 4 - Vector |RAG|Argument |GPT4|Data loader tools|CSV loader|Encoding|Embedding model |Vector database|Faiss|Argument data|Prompt Template |Create LLm Chain |StreamLit library (112:52)
Summary - Session 4
5. LLMOps - Langchain Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 9th November_GMT20241109-124108 (126:14)
Summary - Session 5
Teach online with
Plain Text | Cipher Text | Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management
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