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Supporting Indian Govt's Skill Development Initiative : Complete Linux Training Program by Mr. Vimal Daga
Supporting Indian Govt's Skill Development Initiative : Complete Linux Program
Session 1 - Introduction of Linux |Operating System |CPU/RAM/Hardware|Linux distributor |RHEL9|Install RHEL9|Way to install OS|Bare metal |Virtualization |Cloud computing |Container technology |Hypervisor |Install Oracle VM|Rhel Image|ISO Image |Install RHel in VM |Root account |GUI & CLI & WebUI (120:13)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - GUI & CLI |Firefox Command |Crtl + c|Which Command |Gedit |Firefox code|Open Source Code |Gnome ScreenShot|foreground |Jobs command |Ping command |RAM File |Ctrl + z|Free command |History Command |Ctrl + l|Ctrl + s|Ctrl + q|Mkdir |Persistent Storage |ls & cd & Cat |Use of touch command (94:10)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - Terminal |Folder/directory |Storage |Unalias command |Packages management |RPM Format |Install the software |Instruction |rpm command |Erase software |Source|ISO file |Repository |Link Windows to Linux |AppStream & BaseStream |df command |Mount |Install firefox |Yum/Dnf command (108:00)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4 - Create User | Switch User | Multi-User | Ctrl+ alt+ function key | Booting | Record Screen | Yum configuration | Repository | write the yum configuration file | File protocol | Install httpd (109:34)
Summary Session 4
Session 5 - Text Editor |Vim Editor |Insert mode|Command mode |Vi command |User management |Permissions |Authentication |IAM concept |Create User |useradd command |passwd file |shadow file |Set password |Remove password |User ID |Admin user |General user |System user |Root password | Finger database (105:11)
Summary Session 5
Quiz & QNA (79:23)
Session 6 - UserAdd command |UID|Password|Shadow file |Crypt |Home Directory |/ Driver |Absolute Path |Etc file|Create User|Skeleton |Hide and unhide folder |Bash rc file (77:36)
Summary - Session 6
Session 7 - Home directory |Passwd file|Getent|Ldap concept |Shell|bash shell|Bash command |Interactive and Non-interactive user |No login |Path concept |UID|Authentication |Switch user |Usermod|Shadow file|Recursive directory concept |Remove file |Secure file |Last Command |Log file |Pam concept (85:41)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - Shadow file |Passwd |Q password|Hashing concept |Count algorithm|Rainbow Table |md5sum|Encryption and decryption|sha512 algorithm|Salt |mkpasswd command|Change password|Epoch time (101:09)
Summary - Session 8
Session 9 - Add New User | Password Management File | Set User Password | Modify User Account| Password Expiration | Account Inactivity | Account Expiration | Switch User | PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) (96:03)
Summary - Session 9
10. Security | File and user Permissions | Acees Control | Read, write, execute ,edit operations | access modes | Discretionary Access | Chmod command | Owner of object | User owner, group owner and others | Creating group | Group password | Creating user with custom group | changing group owner (116:06)
10_1. Linux Admin Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241113-153714 (65:48)
11. Sticky bit |SGID|SUID |W permission |Chmod command |t power |Change permission |Program file |Process |root power |Change password |Chown command |Escalation concept |Privilege Escalation|w & r & x |Binary code |Machine code |Linker |Loader |Umask (121:08)
Summary Session 11
12. Linux Admin Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241115-153622 (102:50)
Summary session 12
12_1. Linux Training revision Session on 19th November_GMT20241119-151645 (74:28)
13. Linux Admin Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241121-153406 (117:49)
Summary - Session 13
Summary - Session 14
Summary Session 15
Summary Session 16
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Summary Session 16
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