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DEVOPS Tools - Mastering Jenkins Session By Mr. Vimal Daga - Feb 2024
Basic Prequsite Videos
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS Red Hat - Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
How To Download RedHat Linux @ No Cost (3:48)
Install RedHat OS RHEL 8 Using Virtualization Over Oracle Virtualbox (38:02)
How to Configure YUM DNF in RedHat 8 (42:11)
Linux Basic Videos (44:14)
DEVOPS Tools - Mastering Jenkins Session By Mr. Vimal Daga Feb 24
1.Why Jenkins ? | Jenkins Alternative Tool | Testing automation tool | SCM -GitHub | DevOps in Industry | CI/CD | Pull & Push Code | End To End Process | Reprovisioning | Java In Jenkins | Automation tools | Private & Public Key Concept | DevOps methodology | Jenkins Installation (127:21)
Summary - Session 1
1.1 Revision session (59:29)
2. " Why do we Need Jenkins? | Manual Setup & Automated Setup Concept | Jobs/Item/Projects In Jenkins | Sudo Power to Jenkins | Privileges Concepts | Interactive & Non-Interactive Commands | Web-Server Configuration Via Jenkins | Permission Concepts In Linux | SCM-GitHub | GitHub Repository (181:42)
Summary Session-2
3. Importance Of Plugins | Multi-System Concept | Distributed Scheduling Concept | Jobs(Executors) | Credentials In Jnekins | Master-Slave Setup | Pre-requisites For Slave-Configuration | Slave Agent Program | Workspace/Root-Directory | Launch Container Via Jenkins | SCM-Github (216:15)
Summary - Session 3
4. Working Difference of Master & Slave Node | Uses Of Triggers | Deployment Strategies | End To End Automation Concept | Integration of Jenkins with K8S & GitHub | Code push to GitHub via GitBash | Poll SCM | GitHub-Webhook | Image push To docker hub | Test Cases-Manual & Automated (197:03)
Summary - Session 4
5. Slave nodes | Jobs | Parameter | Function | String parameter | Default value | Job ID | Environment veriable | Build number variable | Job name variable | SCM tools | Build the Docker image | Docker file | Docker hub | Overwrite image | Rollback | Trigger | Multiple stages | Post build actions (153:54)
Summary - Session 5
5.1 Revision Session (67:53)
6. Pipeline As A code | Permanent Agent(Slave) | Dynamic Provisioning | Docker Plugin | Cloud | Daemon | Security Groups | Docker Image | Docker Hub | Slave Node Via SSH | Slave Node Configuration | JDK Setup In Node | Image Pull From DockerHub | Jenkins Docker Agent | Pull Strategy Of Agent | (165:30)
Summary - Session 6
7. " Automations | Dependency | Job creation | WebUI, CLI and API | Job/Pipeline | Create job Automatically | Create a pipeline Automatically | Pipeline as code (PAC) | Launch Jenkins in kubernetes | Expose Jenkins | Jenkins pod | Logs command | Pipeline plugin | SCM tools (183:28)
Summary - Session 7
Jenkins Extra Sessions
What is Devops ? (27:38)
Continuous deployment | Continuous testing | Continuous Integration (74:49)
Maven integration with Jenkins (79:20)
Windows as a Slave node (36:07)
Jenkins Integration with Kubernetes (128:36)
Different ways to interact with Jenkins | Environmental variable| IAM & RBAC in Jenkins| Environmental variable (88:56)
Extra Session
Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management (217:10)
1: Introduction of Git and Github (14:43)
2: Understanding the Anatomy of Git: Backups, Deltas, Tracking Index, Snapshots (44:35)
3: Git Snapshotting and Repository Management: Creating, Initializing, Tracking, Untracking Files (62:37)
4: Level up Your Git Skills: Global Configuration, .gitignore, Reset, Alias, File Deletion in Git (56:32)
5: Understanding Main/Master Branch, Feature Branch, Merging, and Fast Forward Merge (85:53)
6: Git and GitHub Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide to CVCS, GitHub introduction, Markdown Language (43:26)
7: Integrating Git with GitHub: A Comprehensive Guide (68:12)
8: Advanced Git Operations: Visualizing Git with GitViz, Detached HEAD, Recursive Merge Strategy (65:58)
9: Exploring Git's Hidden Gems: Amending Commits, Understanding Reachable and Orphaned Commits (31:45)
10: Mastering Git Commands: Squash, Reset, Fetch, Clone, and More! (97:30)
11: Mastering Git and GitHub: Navigating Rebase, Forks, and Merge Conflicts (84:20)
12: Maximizing Git and GitHub: Exploring Organizations, Settings & Insights, and Webhooks (40:10)
13: Git & GitHub Advanced Techniques:Stash,Restore,Cherrypicking, Revert,GitKraken,Issue Management (71:47)
Docker Session 1 - Operating system | Containerization | Containerization products | OS Environment | AWS Cloud |AWS Linux operating system | sudo su |docker install |docker start | docker ps | docker image | use different docker image | docker run | exit | docker ps -a | docker attach | ping (136:34)
Docker Session 2 - Docker Stop | Docker rm | ifconfig | whatprovides | docker stop $(docker ps -q) | docker rm -f $(docker ps -q) | docker custom image create | docker commit | docker file |FROM & RUN keyword | docker build | docker image | echo 3> / proc/sys/vm/drop_caches (109:47)
Docker Session 3 - Webserver | httpd webserver | install httpd | systemctl start httpd | systemctl status httpd | ps -aux | docker start | curl | docker file | RUN echo "hi LW" > /var/www/html/index.html | docker build | CMD keyword | docker cp | COPY keyword | docker history | "bin/bash" (125:27)
Docker Session 4 - docker -h | dockerfile | base image | centos | Ubuntu | docker build | ---ulimit | --ulimit nofile=1024000:1024000 | docker run | DIND | create docker file | ps _aux | RUN&CMD | docker history | DFORGROUND | docker inspect | horizontal scaling | public & private IP | patting (123:42)
Session 1 - Kubernetes Multi-Node Cluster Setup (148:42)
Session 2 - Kubernetes Multi-Node Cluster Setup (196:51)
Sudo Power| Admin Level Commands | System Level Commands | /etc/sudoers main configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d secondary configuration file | Wheel Group | Visudo (172:26)
Kubernetes Multi-Node Cluster Setup - Session 1 (148:42)
Kubernetes Multi-Node Cluster Setup - Session 2 (196:51)
Summary - Session 4
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