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AWS Data Analytics Training by Mr. Vimal Daga
Basic Prerequisite Videos
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS Red Hat - Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
AWS - Putty Linux Connect SetUp (18:39)
How To Download RedHat Linux @ No Cost (3:48)
Install RedHat OS RHEL 8 Using Virtualization Over Oracle Virtualbox (38:02)
How to Configure YUM / DNF in RedHat 8 (42:11)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
AWS Data Analytics Session
Session 1 - 9th May_Data analysis | batch/real time processing/analysis | data/Kinesis data stream | AWS serverless | Partition Key | Hashing | Sharding | log/record/event | Big data | velocity/volumne/Saclable/Throghput | High Scality | Shards | Kinesis | AWS cloudshell | Consumers | Iterator (157:48)
Summary 1
Session 2 - 10th May - Shard and Sharding | Producer (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams) and Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) | Consumer | Multiple Ways to Write Data in Kinesis | Use Case: Real-time Data Streaming | Streaming | Data Processing at the Agent Side | CloudWatch Integration (134:43)
Summary 2
Session 3 - 12th May - SDK for Kinesis Data Streams | Web Server Logs | Log Conversion to JSON | Kinesis Data Streams | Event Triggers & Notifications | Lambda as Consumer | Real-Time Data Processing | Sending Logs to Kinesis | Log Storage | Types and Triggers | Data Ingestion into KDS (145:45)
Summary 3
Session 4 - 16th May - Kinesis data stream via Lambda | S3 triggers|Stream setup with shards | Producer Lambda setup | Runtime | Lambda trigger | Producer & Consumer Lambda | Object data retrieval | CloudWatch log viewing | Shard ID & sq number | Trigger addition | Data processing | CloudWatch (130:10)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5 - 17th May - Kinesis Data Streams and Data Firehose | Data Retention and Storage | Delivery Streams and Configurations | Buffering in Kinesis Data Firehose | Creating a Delivery Stream | S3 Bucket Creation | Data Ingestion and Delivery | Data Organization and Partitioning (119:25)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 18 May: Amazon EKS intro & AWS Control Plane vs. Worker Nodes | AWS Fargate Overview & EKS with Fargate Benefits | Creating EKS Cluster with Fargate | Requesting Pod Resources | Namespaces & Taints | EKS Fargate Profile & creation | Launching pod in Fargate-enabled Namespace. (97:18)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7_1 Revesion Session - 24th May (70:03)
Session 7 - 26th May - Splunk Overview | AWS & Kinesis Data Firehose | Amazon VPC & Flow Logs | Installing Splunk on AWS | Starting & Configuring Splunk |Data Input & Source Type | Backup of Splunk Data|Enabling HTTPS for Splunk | Connecting Kinesis Firehose | Connecting VPC with Kinesis Firehose (121:28)
Session 7 - Summary
Session 8 - 30th May Apache Kafka | Amazon MSK Cluster | Types of Amazon MSK Clusters: Provisioned & Serverless | Configuring Cluster Properties & Settings | Security and Access Control | Amazon Kinesis vs. Amazon MSK | Kafka Cluster Security Group Configuration | MSK Cluster Information Retrieval (128:34)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 31st May - Real-time 404 Error Detection Project | Logs Data Stream & Filtered Logs Data Stream | Installing , Configuring & Starting Kinesis Agent | Creating Kinesis Data Analytics Application | Glue Database | Add Sources & Destinations to Analytics Application (124:04)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 1st June'23_revision (54:59)
Session 11 - 6th June'23 -Kinesis Agent Configuration |Handling JSON Data | Converting JSON to Table Format | AWS Glue Data Catalog | Zeppelin Notebooks & Creating it | Creating a Table in Flink SQL with Kinesis Connector | Flink SQL Queries | Storing Filtered Logs | TUMBLE Window Function (118:37)
Session 11 - Summary
Session 12 - 7th June'23 - Creating a Table for Storing Incoming Logs | Continuous Query for 404 Error Count | Storing Filtered Logs in "final_web_404_log" Table | Introduction to Elasticsearch | Amazon OpenSearch Service (formerly Elasticsearch Service) | Steps to Deploy OpenSearch in AWS (87:09)
Session 12 - Summary
Session 1 - 28th May'23 - Working of Apache Kafka with WebLogs analytics, Kafka Topics, Producers, Consumers, Processing of WebLogs, Apache Kafka use in Microservices, Kafka Broker, Kafka Cluster, Zookeeper, Kafdrop, Configuration of Kafka cluster (323:54)
Session 1- Summary
Session 2 - 3rd June'23 - Kafka Connect, Confluent Kafka Connectors, Confluent Hub, Source & Sink Connectors, Standalone mode and Distributed mode of Kafka Connect, Kafka Cluster and Kafka Connect using Containers (286:37)
Session 1 - 17th June - Challenges of BigData | 5 v’s of big data | supercomputers | Hadoop Architecture | HDFS | AWS EMR | Setting up the HDFS cluster (318:01)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 18th June - Single Point of Failure(SPOF) | Fault tolerance | High Availability | heartbeat | replication factor in Hadoop | File configuration for setting up the block size in hadoop | tcpdump (235:49)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 -24th June - HDFS | Distributed computing | MapReduce cluster | MapReduce algorithm | Job Tracker | Task Tracker | configure MapReduce | wordcount practical (298:38)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 2nd July-MapReduce clusters |compute cluster |HDFS cluster | create cluster with HDFS and MapReduce |data lake| maping concept (139:15)
AWS Sessions
Session 7 - 25th Feb_serverless | Lambda function | CloudWatch | Integrate S3 service with Lambda | Amazon Transcribe | Transcribe (263:55)
Session 8 - 26th Feb_API Gateway | API (Application Programming Interface) | Lambda Proxy integration | lambda | request-response concept (199:34)
Session 12 - 4th March_Lambda | API Gateway | Pass Data - Query String, Embedding Data | GET/PUT/POST methods | Pass Through Setup - Lambda Proxy | Payload | Postman | API/Rest API | Path Parameter (150:08)
Session 13 - 5th March - AWS Serverless | Lambda | API Gateway | Postman (129:35)
Session 15 - 9th March - Multi-tier application | 3-tier application | 2-tier application | Business Layer | Data Layer | MySQL | Wordpress | RDS | Managed Service | DBaaS | DB Driver Program (136:41)
Session 26 - 5th April - Metrics | CPU utilization | AWS CloudWatch | AWS CloudWatch alarms | To create a CloudWatch alarm for a Lambda function | Create a CloudWatch alarm for a EC2 (134:03)
Session 35 - 20th April - Event Bridge | Custom Bus and Product Bus | Creating Buses | Creating Rules | Send Events | Log Group | Event pattern | Custom event | Create pattern with json - event pattern | Clodwatch | lambda function |prefix matching | Content based filtering (123:08)
Session 36 - 25th April - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
AWS S3 & S3 Lifecycle (104:49)
S3 Security (144:13)
S3 Cors & Policy (155:18)
EBS/S3 costing and capacity planning (106:09)
Cryptography Concept/Cloud HSM/Symmetric key/Assymentric Key for KMS Service with Lambda (157:45)
AWS KMS Services/Encryption types in S3 Encryption with AWS CLI (112:07)
AWS Certificate Manager Service/SSL (158:36)
AWS S3 pre-signed url & other S3 features (114:48)
Amazon Redshift
1. Biggest Amazon Redshift Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240224-064729 (134:03)
Summary Session 1
2. Amazon Redshift Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal daga on 25th Feb 2024_GMT20240225-065149 (142:49)
Summary Session 2
2.1 Revision Session (49:02)
3. Data Organize -DB(Structure) | Data Warehouse | Client Tool-Aginity | Parallel Processing Introduction | Node Types | Cluster Permission | IAM Roles | Network & Security Configuration | Encryption Of Data | Maintenance & Monitoring | VPC & Subnets | Single & Multi A-Z | SQL & DDL-DML Operations (182:09)
Summary - Session 3
4. Amazon Redshift Training by the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 31st March 2024_GMT20240331-072300 (90:58)
Summary - Session 4
Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga - Oct 2024
1. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241001-134443 (183:12)
2. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241002-134803 (123:48)
3. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training Session By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241004-141503 (133:09)
Extra Session
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (477:00)
Important Links
Drive Link
Discord Link
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test - 2
Session 1 - 17th June - Challenges of BigData | 5 v’s of big data | supercomputers | Hadoop Architecture | HDFS | AWS EMR | Setting up the HDFS cluster
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