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Generative AIOps Training by Mr. Vimal Daga
Linux Training
Day 1 - Why we need an OS | Basic commands in linux | Interrupt Signals | Ctrl key shortcuts | Date command and its options | Man command | How to run any command/program in background | Creating the file and directory | Uses of Pipe symbol (222:23)
Day 2 - Shells in Linux | Local host | Remote host | What is Virtualisation | Bridge adaptor | Ping command | Ifconfig command | Setting up remote host | What is Ssh protocol | What is a process | Ps-aux | Process id | X11 program to launch graphical program | Enabling ssh root login (210:21)
Day 3 - What is software/package | rpm command | How to check software behind any command | Installing and uninstalling softwares Check softwares in the ISO | What is yum | Yum configuration | How to switch to root user | Vi editor | Vi editor options (154:37)
Day 4 -What is docker | Docker Installation | Different ways of installing OS | Docker host | What is Containerization | What is Container | Docker ps command | Docker pull command | Docker run command | Giving name to a container | Docker start command | Docker attach command (197:19)
Day 5 - script command | running coomand without login on remote system | absolute path | cd .. command | / directory | scp commmand | docker info command | docker rm command | mounting external drive to docker container (202:40)
Day 6 -different type of server | Apache web server | Install the client software | CLI and GUI | HTTP Server | Web server configuraton | Protocols | Web client setup (213:55)
7. Install podman | custom images | container os | configuration | install python3 | commit | docker file | environment | container file | workspace | diarectory | interactive and non interactive command | docker file keyword | docker hub | docker pull | docker push | tagging | docker registory (175:57)
8. Install python | docker file | cmd keyword | versioning | build time | run time | history keyword | copy keyword | and keyword | mount code | Entrypoint keyword | docker file keyword (242:22)
9. sudo concept | root power | sudoer file | sodu command | non- interactive command | password | install httpd | detached | Apache web server | selinux | cgi-bin | backend services (84:33)
10. Networking | LAN/ NIC/N/W / Ethernet Card | Wireless | IP address | fishing Attack | key network | mac address | octet | bytes | 4 octet | DNS server | look up | IPV4 | binary calculater | layer 7 firewall | server | network program | port number (75:13)
11. Linux Adminstration V9 Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 5th May 2024_GMT20240605-053001 (128:41)
Summary 11
12. port number | pating | nating | kubernetes | fault tolerance | availability | container management tool | orchestration tool | kubernetes service | Minikube | kubectl command | cluster info | pod | launch pod | deployment | cri- (79:01)
13. Linux Adminstration V9 Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240613-082801 (66:10)
14. Linux Adminstration V9 Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240614-085029 (59:31)
Bonus Sessions - Linux
Plain Text | Cipher Text | Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management (217:10)
Useradd Command | adduser Command | GECOS | chfn Command | man Command | finger Command | who Command | w Command | Home Directory | home directory | Bash Shell | Nologin Shell | Shell Program | Interactive Users | Non interactive Users (138:11)
Superuser | General User | System or Service User | Hashing | Epoch Time | Password Aging (137:51)
User Permissions| Permissions on a file | Permissions on a directory | Modes | chmod Command | chown Command | su Command | Groups | chgrp Command (149:08)
DAC (Discretionary Access Control) | Linux Permissions | Special Permissions | Sticky Bit | SGID | SUID | Challenge of 'w' Permission | Set sticky bit on a folder | Primary Group | Secondary Group | newgrp command | gpasswd command | Use case of SUID (147:23)
POSIX | ACL | getfacl Command | setfacl Command | Mask | Effective Permissions | Umask | Sudo Power| Admin Level Commands | System Level Commands | /etc/sudoers main configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d secondary configuration file | Wheel Group | Visudo (172:25)
Security Program | Firewall | Network Service | Network Traffic | Firewalld Service | Pre-created rules (Zones) | Custom rules | firewall-cmd Command | Network Interface Card (NIC) | Implement Firewalld on NIC Target | Zones | PAT | Masquerade | Port Forwarding | Rich Rules (194:50)
Basic concepts of Partition | Hard Disk | Different types of Hard Disk | Steps to create Virtual Hard Disk (100:24)
Create a Partition (100:08)
Partition | Format | Mount (94:25)
LVM | Extend the LV (103:24)
LVM | Reduce LV (79:12)
Docker Bonus Session
Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
Python Training
Day 1 - Why we need a programming language | Print() function |variables | System() function | Storing multiple data| Data structures | Tuple data structure | List data structure | Len() function | Difference between list and tuple | Slicing operator| Numpy library| Array data structure| Pip command (156:01)
Day 2 - Dictionary | Pandas | Dataframe | iloc function | identation | if-else | input function | creating menu like program to select from multiple options | Os module (143:54)
Day 3 - creating Function | Right use case of functions | parameterized function | positional arguments | readability of the code | os module | not operator | for loop | and operator | subprocess.getouput() function (141:12)
4. Lis | Tuple | Functions | variables | Array | one-dimensional array | two-dimensional array (matrix) | OpenCV library | 3d array (144:23)
5. brainstorming (79:30)
6. Boolean | data type | Function | Variable | Keyword | Special keyword | Operator | For loop | String | While loop | Library (120:31)
7. Gateway interface | CGI program | API | Http protocol | Rest API | Aws cloud | Ec2 service | firewall | launch Ec2 instance | public IP | create web application | web server | install httpd | URL | which command | program file | Executable command | content type | backend code (150:54)
8. Cgi-bin | Web server | input function | search engine | q variable | query string | import cgi | field storage function | security group | ssh login | cell injection | pre tag | html form | action tag | test Api | postman tool | install postman | crud operation | get method | put method (159:32)
8.1_Python Programming Training By Mr. Vimal DagaGMT20240528-103753 (112:18)
9. Custom data structure | Template| list | Initiatioztion | reference | Multi-threding | parallel | inheritance | single inheritance | base class | drive class | Multiple inheritance | constructor | crud operation | public variable | private keyword | access modifier concept (277:45)
10. opencv | numpy array | crop face | object | computer vision | model | haar cascade | haar cascade face director model | Cascade classifier | detect multi scale function | 2D | coordination | face recognition | not keyword | None keyword (212:48)
11. cvzone | Tzdata | Cv2 | hand tracking | hand Detector | Find hand | hand landmarks | import os | if else program | pose tracking (215:47)
12. Class | Object | Memory | RAM | Variable | Function (149:02)
13. Variable | Function | Object | Class | Keyword | Get method | Set method | Custom data structure | List | Constructor (72:36)
14. MongoDB | Storage devices | database management system | SQL language | unstructured data | Document oriented data base | row oriented data base | graph databases | Crud operation | CLI & GUI & python | mongo shell | compass | protocol | connections string | data format | get collection (142:03)
15. pymongo | dir function | mongo client | database | drop database | get database | create database | collection | find method | insert one | cursor | find all | json format | for loop | file handling | operators | $gt | $gte | while loop | constructor | multi tier architecture (128:17)
16. module | function | import keyword | py extensions | dir function | main module | multiple lines string | polymorphism | + keyword | doc string | from keyword | del keyword | module path | lambda function | anonymous function | call back function | higher order function | filter function (109:43)
17. module | function | import keyword | py extensions | dir function | main module | multiple lines string | polymorphism | + keyword | doc string | from keyword | del keyword | module path | lambda function | anonymous function | call back function | higher order function (49:39)
Bonus Session - Python
Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library | speaker driver | converting strings to audio | DataFrame | resolving row-wise operation limitations faced in dictionaries | Pandas library | loc[] function | .csv files | read_csv() function | describe() function (101:20)
list in Python | memory address | Copy module | shallow and deep copy | deepcopy() function | 2-D & 3-D lists | Functions | Iteration | for loop (105:39)
Summary - list in Python | memory address
Menu program | integration of Python and Linux | If-else conditions | while loops| system| or OS commands in Python | tput setaf <0-7> command | OS module | triple quotes (“””) | input() function | (92:04)
keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings | File handling | manipulate file | two categories, text file, and binary file | handle file exceptions | append mode| Reading a file | read() | readline() | function tell ()| Closing a file | (125:34)
Summary - keyword |all types of containers: lists, dicts, sets, strings
File handling | read mode ("r"), | write mode ("w") | append mode ("a") | open() function | tell() method | file position: | Seek() function | (92:15)
Summary - File handling | read mode ("r"),
Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure. | object | instantiation | data member |member functions | Access Modifiers | Public | Private | Setter and Getter | (90:45)
Summary - Object Oriented Programming | Classes |data structure
Open() function | hard disk is located | “With” keyword | “speech_recognition” | “Pyaudio”| text.lower() | Google Recognize API | (117:59)
Module | function (def) | call function | OS module | if __name__ | "__main__" | infinite loop | (88:35)
Anonymous function |lambda keyword.| adding two numbers function | modulo operator | modulo operator| filter() function | built-in function | database | (90:28)
Summary - Lists | text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library
Server | Socket programming. | Networking program | IP + port Number means | Bind function | netstat -tnip command. | client | (85:45)
Summary - Server | Socket programming. | Networking program
Server side code | client side program | network programming | conn variable | conn.recv | os.system | (70:00)
Summary - Server side code | client side program
Server | Socket programming | handle input and output | external sources | IP and port number|while" loop (97:18)
Summary - Server | Socket programming | handle input and output
local IP address | Network programming | Variable|string data | Client and server| while loop (67:16)
Summary - local IP address | Network programming
Threading | Multi-threading | RAM | CPU | Stack memory | function (72:08)
Exception handling | File handling | close() | read() | write() | (88:37)
iteration | TTS | pyttsx3 | program file | speaker | (134:36)
Machine Learning
Day 1 -What is machine learning | machine learning works | How to think and find the formula | Artificial General Intelligence | What are Features | What is Feature Selection | Feature elimination | Dependent Variable | Independent Variable | Co-efficient | Hit and trial method | Loss function (107:23)
Day 2 -What is a dataset | Linear regression | Scikit learn library | What are Features | Dependent and independent variables | Pandas Library | Why to use pandas | Model fitting | Converting 1D data into 2D data | What is Supervised learning | Joblib library (120:51)
3. Activity (173:33)
4. Accuracy linear regression | pandas | values keyword | convert 1D to 2D | coefficient | bias concept | visualization technique | data point | historical data | slope | best fit line | simple linear regression | EDA technique | Matplotlib | intercept | parameter | residuals (114:59)
5. Error | Loss function | cost function | Mean Absolute Error (MAE) | Learning Curve | Slope | weightage | bias | mean_absolute_error function | model selection (110:58)
6. Multi-Linear Regression | Statistical Analysis | Features | weight | Categorical Variable | Handling Categorical Variables | One Hot Encoding | Dummy Variable | Dummy Variable trap (104:09)
7. Dummy variable trap | independent variables | Categorical | test set | training Set | Data Preprocessing | train test split | random state 6 (57:22)
8. supervised learning | CLassification | Regression | Binary Classification | Sigmoid Function | Logestic Regression | Titanic Data set | Seaborn Library | EDA (138:45)
9. confusion matrix | split dataset | train test split | random state | true positive | true negative | false positive | false negative | actual value | predicted value | type 1 and type 2 error (111:50)
10. confusion matrix | split dataset | train test split | random state | true positive | true negative | false positive | false negative | actual value | predicted value | type 1 and type 2 error (120:48)
11. What is deep learning | Pattern | What is neuron | Input layer | Hidden layer | Output layer | Activation function | Feedforward neural network (121:19)
12. Tensorflow library | Keras library | Neuron | Neural networks | Artificial neural network | Activation function | Perceptron | Creating own neural network | Dense function | Data imputation | Loss function (91:48)
13. Churm modelling dataset | Brain | Nodes | Training model for churn modelling | Supervised learning | Sequential model | Relu activation function | Sigmoid activation | function | Input layer | Hidden layer (114:10)
14. Creating model for churn modelling | Feature engineering on churn dataset | Multi-layer perceptron | Kernel initialiser | Glorot uniform initialiser (101:44)
15. Wines dataset | Creating model for wines dataset | One-hot encoding | Multicollinearity | Softmax activation function | Output attribute | Input attribute (80:38)
16. Training on wines dataset | HeNormal initialisation | Input_dim | Softmax activation function | Categorical crossentropy loss | Adam optimizer | Matrics | Epochs (90:56)
Summary 17
18. Auto feature extraction | convolution | pixel | records | stride | convore layer | feature map | convolution2D | Sequential | kernel size | brain lobes | occipital lobes | activation function | input data | input shape | 3D image | pooling | mean pooling | max pooling | average pooling (109:33)
Bonus Session - MLOps Training
Mlops Introduction (152:53)
python basics | List and nested list in python | Data analysis and pandas (267:16)
Numpy Array | Image processing | Image cropping | Data analysis basiccs and linere regression (275:45)
Regression model concept | Linear regression | Image processing (247:13)
Deep Learning Sessions
Session 1-Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)|machine learning model|human brain and neurons|accuracy |feature selection|ANN function|layers | (213:38)
Session 2-dataset|churn modelling|accuracy|chat-gpt|perception|multi-layer|feedforward neural network| (153:12)
Session 3-multi class classification in deep learning|sigmoid|wine dataset (107:07)
Session 4-computer vision in deep learning|cvzone|module|face detection module|hand tracking module (138:54)
Session 5-create code for face detection|multi-factor authentication|face recognition| (71:20)
Session 6-record|Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)| (75:22)
Session 7-create code for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) (96:38)
Session 8-pooling layer|convolution layer|flatten|dense|sequential| (113:22)
Session 9-Introduction of recurrent neural network (RNN) (120:52)
Session 10-data preprocessing|one dimensionalneural network|time series|google stock price test data set (93:12)
Session 11-create code for google stock price test data set (67:15)
NLP Training
Session 1 - 4th Sept-Difference between NLP and nlu | sentiment analysis | implementation of textblob | polarity | subjectivity | objectivity (109:15)
Session 2 - 5th Sept-Implementation on dataset | data handling with pandas | textblob implementation on data (82:44)
Session 3 - 6th Sept-Tokenization | lemmatization | stemming | implementation of nltk (103:26)
Session 4 - 7th Sept-nltk installation | WordNet | Spacy | Automatic Conversion from uppercase to lowercase (113:47)
Session 5 - 11th Sept-Revision Session (66:16)
Session 6 - 12th Sept-NLU |introduction of spacy |token ID|read token|mapping| (101:52)
AWS Cloud Training
1. Cloud Computing Concept | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU | Compute Devices | Importance of OS & Physical Devices | Scalability Concepts | CSP(Cloud Service Provider) | Servers Or Instances | AWS Services | EC2 Service | Availability Zones | Regions | Latency | Ways To Launch OS | Automation Code (323:46)
2. Pay as go model | lambda service | Serverless | fully managed services | tenant/user | responsibly | function | microservice | create lambada | Ec2 service launch from lambda | AMI ID | variables | short live program | time out | API | put rule | traffic route | Get method (286:30)
3. IAM | Root account | Create IAM user | permission policies | crud operation | console Url | full access | administrator access | power user | access key | secret key | monitoring | cloud watch | CPU utilization | time series database | instance ID | graph | invocation | log group | log event (302:51)
4. AWS Cloud Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 8th June 2024 _GMT20240608-082117 (178:03)
5. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 15th June 2024_GMT20240615-093007 (118:01)
AWS Bonus Sessions
Discussion on Cloud First Approach | Discussion on Cloud Computing Basic | Introduction about Servers | AWS Cloud Introduction | AWS Data centers and their locations | AWS Availability zones | AWS Regions | AWS EC2 (127:21)
Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol | Internet's networking over the globe | Proxy concept | Socks5 Proxy with implementation | Deploying simple web page on EC2 | Global Accelerator | AWS's Global Network Infrastructure (142:04)
Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:28)
Need of the cloud | Public cloud | Ec2 and azure virtual machine | Multicloud strategy | Cost optimisation | Latency issue | Infrastructure as a service | Region and Location | Multicloud architecture | Storage(EBS and Azure disk storage) | Auto scaling (ASG and auto scaling sets) (123:04)
Summary - Need of the cloud | Public cloud
AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI | Access key and secret key | Launching the EC2 instance using CLI | Creating own custom commands | Script | Uploading object in S3 bucket using AWS CLI (110:41)
Summary - AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure
What is a Platform | Platform as a service | Infrastructure as a service | AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Setting up apache webserver in EC2 instance | EC2 vs Beanstalk uses | Setting up AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Domain name | Environment | Creating and uploading the code in Beanstalk (127:10)
Summary - What is a Platform | Platform as a service
What is IAM Role | Policy | Attaching different policies to EC2 | Attaching policies to Lambda function | AWS Systems manager | Nodes | SSM agent | Allowing ssm agent policy for EC2 instance | Running commands in EC2 using the AWS Systems manage (123:08)
Summary - What is IAM Role | Policy
AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga_GMT20240503-151933 (108:28)
Summary - AWS Cloud Training
Prompt Engineering Training
1. prompt engineering | What is Generative AI | Contexts | Long term memory | What is LSTM | Context keyword | models | What is LLM | OpenAI | Hallucination problem | What is fine tuning | OpenAI playground | Some basic prompts example | Giving roles to the chatgpt | What is system role (281:00)
2. System role | Assistant role | LLM module | Open AI | openai play ground | Temperature | parameters | openai library | chat competition model | context window | GPT-3. 5 turbo | Tokens | Embedding model | open ai Tokenizer | pricing | Tokens | Maximum Tokens | API keys (184:18)
3. generative | zero shot problem | QNA type prompting | few shot prompting | chain of thought | fine tuning | think step by step | input keyword | contact (238:59)
Generative AI Training
Session 1 - 8th July=Prompt Engineering Use Cases|Question Answering|Text Summarization|Adversarial prompting|one-shot-learning| (477:51)
Session 2 - 9th July-chatgpt 4| difference between chatgpt 3.5 and 4|Generated Knowledge Prompting|chatgpt hack (526:23)
Session 3 - 15th July-LLM|use case of LLM|langchain model (217:37)
Session -3 - Summary
Session 4 - 16th July-langchain |create your own langchain tool from basics (301:29)
Session 5 - 13th August-openAI|LLM model| embedding llm|langchain|Query| (281:24)
LLMOps Training specialized in DevOps integrated with GenAI
Session 1 - Generative AI | LLM Model | Few shot Prompt |Chain of thought concept |AI Agents |Frame Work |LangChain |OpenAi Play Ground |Lang chain Tools|Provider|Python |Install Lang chain |Create LLm model |Import Agent |Import Tool|Google Search Library |Google API |SerpApi (110:29)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - AI Agent |Langchain Framework |Tools|SerpAPI|Import Google search |create Env file |Create SerpApi Key|Model + Agent + Tools = Chain|Verbose|Create a Chain of Google search (67:37)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - Use case of CLI|Agent |Tool|Bash shell|Launch Ec2 instance|install pip|install lang chain model |Create a Python program |Shell tool |Create a Llm model for the CLI |Install AWS commands |Launch Ec2 instance with LLm model (100:13)
Session - Session 3
4. LLMOps - Langchain Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 16th October_GMT20241016-133629 (112:52)
Shell Scripting Training
Session 1 - Shell Scripting Training and Benefits | Scripting and Automation in Linux | Scripting Language | Command Handling | Linux Commands and Scripting Techniques | Linux Piping | Real-Time Memory Utilization | Exploring DevOps and Scripting Concepts (194:47)
2. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 22nd December_GMT20241222-094335 (227:40)
Summary Session 2
2.1_Revision Session_1. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 22nd December_GMT20241222-090537 (37:47)
3. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 23rd Dec 2024_GMT20241223-102226 (221:19)
9. sudo concept | root power | sudoer file | sodu command | non- interactive command | password | install httpd | detached | Apache web server | selinux | cgi-bin | backend services
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