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Complete System Design Training by Mr. Vimal Daga
Basic Prerequisite Videos
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS Red Hat - Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
AWS - Putty Linux Connect Setup (18:39)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
System Design
Session 1 - 25th Nov - Introduction system design | use case of system design |load balancer (85:26)
Session 1 - Introduction-microservice architecture | Highly maintainable and testable|Loosely coupled|Independently deployable|stack| deployment | monolithic architecture | Infrastructure challenge|Development challenge|Reliability|Microservices provide several advantages| (151:11)
Session 2 - 27th Nov - MicroServices Introduction | CRUD Operations | Introduction to Quarkus Framework | Introduction to Rest API and API gateway | JAVA Amazon Correto Installation | Maven Installation and Environmental variable setup | Quarkus Installation with maven | Creation of Quarkus Project | Running a Quarkus project (167:55)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 4th Dec - " HTTP Methods | Standard Specifications | Rest API | Implement Rest API | Quarkus Libraries | Call Function Remotely | Call Function Locally | Http Protocol | Pre-created Package | Annotation| Import Keyword | How to expose function ? | @GET Annotation | @PRODUCES Annotation | @PATH Annotation | mvnw Command | Route or Path or Endpoint | Plain Text Format | Standard Key Value Pair| JSON Format | pom.yml File" (162:41)
Session 4 - 17th Dec - Rest API | JAX-Rs |Rest Easy library | Annotation | Using a constructor to feed the data | List keyword | List of function |Pom.xml file | /all endpoint | /count endpoint | Query string | Path Parameter | Stream Function | Filter function (127:08)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 18th Dec- RestAPI | Annotation | EJB Bean | Pre-created Functions | Pre-created Resources | Pre-created Repositories | Expose Function | Inject Function | Scoped Application | CDI (125:30)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 24th Dec - Curd Operations | Annotations | Repositories File | Post Function |Postman Tool (118:37)
Summary - Session 6
Session 7 - 7th Jan - Json Binding | Smallrye | Schemas | Open API | Swagger | Operation Annotation | Load Banner | ASCII Art (93:34)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - 8th Jan - "ISBN | Allocation of ISBN | Synchronous Communication | Logger | Swagger | Create Form | Create Proxy " (174:01)
Summary - Session 8
Session 9 - 20th Jan - "Rest-API | CRUD Operation | Custom Image | Run -Time | Pre-created Images | Build Configuration | Deploy app on top of Openshift | ISBN Number | Synchronous Communication | Swagger | Fault Tolerance | Exception | Timeout" (119:08)
Summary - Session 9
Session 10 - 29th Jan - Design Pattern & Design Principle (128:32)
Session 10 - Summary
Session 11 - 5th Feb - Circuit Breaker Pattern | Thread & Thread pool | Threshold Limits | Circuit states : Open, Closed, Half Open | Bulkhead Pattern | Cascading Failure | Hystrix Library (118:20)
Session 11 - Summary
Session 12 - 11th Feb - Java Virtual MAchine | Native compilation | Graal VM | Mandrel | Maven Compile,Package & Test | -Pnative option (95:23)
Session - 12 Summary
Session 13 - 5th March - Types of services | Cluster IP | Node port | External Name Service | Intergrating External Service | Practical on Integrated External Service | MYSQL Show command | variable | Liveness & Readiness | Helm Chart | Nexus Repository Manager | Containerizing Nexus as a service (123:34)
Session 13 - Summary
Extra Session
Jenkins - readiness | Probes | Liveness (54:34)
Package Manager - Helm (Chart) (121:18)
Core Java Training
Session 1 - 8th October - Why Java| Who is using Java | History of Java | Versions of Java | LTS | Java Products | JVM | JDK | Running a Java Code | Compiler | Run Environment | WORA | Machine Code | Amazon Corretto Java Installation | (178:29)
Session 2 - 9th October - Algorithms | Block of Code | Statements | Functions | Compiler | Variable | IntelliJ IDE (257:57)
Session 1 & 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 15th October- Typecasting | Polymorphism | Data Type | Type coercion | Standard Input Device (191:39)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 16th October - Pre Increment operator | Post Increment operator | Logical Operators (166:24)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 29th October - Arrays | Length of Array | Special Variable | Return Data Type | Primitive Data Type | Memory Allocation | Stack Memory | Heap Memory | Functions (245:43)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 30th Oct- Argument | Float & Double data type | Method Overloading | Function overloading | ActivationRecord | Traversing an Array | Passing Parameter | Call by referenceand | Call by value (279:51)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7 - 9th Nov -"Arrays | Custom Data Structure | Classes | Attributes/ Properties | Instantiation | Objects | Data | Organizing of Data | CRUD Operation| Get Operation | Set Operation | Create a class | Instances" (118:04)
Session 7 - Summary
Session 8 - 10th Nov -"Data Manupulation| SetFname | Methods | Inheritance | Multi - level Inheritance | Hirarachical Inheritance | Single- level Inheritance | Multiple Inheritance | Parent Class | Child Class" (104:09)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 19th Nov - " Custom Data Type | Create a Class | Data Member| Instantiation| New keyword | Getter Function | Setter Function | Validation | Mutator| Accessor " (141:13)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 20th Nov - Access Management | Instance Variables | Shared Variables | Static Keyword in Class | Data Member | Constructor | Constructor Overloading | Inheritance | Single Inheritance | Multiple Inheritance (191:36)
Session 10 - Summary
Session 11 - 26th Nov - Polymorphism |Compiled Time| Run Time | Method Overloading | Method Overiding| Dynamic Memory Dispatch| Abstraction (174:04)
Session 11 - Summary
Session 12 - 27th Nov - Packages | Import Concept | Manage the Security | Access Modifiers | isA Relationship | hasA Relationship | Organize a file | Public Access Modifier | Default Access Modifiers (170:34)
Session 12 - Summary
Session 13 - 3rd Dec - Package | Abstract| Override Concept | Interface | Implement Interface | Naming Convention in Interface| Extends | Implement Keyword | Objects | Access Modifiers | Import | Dynamic Memory Dispatch | Polymorphism (170:44)
Session 13 - Summary
Session 14 - 17th Dec- Implement Data Structures | Collections | Classes| Interface |Create Objects | Extends | Implement | Limitations of Array | Organize the Data | FIFO Concept | Collection Framework | Java Collection Hierarchy | Array List | Java Utils Package | Dynamic Memory Allocation | Heap Memory (169:45)
Session 14 - Summary
Session 15 - 24th Dec - Collections | Pre-created Classes | Packages | Import Packages | Static Array | Dynamic Array | Traversal | Iterator (133:49)
Session 15 - Summary
Session 16 - 7Jan - Interface | Annotations | Class | Inner Class | Anonymous Function | Lambda Function (153:16)
Java Revision Session
Revision Session - 5th Nov (124:26)
Extra Basic Videos
Docker Session 1 - Main use of an Operating System | Four different ways of installing an Operating System | Case study on Hotstar | Scaling | Tech Stack | Docker Hub | Docker Engine | OS Images (128:48)
Docker Session 2 - Docker Basic Commands Launching container Ephemeral storage Persistent storage Mounting volume Configuring the Web Server Curl Command (112:44)
Docker Session 3 - Docker Basic Commands Launching container Port Number Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server Environmental Variables (114:19)
Docker Session 4 - Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
Docker Session 5 - Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
Docker Session 6 - Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
Docker Session 9 - Create Own Images | Commit | Code | Clone a running Container| Keywords | Non-interactive Commands | Interactive Commands | Docker File | Build Time | Run Time (134:26)
Docker Session 10 - Docker File | Docker Commit Command | Run Keyword | CMD Keyword | Run Time | Build Time | DFOREGROUND Option | Share Image | Docker Save Command | Docker Load Command (88:15)
Docker Session 11 - Docker Registry | Docker Hub | Different ways of creating image | ENTRYPOINT keyword in docker file | Install Python Software in conatiner | -t Option RUN command | Copy files in container | Creating image for python program | Passing python program files as arguments | MAINTAINER keyword in docker file | Docker login command | Docker push command (121:52)
Docker Session 13 - PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
Docker Session 14 - Isolation | Namespace | Shared Namespace | Cgroup | Processes | Nested Process | lsns command unshare command | nsenter command | Hardware Resources | Bash Program | lscpu command | Run- time Program | Runc Tool (124:11)
Openshift Installation on Local System (343:56)
Session 1 - 25th Nov - Introduction-Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA)|hard disk|RAM |CPU executes instructions|Asymptotic analysis| (115:43)
Summary Session 1
Session 2 - 29th Nov - Algorithms | Performance | CPU Time| Time Complexity | Implement Algorithms | Big O(Constant) | Big O(Linear) | Function Parameter | Asymtotic Analysis (101:48)
Summary Session 2
Session 3 - 30th Nov - Unit Time | Arithmetic Progression | Approach to achieve Time Complexity | Search Algorithm | Search Element | Pseudo Code | Best Case(Lucky) Scenario | Worst Case Scenario | Linear Search or Sequencial Search (136:28)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 1st Dec - Time Complexity | Asymptotic Analysis | Why neglect the constant? | Linear Search | Create an Algorithm | Inputs and Outputs of Algorithm | Success Code | Failure Code | Best Case Scenario | Worst Case Scenario (98:41)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 13th Dec - Linear Search Algorithm | Best Case Scenario | Worst Case Scenario | Pre- created Algorithms | Unordered Array of data | Exit Code | Return Keyword | Garbage Value| Upperbound Value (109:09)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 14th Dec - Linear Search | Traversal | Length of the data | Stack Memory | Pointers | Big O(n) | Big O(1) | Best Case Scenario | Worst Case Scenario (120:41)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7 - 20th Dec - Compile time | Run time | Static memory allocation | Dynamic memory | Stack memory | Heap memory |Organizing data | Array | Data structure | Continuous and Non-continuous way | Linked List | Demo of C programming language | printf function | scanf function | studio.h library | Pointer | Time complexity for reading of array | Big O notation (98:46)
Session 7 - Summary
Session 8 - 21st Dec - Heap Memory | Stack Memory | Mallock Function | Dereferencing | Static Memory Allocation | Dynamic Memory Allocation | Compile Time | Allocation at Run Time | Stack Frame | Dynamic Array (126:37)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 22nd Dec - Access data value after function finished | Pointer to pointer or Double pointer | Use of * and ** in Double pointer | Use case of double pointer | Allocate heap memory using function | Allocation heap memory for array in C++ | De-allocation heap memory for array in C++ (126:15)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 29th Dec - Member Access Operator | Static array | Dynamic array | Algorithm for extending dynamic array (117:44)
Session 10 - Summary
Session 11 - 30th Dec - Class Template | More than one argument to templates | Create Dynamic array in heap memory (126:40)
Session 11 - Summary
Session 12 - 3rd Jan - Iteration | Recursion | Stack Memory | stackoverflow | Direct recursion | Indirect recursion | Find factorial using recursion | Base Condition (130:25)
Session 12 - Summary
Session 13 - 4th Dec - " Space Complexity | Iteration | Recursion | Types of Recursion | Tail Recursion | TCO (Tail Call Optimization) | Top Down Approach | Recursion | Recursion Relationship | Recursive Call | Worst Case Scenario | Stack Memory | Base Case" (125:35)
Session 13 - Summary
Session 14 - 5th Dec- "Signatures | Recursive Call | Head or Non- Tail Recursion | Tail Recursion | Iteration | Recursion | Automatic Optimization | Stack Overflow | TCO ( Tail Call Optimization)| Demonstration of TCO" (137:15)
Session 14 - Summary
Session 15 - 10th Dec - Natural Numbers | Fibonacci Series | Tail Recursion (122:23)
Session 15 - Summary
Session 16 - 12th Dec - "STL (Standard Template Library) |Time Complexity | Extend Array | Append Data | CPU Time | POP | Vector | Capacity Function | push_back | Size Function " (116:20)
Session 16 - Summary
Session 17 - 17th Jan- Create dynamic array | Vector | Traversal Operation | Iterator Class | push_back keyword | itr object | foreach loop | Challenges in array (102:49)
Session 17 - Summary
Session 18 - 18th Jan - Limitation of Array| OutOfMemory Exception | Continuous way | Non-continuous way | Linked List | Node | Self-referencing class (131:59)
Session 18 - Summary
Session 19 - 19th Jan - Linked List | Head Node| Last Node | Create Node | Updating Memory Address of a node | Linked List Variables | Insertion Operation in linked list | Traverse into linked list using loop (112:44)
Session 19 - Summary
Session 20 - 31st Jan - Create Linked List Using Constructor | Read Operation | Length Operation | Abstract Data Type(ADT)| Destructor | Delete Linked List Using Destructo (118:28)
Session 20 - Summary
Session 21 - 7th Feb - Insertion Operation on Array | Time Complexity of Insertion Operation on Array | Insertion Operation on Linked List | Time Complexity (Best Case Scenario) of Insertion Operation on Linked List | Time Complexity (Worst Case Scenario) of Insertion Operation on Linked List (106:34)
Session 21 - Summary
Session 22 - 8th Feb - LINKED LIST | GET | SET | UPDATE | ARROW OPERATOR | ITERATION | CONSTRUCTOR | DESTRUCTOR | ACCESSING THE DATA | Best Case and Worst Case scenarios | Head node | Tail node (103:38)
Session 22 - Summary
Session 23 - 9th Feb - Singly linked list using STL | forward_list library | Doubly Linked List | Create Node in Doubly Linked List (80:10)
Session 23 - Summary
Session 24 - 10th Feb - Create Doubly Linked List | Insert Operation | Forward Display Operation | Reverse Display Operation | isEmpty method (104:46)
Session 24 - Summary
Session 25 - 14th Feb - push back operation | push front operation | Time complexity of push back & front method | peek operation | Time complexity of peek operation | pop operation | Time complexity of pop operation (114:27)
Session 25 - Summary
Session 26 - 15th Feb - FIFO(First In First Out) | Queue Data Structure | Push Operation in Queue | Pop Operation in Queue (63:50)
Session 26 - Summary
Session 27 - 16th Feb - Queue : Using Doubly Linked List | Enqueue | Time Complexity of enqueue method | Dequeue | Time Complexity of dequeue method | Display Method | Time Complexity of display method | isEmpty method | Time Complexity of isEmpty method (95:48)
Session 27 - Summary
Session 28 - 17th Feb_Revision (120:28)
Session 29 - 21st Feb_Revision (93:08)
Session 30 - 23rd Feb-stack data structures|Time complexity | space complexity |queue |array|list|pop operation|puch back |pop back |activation record |LIFO| (97:01)
Session 30 - Summary
Session 31 - 24th Feb - Balanced Brackets Problem | Create string using STL | capacity method | length method | pop_back method | push_back method | traversing using iterator | getline method | Different between cin and getline (114:12)
Session 31 - Summary
Session 32 - 28th Feb_Revision (87:50)
Session 33 - 1st March - Create stack using STL | push Method | pop method | top method | empty method | Balanced Brackets Problem (87:13)
Session 33 - Summary
Session 34_1 - 2nd March_Revision (47:23)
Session 34 - 3rd March - Tree Data Structure | Root Node | Edge | Siblings | Vertices | Leaf Node | Parent Node | Child Node | Sub Tree | Degree of the node | Binary Node (71:37)
Session 34 - Summary
Session 35 - 14th March - Binary Tree | Degree of the Node | Create a Tree using Singly Linked List | Create a Tree using Doubly Linked List | Left Child | Right Child (121:23)
Session 35 - Summary
Session 36 - 11th April - Pseudocode for creating a binary tree using a queue (109:13)
Session 36 - Summary
Session 37 - 12th April - CPP Code for creating a binary tree using a queue (118:54)
Session 38 - 13th April (65:13)
Session 39 - 18th April - Formula for maximum number of nodes in any level | nullptr | isFull() method in Queue | isEmpty() method in Queue | root node creation in Tree (101:47)
Session 37, 39 - Summary
Session 40 - 19th April - Create Binary tree using a queue data structure | CreateTree() method | Create lchild | Create rchild (92:37)
Session 40 - Summary
Session 41 - 20th April - Linear Data Structures | Non-linear Data Structures | Breadth-First Traversal | Depth-First Traversal | Level Order Tree Traversal | Inorder Traversal | Preorder Traversal | Postorder Traversal (100:29)
Session 41 - Summary
Session 42 - 25th April - In-order traversal of a Tree Using Recursion | Pre-order traversal of a Tree Using Recursion | Post-order traversal of a Tree Using Recursion (101:35)
Session 42 - Summary
Session 43 - 27th April - Benefits of Level Order Traversal | Level Order Traversal Using Queue | Process of a queue in level order traversing | C++ Code for Level Order Traversal Using Queue (89:20)
Session 43 - Summary
Session 44 - 2nd May-Revision Session (91:09)
Session 45 -3rd May - Drawbacks of Linear Search | Advantages of Binary Search | Drawbacks of Binary Search | Binary Search Tree (BST) | Why do we need BST | Standard rule for a BST | Time Complexity of Binary Tree | Time Complexity of Binary Search Tree (94:51)
Session 45 - Summary
Session 46 - 4th May - C++ code for the creation of BST | CreateNode() Function | Insert() Function | Use of Inorder in BST | InOrder() Function (103:51)
Session 46 - Summary
Session 47_1 - 9th May - Revision Session (81:09)
Session 47 - 10th May - BST tree | Unbalanced tree | right-skewedtree | skewed binary tree | Left-Skewed Binary Tree | Right-Skewed Binary Tree | height of a tree | balanced binarytree | balance factor | Code for calculating the height of a binarytree (86:11)
Session 47 - Summary
Extra Session On Sorting
Merge Sort | complexity of Merge Sort Algo | Where is Merge sort required (149:29)
Merge sort and it's steps | length of array | time complexity of Split array algorithm | time complexity of 2-way merging algorithm | | time complexity of merge sort | solution of two sum problem | time complexity of two sum problem after solving with merge sort (120:16)
Scalable algo | binary search | Working of RAM (119:10)
Discussion on time complexity of Searching algos | Sorting techniques | Bubble sort | complexity analysis | nested loops (90:57)
Bubble sort algo | bubble sort best-case and worst-case scenerio | real use-case of Bubble sort | Bubble sort time complexity (80:49)
Java & DSA Practice Set Questions
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
Set 7
Set 8
Set 9
Set 10
Set 11
Set 12
Java Question Set
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Session 1 - 13th Dec - Deploying an Webapp | Run Time | OS | Physical Hardware | Container Host | Ways to Install OS | Container Engines | Container Cluster | Scaling | Master Node | Worker Node | Scheduler Program | Automatic Scaling (164:01)
Session 1 - Summary
Sandbox setup
Session 2 - 14th Dec - Different way to interact with open shift cluster | Docker image | Scaling | Custom image | openshift intelligence | Image catalog | Image registry | Docker hub | Scale in | Scale out | Deployment | Build controller | Oc command | Deployment controller | Oc new-app command | Oc Status command | Creating new app from CLI | oc expose command | Scalling pod from web UI (160:46)
Summary -Session 2
Session 3 - 20th Dec - Single container pod | Source to image | Developer Catalogue | Builder images | Deploying the app | Route | Deployment Strategies | Trigger | Pods | Events | Streaming Events | Building app from Image | Deployment | Building tomcat web app | Oc run command | Creating deployment | Priveleges Pods | TCP & Udp | Deploying Tomcat app (146:42)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4 - 21st Dec - Crash loop back off error | env variable | shell variable | oc logs command | oc set command | Setting environmental variable in pod | Deployment operator | Creating deployment | Oc delete all command | Single container pod | Deployment strategy | Template | Deloyment controller | Catalogs (125:13)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 - 22nd Dec - Installation of oc command on windows | oc login command | API | Manifest code | YAML language | Resources types | metadata keyword | spec keyword | Creating pod from manifest file | API version keyword | Group name | Labels | Selectors | Equality operator | And operator (124:24)
Summary - Session 5
Session 6 - 29th Dec - Kube scheduler | Kube API | Replication controller | Replica Set |Selectors | Labels | oc scale command | oc edit command | Creating replica set with labels (138:42)
Summary - Session 6
Session 7 - 30th Dec -Service | Load Balancer | Reverse Proxy | Round robin Algorithm | Creating Load balancer | Creating service | Endpoints| Cluster IP| Working of load balancer| Router | Expose command (158:47)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - 3rd Jan - SERVICE | Cluster IP | DEPLOYMENT | Router | DEPLOYMENT Strategies | Rolling Update | Rollback | Rollout | Rollout history cmd |Labels or selector | Watch cmd | Endpoints in service | Tag cmd | Oc edit cmd (150:03)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 4th Jan - "Recreate Strategy | Rolling Update vs Recreate | Deployment vs deployment config | Hooks Events | Concept of replicas | Max surge | Use of max Unavailable keyword | build configuration | new app resource/keyword | auto port detaction | oc start build cmd | Use of to-revision option in rollout | as deployment config keyword in new app cmd | oc patch cmd | json format" (148:38)
Summary - Session 9
Session 10 - 5th Jan - Ephemeral Storage | Persistent Storage | Resource Type | Storage Class | Use of Storage Class | Challenges in recreating PODS | PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) | Persistent Volume (PV) | Create PVC | Access Modes (142:03)
Summary - Session 10
Session 11 - 10th Jan - Deploying Multi-tier app in Openshift | Launching the WordPress Website | Launching the MySQL Database | new - app keyword | Scale- In | Scale- Out | Access Control | Creating PVC | Headless Mode | Create Service | Volume Mount (148:11)
Summary - Session 11
Session 12 - 11th Jan - Multi tier application | Secret (147:59)
Summary - Session 12
Session 13 - 12th Jan - " OKD | Secret | base64 encoding | Config Map | Creating config map | CM mount with pod " (108:52)
Summary - Session 13
Session 14 - 17th Jan - "RBAC| IAM | Manage users and roles | Resource types | Create Authentication | Authentication Services | API | Password Based Authentication | htpasswd Driver | Secret | oauth Resources | Create Identity Provider | Local Identity Provider" (161:59)
Session 14 - Summary
Session 15 - 18th Jan - RBAC | Role Binding | Objects | Multi Talent Concept | RBAC Scope | Multiple Roles | Pre-created Roles | Namespace | Self - Provisioner | Groups | Remove a Role | Create Custom Roles (150:18)
Summary - Session 15
Session 16 - 19th Jan - "Security Context Constraint | Linux Security Capabilities | Least Privilege Concept | Namespace | Secrets | Users | Role Binding" (137:51)
Summary - Session 16
Session 17 - 31st Jan - Multi Tenant Setup | Resource utilization by containers. | Limit in Openshift. | Resource utilization by multiple processes. | Quotas in Openshift. | Cgroup | Resource Request | Limit (MIN,MAX AND DEFAULT) | CPU utilization by processes. | Limiting the resources for pods. | DRY RUN. (134:03)
Summary - Session 17
Session 18 - 8th Feb - Template in Openshift | Object in template | Parameters in template | oc process command | Generator option in parameters | By default value option in parameters | Self service (104:22)
Summary - Session 18
Session 19 - 9th Feb - SSL/TLS Handshake | http and https | Encryption and Decryption | Edge / Termination | Pass-through | Re-encryption | Symmetric & Asymmetric Algorithm | Plain text & Cipher Text| Public and Private Key | CA Certificate | CSR & CRT Certificate (102:10)
Summary - Session 19
Session 20 - 11th Feb - Pass-through encryption | Creating a Certificate | OSI model | Configuration directory of Apache webserver | openssl command | Creating self sign certificate | Injecting data in deployment (149:39)
Summary - Session 20
Session 21 - 14th Feb - Network Policy | Security Rules | Inbound | Ingress | Outbound | Egress (124:08)
Summary - Session 21
Extra Session for Openshift
Node Selecter | Node Affinity | Taint & Tolerance (100:08)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
Basic Concepts of Networking (81:54)
Git (255:56)
Openshift installation on local system (343:57)
Custom resource & Custom resource definition (58:14)
Google Drive link for Openshift & Practice Test
Drive Link
Practice test - 1
Practice Test -2
Cryptography Introduction | Encryption and Decryption | Openssl | Monoalphabetic and Polyalphabetic Substitution (155:59)
Block Cipher Modes | DES Algo | ECB | CBC | CFB Cipher Mode (154:08)
Authentication | Symmetric Key Authentication | Hashing | Hashing Algos | Data Integrity | MAC (145:48)
Asymmetric Key Encryption | Public Key | Private Key | RSA | Hybrid Encryption (128:52)
Digital Signatures | Brief on Non-repudiation | ECDSA | Sign a Message | Verify the Signatures (120:32)
Hybrid Key Set Up | IP snooping | Certificate Authority | CSR | CRT | Create root CA (148:44)
SSL / TLS Handshaking | create sub CA | Configure Webserver | Secure Webserver with https | Attributes of CA | Custom Extension | Host File | Webserver CSR and CRT | Implementation of https | TLS 1.2 | TLS 1.3 ECDHE (138:51)
Session Intro- 10th Feb-Introduction of cloud computing |AWS cloud|use case of AWS cloud | (76:36)
Session 1 - 15th Feb Bare metal | Virtualization | containerization | cloud computing | What is instance | AMI amazon machine image | instance type | keypair login Public and Private Key | Availability zones (127:20)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 16th Feb Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol | Internet's networking over the globe | Proxy concept | Socks5 Proxy with implementation | Deploying simple web page on EC2 | Global Accelerator | AWS's Global Network Infrastructure (141:31)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 17th Feb-Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)| scalability|data center|reduce latency|GLOBAL ACCELERATOR| (142:03)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 22nd Feb_Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:27)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 23rd Feb_Storage | EBS | Persistent Storage | S3 | NFS | Storage as a service | Block, File, Object Storage | Partition | Disaster Recovery | EFS (152:42)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 24th Feb_Cloud Watch | Metrics | IAM | AWS CLI | Permission policies in IAM | Commands in AWS CLI (124:54)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7 - 25th Feb_serverless | Lambda function | CloudWatch | Integrate S3 service with Lambda | Amazon Transcribe | Transcribe (263:55)
Session 7 - Summary
Session 8 - 26th Feb_API Gateway | API (Application Programming Interface) | Lambda Proxy integration | lambda | request-response concept (199:34)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 28th Feb-revision session (106:44)
Session 10 - 1st March - Session 10 - 1st March - IAM | S3 | Launch webserver | System Manger | Allowing EC2 to use S3 (141:44)
Session 11 - 3rd March - Session 11 - 3rd March - AMI | 3 ways to configure any system | cloud-init | metadata server | userdata (102:33)
Session 12 - 4th March - Session 12 - 4th March_Lambda | API Gateway | Pass Data - Query String, Embedding Data | GET/PUT/POST methods | Pass Through Setup - Lambda Proxy | Payload | Postman | API/Rest API | Path Parameter (150:08)
Session 12 - Summary
Session 13 - 5th March-S3|API gateway|cloud watch |IAM role| (129:35)
Session 14 - 8th March - AWS CLI | Launch instance by AWS CLI | configure AWS | AWS cli commands (132:47)
Session 15 - 9th March - Multi-tier application | 3-tier application | 2-tier application | Business Layer | Data Layer | MySQL | Wordpress | RDS | Managed Service | DBaaS | DB Driver Program (136:41)
Session 15 - Summary
Session 16 - 10th March-revision session
Session 17 - 14th March - EBS | STAAS | I/O Operation | Storage of EBS (120:59)
Session 18_1 - 15th March-guidance (100:18)
Session 18 - 16th March - Snapshot | Full Backup | Incremental Backup | Practical How to create Snapshot, creating volume by Snapshot, Transferring HD from one region to other (140:35)
Session-18_Summary_16th March
Session 19 - 17th March - Recycle Bin | retention period | snapshot | encrypt the existing volume (110:51)
Session-19_Summary_17th March
Session 20 - 21st March - Snapshot | Replication | mirroring | EBS | Storage types | NFS –Network file system | MulticloudSetup | NAS –Network attached storage | EFS | Storage class of EFS | Create an EFS file system using Amazon EFS (105:32)
Session 21 - 22nd March - Snapshot | Replication | mirroring | EBS | Storage types | NFS –Network file system | MulticloudSetup | NAS –Network attached storage | EFS | Storage class of EFS | Create an EFS file system using Amazon EFS (77:19)
Session 20,21 - Summary 21st March, 22nd March
Session 22 - 23rd March-revision session (55:18)
Session 23 - 24th March - EFS | EFS filesystem | Geo-replication | PERFORMANCE | IOPS, Throughput | HDD | SSD | Pricing | EBS (113:09)
Session 23 - Summary 24th March
Session 24 - 28th March-revision session (83:52)
Session 25 - 29th March - Storage Tier | Standard storage tier | Archive storage | Restore snapshot from archive | Archive snapshot | Data Lifecycle Manager (DML) | tier | Create Lifecycle policy | AWS Backup | Amazon Machine Images (AMI) | Create Own custom AMI (130:06)
Session 25 - Summary 29th March
Session 26 - 30th March CloudWatch | Cloud Trail | Event Management | Monitoring (150:35)
Session 26 - Summary 30th March
Session 27 - 5th April - Metrics | CPU utilization | AWS CloudWatch | AWS CloudWatch alarms | To create a CloudWatch alarm for a Lambda function | Create a CloudWatch alarm for a EC2 (134:03)
Session 27 - Summary 5th April
Session 28 - 6th April - Global Accelerator | cache | TTL | CDN | S3 | Bucket | CloudFront | Edge location | Static Content (125:41)
Session 28 - Summary 6th April
Session 29 - 8th April - CloudWatch dashboard | Creation of dashboard | detailed monitoring | Custom metrics | standard resolution | high resolution | AWS namespace | Custom namespace | dimension | CloudWatch Agent (168:07)
Session 29 - Summary 8th April
Session 30 - 11th April - CDN (Content Delivery Network) | cache | Cloud Front | Cache Miss | Cache Hit | Cloud Front classes | TTL ( Time-To-Live) | OAC (Origin Access Control) | S3 (118:58)
Session 30 - Summary 11th April
Session 31 - 12th April - Cloud Front With Api Gateway Integration | Query String | Cache Policy | CloudFront | Distributions | AWS Shield (119:17)
Session 31 - Summary 12th April
Session 32 - 13th April-revision session (66:22)
Session 33 - 15th April - CloudWatch | log group | log management | sys logs | Log Agent Program | AWS System Manager Parameter Store (150:16)
Session 34 - 18th April - How to connect with s3 when it's private with cloudfront | S3 policy | OAC | ARN | Placement Group (Cluster , spread , partition) | Elastic IPS | EIP aws cost (112:53)
Session 35 - 19th April - Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:20)
Session 36 - 20th April - Event Bridge | Custom Bus and Product Bus | Creating Buses | Creating Rules | Send Events | Log Group | Event pattern | Custom event | Create pattern with json - event pattern | Clodwatch | lambda function |prefix matching | Content based filtering (123:08)
Session 37 - 25th April - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Session 37 - Summary 25th April
Session 38 - 27th April - CloudFront & Edge Locations | Use cases of Edge location | CloudFront Function | Lambda@Edge | Difference between CloudFront Function and Lambda@Edge | Create a function with CloudFront Function (108:01)
Session 38 - Summary 27th April
Session 39 - 2nd May - lambda@edge | A/B Testing | Http Header | Cookie | Event Trigger | Lambda Code | Policy | CloudFront Event | CloudWatch Metrics and logs (123:44)
Session 40 - 3rd May - Difference between IAM and CIAM | Customer IAM (CIAM) | Amazon Cognito | Call back URL | Identity Providers | Cognito User Pool | Integrate API Gateway with Cognito | Identity Token (138:05)
Session 41 - 4th May - Amazon Macie | Data lake | Senstitive Data | jobs | Custom data identifiers | Aws gaurdduty | Vpc Flow logs | Aws cloudTrail |Â Finding (125:33)
Virtual Private Cloud
Right meaning of VPC (120:37)
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (128:52)
Q & A Session (63:14)
NAT Gateway (126:14)
Security Group & NACL (95:23)
AWS Load Balancer (119:39)
Application Load Balancer (94:35)
NLB with ALB; Gateway Load balancer (31:17)
Auto Scaling Groups (99:24)
RDS and Read Replica creation (150:35)
AWS Database Migration Service/VPC Peering/VPC Endpoint (113:05)
Cryptography Concept/Cloud HSM/Symmetric key/Assymentric Key for KMS Service with Lambda (157:44)
AWS KMS Services/Encryption types in S3 Encryption with AWS CLI (112:06)
AWS Certificate Manager Service/SSL (158:36)
AWS S3 pre-signed url & other S3 features (114:47)
AWS EKS Training
Session 1 - 18th March - Adoption of EKS | Managed Service | Integration with AWS Services | Containerization vs. Traditional Deployment | Kubernetes and Container Orchestration (269:55)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 19th March - EKS Cluster Creation with eksctl | Nodegroup and Disaster Recovery | Container Images and Deployments | Kubernetes Resilience and Fault Tolerance | Load Balancing in EKS (227:03)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 26th March - Kubernetes Configuration and kubectl | Pod Responsibilities and Persistent Storage | Storage Classes (SC) and CSI Provisioner | Annotations and Drivers in Kubernetes (165:41)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 2nd April -EKS Integration with AWS Services | Autoscaling | Serverless Master in EKS | Horizontal Scaling | Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) (188:16)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 8th April - Revision Session (76:31)
Session 6 - 15th April -eksctl and AWS CloudFormation | Underlying Resources Provisioned by eksctl | Creation of Kubernetes Resources | Multiple Ways to Launch EKS Cluster | Customization with YAML Code (131:58)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7 - 16th April - Revision Session (72:13)
Session 8 - 23rd April - AWS IAM and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) | IAM vs. Kubernetes RBAC | User Authentication in Kubernetes | Configuring IAM Users | Kubernetes RBAC and User Mapping (162:07)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 29th April - Launching a Kubernetes Cluster with AWS EKS | Ingress Controllers and Path-Based Routing | Introduction to Ingress and Ingress Controllers | AWS ALB Ingress Controller | Deployment and Configuration of ALB Ingress Controller (175:32)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 30th April-EKS cluster using Kubernetes|Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)|route rules|Creating services|Load Balancer|HTTP endpoint | (133:17)
Session 10 - Summary
Session 12 - 27th May-Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:29)
Session 12 - Summary
Istio Training
Istio Session -Overview of Microservices | traffic management | deployment strategies | Canary deployment | traffic flow | Kiali | distributed tracing | Service Discovery | Service Mesh | Challenge solved by service mesh | Proxy | envoy | Architecture | Istio-Control Tower | Multicontainer | Sidecar (183:31)
Session Summary
Istio Session 2-Overview of Kubernetes | visibility and observability | INIT container | Envoy proxy | Pilot | Citadel | Galley | ISTIO Architecture | control plane | data plane | Istiod | Add-ons | Installation of Istio | Example of microservices using service mesh (174:04)
Extra Sessions
Regex (98:23)
AWS Data Analytics Speciality Training
Session 1 - 9th May-Data analysis | batch/real time processing/analysis | data/Kinesis data stream | AWS serverless | Partition Key | Hashing | Sharding | log/record/event | Big data | velocity/volumne/Saclable/Throghput | High Scality | Shards | Kinesis | AWS cloudshell | Consumers | Iterator (157:48)
Summary 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 10th May-Shard and Sharding | Producer (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams) and Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) | Consumer | Multiple Ways to Write Data in Kinesis | Use Case: Real-time Data Streaming | Streaming | Data Processing at the Agent Side | CloudWatch Integration (134:43)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 12th may-SDK for Kinesis Data Streams | Web Server Logs | Log Conversion to JSON | Kinesis Data Streams | Event Triggers & Notifications | Lambda as Consumer | Real-Time Data Processing | Sending Logs to Kinesis | Log Storage | Types and Triggers | Data Ingestion into KDS (145:45)
Sessiom 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 16th May-Kinesis data stream via Lambda | S3 triggers|Stream setup with shards | Producer Lambda setup | Runtime | Lambda trigger | Producer & Consumer Lambda | Object data retrieval | CloudWatch log viewing | Shard ID & sq number | Trigger addition | Data processing | CloudWatch (130:10)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 17th May-Kinesis Data Streams and Data Firehose | Data Retention and Storage | Delivery Streams and Configurations | Buffering in Kinesis Data Firehose | Creating a Delivery Stream | S3 Bucket Creation | Data Ingestion and Delivery | Data Organization and Partitioning (119:25)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 18th May-Amazon EKS intro & AWS Control Plane vs. Worker Nodes | AWS Fargate Overview & EKS with Fargate Benefits | Creating EKS Cluster with Fargate | Requesting Pod Resources | Namespaces & Taints | EKS Fargate Profile & creation | Launching pod in Fargate-enabled Namespace. (97:18)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7_1 - 24th May-Revesion Session (70:03)
Session 7 - 26th May-Splunk Overview | AWS & Kinesis Data Firehose | Amazon VPC & Flow Logs | Installing Splunk on AWS | Starting & Configuring Splunk |Data Input & Source Type | Backup of Splunk Data|Enabling HTTPS for Splunk | Connecting Kinesis Firehose | Connecting VPC with Kinesis Firehose (121:28)
Session 7 - Summary
Session 8 - 30th May-Apache Kafka | Amazon MSK Cluster | Types of Amazon MSK Clusters: Provisioned & Serverless | Configuring Cluster Properties & Settings | Security and Access Control | Amazon Kinesis vs. Amazon MSK | Kafka Cluster Security Group Configuration | MSK Cluster Information Retrieval (128:34)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 31st May -Real-time 404 Error Detection Project | Logs Data Stream & Filtered Logs Data Stream | Installing , Configuring & Starting Kinesis Agent | Creating Kinesis Data Analytics Application | Glue Database | Add Sources & Destinations to Analytics Application (124:04)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 1st June (Revision) (54:59)
Session 11 - Summary-Kinesis Agent Configuration |Handling JSON Data | Converting JSON to Table Format | AWS Glue Data Catalog | Zeppelin Notebooks & Creating it | Creating a Table in Flink SQL with Kinesis Connector | Flink SQL Queries | Storing Filtered Logs | TUMBLE Window Function
Session 12 - Summary-Creating a Table for Storing Incoming Logs | Continuous Query for 404 Error Count | Storing Filtered Logs in "final_web_404_log" Table | Introduction to Elasticsearch | Amazon OpenSearch Service (formerly Elasticsearch Service) | Steps to Deploy OpenSearch in AWS
Microservice Quarkus Training
Session 1 - 3rd Sept-create microservice app |news microservice|API gateways|Quarkus microservice|REST protocol|fault tolerance|RBAC AND OIDC flow|metrics |frontend|exchange|history| (226:39)
FullStack Development using Mern
MERN Unfolding | Client and Server Side Javascript (160:09)
Introduction to FullStack | API | SPA | MPA (110:57)
Html basics | Html Form | Radio | Checkbox and different input types | Html elements (127:36)
Javascript Session 1- Introduction to javascript | Javascript basics | Events | Html attributes | Dynamic page (270:09)
Cookies | Loop and Array in JS (116:36)
DOM | DOM Tree (108:50)
MERN Day 7 (104:21)
CSS Basics (126:18)
CSS- CSS Properties Padding Margin (117:20)
JavaScript - SetTimeout() | Blink Image Practical | Loops | Local & Global Variable (222:40)
JavaScript - Dynamic Styling| DataTypes | CSS Class | Moving Box Practical (187:06)
Node.js & Express Installation | npm init | launch webserver Server by Express.js (124:06)
Webserver by Express | Creating different routes| Nodemon | Interaction with client using form (114:13)
Node.js Installation in Redhat | Express.js help doc | "fs" module | Created of log file | "child-process" Module (111:15)
MERN Task Presentation | QnA Session (100:19)
Higher Order Function | Callbacks | Anonymous Functions | Developer tool (206:08)
MERN Day 17 - 20th July- AJAX | XMLHttpRequest | Synchronous and Asynchronous call (115:11)
MERN Day 18- AJAX | JS In backend | Calling a JS function in backend with AJAX (92:34)
MERN Day 19- QnA Session | MERN Project Tips (80:15)
MERN Day 20- API | How to send and receive data using POST method | Postman (109:35)
MERN Day 21- How To Use An External API In Express App | HTTP module | JSON | JSON Parsing (113:33)
MERN Day 22- WebApp To Run Docker Command | Docker Basics | Anonymous function | (129:33)
MERN Day 23 - Split, Trim Function | Foreach | AJAX | HTML Table | Express (88:32)
MERN- Day 24- Integrating MongoDB with Nodejs | Inserting Data In MongoDB From Backend (93:25)
MERN Day 25 - Python CGI | Created Live Command Prompt App | Boto3 | Developed Emotion Finder App (160:04)
26. MERN - 12th August-Frontend |back end | crud | nodejs | mongoDB | HTML | CSS |JS |expose | react js| DOM | Ajax | method/function | framework (118:45)
27. MERN - 16th August-react js| framework | props| what is JSX | component | reactDOM | dom tree | variables | custome component (125:03)
28. MERN - 17th August-NPX | JSX/component |HTML code | package.json | module | entrypoint | npm start | create root function | (101:39)
29. MERN_Session - 18th_August-revision session (101:48)
30. MERN - 19th August-json dataset |create mapping app | docker container | frontend |UI/UX | divisions | spaces | design |template | BG colors | source code | function | JSX code | props | database | (118:42)
31. MERN - 23rd August-static value | mongoDB | state and hook | react | imperative programming language |reactDOM | sso fetures |if-else statement | operators |conditions | current state |state memory | recreate |trigger |hook concept | (129:29)
32. MERN - 24th August-create component | state and hook | state management |events | HTML code | create form |Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) | local variable |global variable | (113:46)
33. MERN - 26th August-Ajax call | API call |core | framework | reactJS | component | Json | fetch |item |setitem | (120:50)
MERN - 1st Sept-metadate | pre-created APIs | components | matelrial design |webUI | react UI | module |CDN |Icon | use state |check box |radio | (104:43)
MERN - 2nd Sept-node |MongoDB | connection |native | crud |mongoose | object modeling |ODM | design of application |Json code |mongo cluster |mongo shell |database |module | recode | schemaless database | find function | (89:08)
MERN - 8th Sept-EJS |templates | express | templating engines | HTML |EJS library | tags ketwords | (102:37)
MERN - 9th Sept-crud |filters |read operation |update operation |delete operation |rest API |frontend and backend | create |replace |protocol |webserver |http |insert operation |routers |git hub repository | (172:12)
MERN - 15th Sept-JS | MERN |CSS |HTML | DOM | BOM | variables |loops |call back functions|Ajax |Json |JS object |run time |nodejs |alert functions |manage data | key value pair| (110:19)
MERN - 17th Sept-HTML |jQuery (90:46)
Session 1 - MongoDB Installation | Row And Column Oriented DataBase | MongoDB Queries | CRUD Operation In MongoDB
Session 2 - Embedded And Nested Documents | Collections | Projection | Document ID
Session 3-big data | ETL | mongoDB |pipeline | crud |work frame |CSV file |Json | neasted documents |Aggregation Operations |MongoDB Aggregation framework | Aggregation stages (242:05)
Session 4-MongoDB shell | connections |right operation | create | update |delete | persistent storage |crud operation |json |mongoDB server | bigdata cluster |Bson |roll back | (134:44)
Session 5-MongoDB cluster | replica set | DB engine |SQL |process |nodejs |DB client| DB server node | pipeline | sharing key | sharing data | hash functions | (263:28)
Session 6-buffer concept | capped collections |index | data distibutions | data record |shor | binery search | collscan | collections | (187:37)
Amazon Redshift
1. Biggest Amazon Redshift Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240224-064729 (134:03)
Summary session 1
2. Amazon Redshift Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal daga on 25th Feb 2024_GMT20240225-065149 (142:49)
Summary Session 2
2.1 Revision Session (49:02)
3. Data Organize -DB(Structure) | Data Warehouse | Client Tool-Aginity | Parallel Processing Introduction | Node Types | Cluster Permission | IAM Roles | Network & Security Configuration | Encryption Of Data | Maintenance & Monitoring | VPC & Subnets | Single & Multi A-Z (182:09)
Summary - Session 3
4. Amazon Redshift Training by the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 31st March 2024_GMT20240331-072300 (90:58)
Summary Session 4
Splunk Training Session
Session 1 - 6th May-install Splunk in aws cluod|web-style interface|Splunk directory|index |SPL queries|CSV format|NC command| (415:55)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 7th May-Splunk CLI |data directory|Indexes |tsidx files|Creating new parsers|logical containers|ETL |lookups|data security|SEDCMD|tail processors|Splunk features (383:13)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 13th May-source type|predefined source type|indexing process|splunk appd|add-ons|analyze logs|AWS service (296:17)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 20th May-Universal Forwarder|agent progra|Splunk engine|Enabling boot-start|CLI and WebUI|Clustering in Splunk|Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)|Visualization|Inheritance (164:49)
Session 4 - Summary
Session -1 - 28th May'23-Apache kafka| Kafka brokers| ZooKeeper connections|Kafka command-line tools|microservices architectures|ETL operations|Kafka clusters (323:54)
Session 1 - Summary
Data Storage and Management (Hadoop)
Networking | Scaling | Hadoop configuration file | Multi node Hadoop cluster setup (213:46)
IP address | Binary to decimal conversion | Authentication | SSH | Property in Hadoop config files | Format | Hadoop master configuration (200:03)
Integrating AWS cloud with Hadoop (124:26)
Creating Hadoop client | Stripe |Block size | Changing block size (112:30)
Replication | Networking | put command | Creating file & directory in hadoop cluster (91:29)
Hadoop security | Replication | Introduction to Python (130:37)
Replication in Hadoop & Python - Array | conditional statement | Menu base project (217:12)
Python - Loops | Time & Space Complexity & Hadoop - Block size ,DSA - Search Algorithm (139:48)
Velocity | Partition (47:49)
Volume | Format | Partition | Index | (117:53)
Hadoop Map Reduce
Map reducer cluster | Distributer computing | Job Tracker |Task Tracker | Map reducer Algo (82:52)
Kahoot Quiz | Map reduce cluster on AWS cloud | Job tracker configuration (111:50)
ETL operation | Map reduce Analysis | Counting frequency or word practical (105:02)
Map | reducer | Streaming API Creating Custom Map reduce | kahoot quiz (134:59)
Sorting in different Task tracker | Sorting| Counting Word frequency | Reducer | Mapper (92:09)
Cloud and YARN
Implementing Big Data ecosystem on Aws Cloud | YARN | Node Manager | Elastic Map reducer (42:01)
Introduction to Hive | Installing HIVE | Setting path | Creating table in Hive | Kahoot Quiz (110:09)
Creating Database in Hive | Directory where Hive store all data| Internal table | External table (80:32)
Session 1 - 17th June-Big data| storage limitations |IO operations |Hadoop |framework |volume |velocity | Hadoop cluster configuration |ec2 instance |master node |data nodes |creating directories |transferring files |managing data| (318:01)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 18th June-fault tolerance |SPOF|multiple blocks| High Availability |Replicating data |replication factor|master node|Data Nodes|block's name|data durability|Monitoring network activities| tcpdump tool |analyze packets|network communication (235:49)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 24th June-HDFS cluster| handling and analyzing large volumes |CEPH storage |S3 service (AWS)|managing data.|compute unit|horizontal scaling|single point of failure|MapReduce clusters|MapReduce algorithm |JobTracker|TaskTrackers| (298:38)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 2nd July-MapReduce clusters |compute cluster |HDFS cluster | create cluster with HDFS and MapReduce |data lake| maping concept (139:15)
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
AWS Devops Workshop By Mr. Vimal Daga on 1st Sept. 2024_GMT20240901-081337 (235:49)
1. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 3rd September 2024_GMT20240903-150658 (110:23)
2. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 5th September 2024_GMT20240905-150805 (115:46)
3. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 6th September 2024_GMT20240906-150105 (71:09)
4. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 9th September 2024_GMT20240909-150352 (129:16)
5. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240910-151520 (151:07)
7. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 23rd September 2024_GMT20240923-150332 (129:30)
8. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 24th September 2024_GMT20240924-151108 (86:42)
9. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 25th September 2024_GMT20240925-135647 (97:08)
10. AWS DevOps Training on 26th September 2024_GMT20240926-150551 (40:30)
11. AWS DevOps Training on 27th September 2024_GMT20240927-150715 (43:02)
12. AWS DevOps Training on 28th September 2024_GMT20240928-151129 (42:53)
13. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 9th October 2024_GMT20241009-153120 (60:45)
14. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 15th October 2024_GMT20241015-151757 (89:43)
15. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 16th October 2024_GMT20241016-153031 (77:59)
AWS Devops Training - Self Page Sessions
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway |Â GETÂ Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWSÂ notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway |Â GETÂ Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWSÂ notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test - 2
Introduction to Git And Github
Session 1 - Introduction and Working of Git (255:55)
Session 2 - Branch, Merge in Git & Connecting to Github (271:37)
YAML language (16:55)
Launching first pod from YAML file (45:20)
Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga - Oct 2024
Session 1 - EKS | Docker Engine | Scale-Out | Load Balancer | SDN | SVC | External Load Balancer | Replica Set | Pod | Driver | ELB | EBS | VPC | IAM | Worker Nodes | Control Plane | Overlay Networking | Install EKSCTL | EKS Cluster using Eksctl | Auto Scaling | Kubectl | Kube Config (183:12)
Summary Session 1
Session 2 - EKSCTL | launch EKS cluster with yml | Cloud Watch | IAC | VPC | Addons | Persistent Storage | EBS | PV & PVC | Storage Class | Driver | CSI | Name Space | Create storage class with yaml file | create PVC | launch pod | Create IAM Role | VPC subnet | Install Driver | Cloud Watch logs (123:48)
Summary Session 2
Revision Session (73:15)
Session 3 - Identify users | IAM | Identity Provider | OIDC | Role Binding | Pod Resource | SVC Resource | Create Namespace | Create User | Unset command | Kube System | AWS - Auth | EKS dashboard | Install Helm | Proxy | Create Dashboard | Prometheus and Grafana | Install Prometheus (133:09)
Extra Session - AWS EKS
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:30)
Important Links
Drive Link
Discord Link
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
Session 1 - What is DevOps|Cloud Services|Code Commit |SCM tool|Commit ID|AWS KMS |create IAM User|Git commit |push command|Add command |Build |Testing |Web Server|Code Deploy|CI-CD Pipeline|EC2 Service|launch instance |ECR or ECS|Deployment group |Service role |Deployment type |In place |Tags (235:49)
Session 2 - Code Commit |Code Deploy|Code Pipeline|DAG|Artifacts service|Docker |Container technology |Docker Image |OS|Registry |ECR|Custom images|Docker file |Python |Flask |Work Station |Code build |Build Spec file|Code specification (110:23)
Sesssion 3 - Create a repository in the code build |Create a project in the Code Build|BuildSpec file|Build Command|Post-build|Docker file |Parameter Store|Decrypting password|Attach role |Push image in Docker Hub|launch Ec2 Instance|code Deploy Agent |Create Code Deploy|Create Pipeline |WebHooks (115:46)
Session 4 - WebHook |Pipeline |S3|Upload artifact |Docker |port 80|Agent |deploy ID |App spec file|How To Troubleshoot Errors (71:09)
Sesssion 5 - Lambda Service|ServerLess approach|Function|Create Lambda |log group |Cloud Watch |Trigger|Create function URL|Upload code from the local system in lambda|import & pip |create S3 Bucket |Zip file|Build phase|post build|create a build project |create build (129:16)
Session 6 - Blue-Green Deployment |Auto Scaling Group |ELB Service|Create a launch template |Code deploy Agent |Launch ASG|Load balancer|Auto Scaling|target group |Code Deploy|Inplace strategy|Blue-Green Deployment strategy|traffic Switch |create application (151:07)
Session 7 - AWS ECS Service |Containerisation|What are containers|Launching docker in ec2|Launching container in ec2|Container as a service |Cluster|Serverless concept |Aws Fargate|Task definition in ECS |Logging for the ECS|Running the task in ECS|Difference between service and task in ECS (90:26)
Session 8 - CRUD Operation|API|n Elastic Container Service (ECS)|Spring Boot| HTTP protocol|a POST & GET request|Maven|Docker|TCP port|postman|Elastic Container Registry|Create Spring boot app|OpenAI Definition|load Balancer| (129:30)
Session 9 - ECR| Container| Java|OpenAI Definition|ECS Service|Code build |Build Project|Course Controller|Code Pipeline| Environment variable|Cluster| (86:42)
Session 10 - DevSec Ops|Config service|Compliance as code |Resources |Notification |Trigger |Remediation |SNS service|Set up AWS Config |Detective Mode|Create a custom role |Auto Remediation |SSM Service|Assume role concept |Create Topic|Create Lambda Function (97:08)
Session 11 - AWS Organizations|Organizations unit |Root account |SCP|create Organizations |Create OU|Add some members to the project |Add policy (60:45)
Revision Session (40:30)
Revision Session (43:02)
Revision Session (89:43)
Session 12 - AWS Control Tower |Landing Zone|Security OU |Sandbox OU|Cloud Trail|Organizations (89:43)
Revision Session (42:53)
13. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 17th November_GMT20241117-121907 (94:23)
14. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 23rd November 2024 _GMT20241123-121401 (85:08)
Route 53
Route 53 (129:09)
AWS Cloudformation (136:35)
Create Infrastructure via Cloud Formation (154:07)
Deployed Webapp With Backend On Lambda Function | DynamoDB (175:01)
AWS Glue/Athena/Cloudwatch integration (120:42)
AWS Storage Gateway/FSX (124:53)
Elastic Beanstalk (96:30)
Teach online with
Session 9 - 29th April - Launching a Kubernetes Cluster with AWS EKS | Ingress Controllers and Path-Based Routing | Introduction to Ingress and Ingress Controllers | AWS ALB Ingress Controller | Deployment and Configuration of ALB Ingress Controller
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