Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Plain Text | Cipher Text | Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management (217:10)
- Useradd Command | adduser Command | GECOS | chfn Command | man Command | finger Command | who Command | w Command | Home Directory | home directory | Bash Shell | Nologin Shell | Shell Program | Interactive Users | Non interactive Users (138:11)
- Superuser | General User | System or Service User | Hashing | Epoch Time | Password Aging (137:51)
- User Permissions| Permissions on a file | Permissions on a directory | Modes | chmod Command | chown Command | su Command | Groups | chgrp Command (149:08)
- DAC (Discretionary Access Control) | Linux Permissions | Special Permissions | Sticky Bit | SGID | SUID | Challenge of 'w' Permission | Set sticky bit on a folder | Primary Group | Secondary Group | newgrp command | gpasswd command | Use case of SUID (147:23)
- POSIX | ACL | getfacl Command | setfacl Command | Mask | Effective Permissions | Umask | Sudo Power| Admin Level Commands | System Level Commands | /etc/sudoers main configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d secondary configuration file | Wheel Group | Visudo (172:25)
- Security Program | Firewall | Network Service | Network Traffic | Firewalld Service | Pre-created rules (Zones) | Custom rules | firewall-cmd Command | Network Interface Card (NIC) | Implement Firewalld on NIC Target | Zones | PAT | Masquerade | Port Forwarding | Rich Rules (194:50)
- Basic concepts of Partition | Hard Disk | Different types of Hard Disk | Steps to create Virtual Hard Disk (100:24)
- Create a Partition (100:08)
- Partition | Format | Mount (94:25)
- LVM | Extend the LV (103:24)
- LVM | Reduce LV (79:12)
- Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
- Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
- Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
- Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
- PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
- Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library | speaker driver | converting strings to audio | DataFrame | resolving row-wise operation limitations faced in dictionaries | Pandas library | loc[] function | .csv files | read_csv() function | describe() function (101:20)
- Summary - Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library
- list in Python | memory address | Copy module | shallow and deep copy | deepcopy() function | 2-D & 3-D lists | Functions | Iteration | for loop (105:39)
- Summary - list in Python | memory address
- Menu program | integration of Python and Linux | If-else conditions | while loops| system| or OS commands in Python | tput setaf <0-7> command | OS module | triple quotes (“””) | input() function | (92:04)
- keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings | File handling | manipulate file | two categories, text file, and binary file | handle file exceptions | append mode| Reading a file | read() | readline() | function tell ()| Closing a file | (125:34)
- Summary - keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings
- File handling | read mode ("r"), | write mode ("w") | append mode ("a") | open() function | tell() method | file position: | Seek() function | (92:15)
- Summary - File handling | read mode ("r"),
- Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure. | object | instantiation | data member |member functions | Access Modifiers | Public | Private | Setter and Getter | (90:45)
- Summary - Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure
- Open() function | hard disk is located | “With” keyword | “speech_recognition” | “Pyaudio”| text.lower() | Google Recognize API | (117:59)
- Module | function (def) | call function | OS module | if __name__ | "__main__" | infinite loop | (88:35)
- Anonymous function |lambda keyword.| adding two numbers function | modulo operator | modulo operator| filter() function | built-in function | database | (90:28)
- Server | Socket programming. | Networking program | IP + port Number means | Bind function | netstat -tnip command. | client | (85:45)
- Summary - Server | Socket programming. | Networking program
- Server side code | client side program | network programming | conn variable | conn.recv | os.system | (70:00)
- Summary - Server side code | client side program
- Server | Socket programming | handle input and output | external sources | IP and port number|while" loop (97:18)
- Summary - Server | Socket programming | handle input and output
- local IP address | Network programming | Variable|string data | Client and server| while loop (67:16)
- Summary - local IP address | Network programming
- Threading | Multi-threading | RAM | CPU | Stack memory | function (72:08)
- Exception handling | File handling | close() | read() | write() | (88:37)
- iteration | TTS | pyttsx3 | program file | speaker | (134:36)
- Day 1 - What is forntend|what is backend|Which language to use for frontend or backend |mvc| Creating web page | Creating form | Start and end tag | tag | what is html | Radio button | Checkbox |difference in radio button and checkbox | Different input types | textarea input type | label tag (114:50)
- Summary
- Day 2 - Events | Browser console | alert() function | onclick() event | prompt() function | creating functions | Running javascript from address bar | Accessing cookies using javascript | Anchor tag | tag | creating variable | concatenation (101:15)
- Summary
- Day 3 - DOM(Document Object Module) | Document Variable | getElementsbyTagName() function | value property | innerHTML property | getElementbyId() function | TextArea() | tag | Creating live html interpreter (106:34)
- Summary
- 4. Marquee tag | Var Keyword | Let Keyword | Function in Javascript | Window in Javascript | setInterval() function | setTimeout() function | clearInterval() function | Running live date in the browser using javascript (129:32)
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- 10. Custom data structure | Class | Object | Template | Oops | Ram | list | Initiatioztion | reference | Multi-threding | parallel | inheritance | parent class | child class | single inheritance | base class | drive class | Multiple inheritance | constructor (277:45)
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- Summary
- 13.1_ Full Stack Web Development Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240605-093959 (54:37)
- Session 1-Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)|machine learning model|human brain and neurons|accuracy |feature selection|ANN function|layers | (213:38)
- Session 2-dataset|churn modelling|accuracy|chat-gpt|perception|multi-layer|feedforward neural network| (153:12)
- Session 3-multi class classification in deep learning|sigmoid|wine dataset (107:07)
- Session 4-computer vision in deep learning|cvzone|module|face detection module|hand tracking module (138:54)
- Session 5-create code for face detection|multi-factor authentication|face recognition| (71:20)
- Session 6-record|Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)| (75:22)
- Session 7-create code for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) (96:38)
- Session 8-pooling layer|convolution layer|flatten|dense|sequential| (113:22)
- Session 9-Introduction of recurrent neural network (RNN) (120:52)
- Session 10-data preprocessing|one dimensionalneural network|time series|google stock price test data set (93:12)
- Session 11-create code for google stock price test data set (67:15)
- Session 1 - 4th Sept-Difference between NLP and nlu | sentiment analysis | implementation of textblob | polarity | subjectivity | objectivity (109:15)
- Session 2 - 5th Sept-Implementation on dataset | data handling with pandas | textblob implementation on data (82:44)
- Session 3 - 6th Sept-Tokenization | lemmatization | stemming | implementation of nltk (103:26)
- Session 4 - 7th Sept-nltk installation | WordNet | Spacy | Automatic Conversion from uppercase to lowercase (113:47)
- Session 5 - 11th Sept-Revision Session (66:16)
- Session 6 - 12th Sept-NLU |introduction of spacy |token ID|read token|mapping| (101:52)
- Discussion on Cloud First Approach | Discussion on Cloud Computing Basic | Introduction about Servers | AWS Cloud Introduction | AWS Data centers and their locations | AWS Availability zones | AWS Regions | AWS EC2 (127:21)
- Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol | Internet's networking over the globe | Proxy concept | Socks5 Proxy with implementation | Deploying simple web page on EC2 | Global Accelerator | AWS's Global Network Infrastructure (142:04)
- Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:28)
- Need of the cloud | Public cloud | Ec2 and azure virtual machine | Multicloud strategy | Cost optimisation | Latency issue | Infrastructure as a service | Region and Location | Multicloud architecture | Storage(EBS and Azure disk storage) | Auto scaling (ASG and auto scaling sets) (123:04)
- Summary - Need of the cloud | Public cloud
- AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI | Access key and secret key | Launching the EC2 instance using CLI | Creating own custom commands | Script | Uploading object in S3 bucket using AWS CLI (110:41)
- Summary - AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure
- What is a Platform | Platform as a service | Infrastructure as a service | AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Setting up apache webserver in EC2 instance | EC2 vs Beanstalk uses | Setting up AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Domain name | Environment | Creating and uploading the code in Beanstalk (127:10)
- Summary - What is a Platform | Platform as a service
- What is IAM Role | Policy | Attaching different policies to EC2 | Attaching policies to Lambda function | AWS Systems manager | Nodes | SSM agent | Allowing ssm agent policy for EC2 instance | Running commands in EC2 using the AWS Systems manage (123:08)
- Summary - What is IAM Role | Policy
- AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga_GMT20240503-151933 (108:28)
- Summary - AWS Cloud Training
- Introduction to Kubernetes (57:56)
- Lab setup (21:20)
- Minikube setup document
- Creating pod (27:29)
- YAML language (16:55)
- Launching first pod from YAML file (45:20)
- Summary
- Labels (50:47)
- Replicas (47:24)
- Summary
- Service - Load balancers (72:51)
- Summary
- Types of Load balancers (50:03)
- Summary
- Types of Services (31:22)
- Node port & Cluster IP (48:02)
- Summary
- Environmental Variables (36:42)
- Replica set (33:15)
- Summary
- Storage in container (44:46)
- Storage in kubernetes (65:41)
- Summary
- Storage Class (48:16)
- Provisioner (47:46)
- Summary
- Deployment (89:54)
- Summary
- Secret (12:54)
- Kustomize (47:52)
- Summary
- Namespace (21:17)
- Session 1 - Introduction of GitOps |Kubernetes| EKS |EKSctl |Kubectl |CICD |SCM tool |Version control system |Jenkins |launch pod |credential |Argo CD Agent |GitOps principle |Create GitHub repo|commit IDs |Install Argo CD Agent |Argo CD dashboard | (180:49)
- Summary - Session 1
- Session 2 - Agro CD Agent | GitHub & SCM Tool |Rollback |Create namespace |Web UI & CLI |AgroCd command |Load balancer |Create ArgoCd App |Deploy App |Sync App |History |Argo cd logs |GRPC protocol |Manifest Yaml file |How to manage the yaml file |Customize|Helm chart | (131:57)
- Summary - Session 2
- Session 3 - Directory Structure |Integrate Helm chart with the Argo CD |Multi-tier application |Helm Chart |Install helm |Create Charts |Create application |Auto Sync |Prune Resource |Replicas Count |Deployment strategy |Rollback |Parameter (120:23)
- Summary - Session 3
- 4. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241109-082047 (162:50)
- Summary - Session 4
- Session 5 - Concept of Secrets|Passing environmental variables in the container|Creating secrets|Private key|Public key|Encryption|Vault agent |Vault plugins|Sealed secrets|Kubeseal|Auto-create namespace|CRD keyword (118:51)
- Summary - Session 5
- 6. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 8th December_GMT20241208-111545 (130:35)
- 7. GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241215-114511 (112:13)
- Session 1 - Generative AI | LLM Model | Few shot Prompt |Chain of thought concept |AI Agents |Frame Work |LangChain |OpenAi Play Ground |Lang chain Tools|Provider|Python |Install Lang chain |Create LLm model |Import Agent |Import Tool|Google Search Library |Google API |SerpApi (110:29)
- Summary - Session 1
- Session 2 - AI Agent |Langchain Framework |Tools|SerpAPI|Import Google search |create Env file |Create SerpApi Key|Model + Agent + Tools = Chain|Verbose|Create a Chain of Google search (67:37)
- Summary - Session 2
- Session 3 - Use case of CLI|Agent |Tool|Bash shell|Launch Ec2 instance|install pip|install lang chain model |Create a Python program |Shell tool |Create a Llm model for the CLI |Install AWS commands |Launch Ec2 instance with LLm model (100:13)
- Session - Session 3
- Session 4 - Vector |RAG|Argument |GPT4|Data loader tools|CSV loader|Encoding|Embedding model |Vector database|Faiss|Argument data|Prompt Template |Create LLm Chain |StreamLit library (112:52)
- Summary - Session 4
- 5. LLMOps - Langchain Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 9th November_GMT20241109-124108 (126:14)
- Summary - Session 5
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.