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AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) Training by Mr. Vimal Daga - Feb 2024
Basic Prerequisite VIdeos
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS RedHat Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
AWS - Putty Linux Connect SetUp (18:39)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
AWS Cloud Training
1. Cloud Computing Concept | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU | Compute Devices | Importance of OS & Physical Devices | Concurrent Connection Limit | Scalability Concepts | Netflix History | CSP(Cloud Service Provider) | Servers Or Instances | AWS Services (165:17)
Summary - Session 1
2. Cost Management | Computational Complexity | CSP | AWS-EC2 Service | Python program in EC2-CLI | Provisioning | Fully Managed Services(Serverless) | Lambda Service | Monolithic Approach | Mirco-services | FAAS(Function As A Services) | Use Cases Of Lambda (134:42)
Summary session 2
3. EC2 Service infrastructure | Lambda Service For Serverless | WebApp Via EC2 service | Security Groups | OS Images(AMI) | Yum Software | HTTPD(Apache) Software | Serverless Service | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU, HD, N/W | Real-Time Monitoring | Cloud Watch Service | Metrics | (133:54)
Summary Session 3
4. AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
Summary - Session4
5. Basics Of Generative AI | Uses Of GEN-AIOPS | Automation | Launch EC2 Instance Via Boto3 | Automation Code | Python Library-Boto3 | Modules In Python | AMI & Instance Type | Parameters In Python | Mix & Min Count | Tokens(Keys) For Login | Access & Secret Key (123:31)
Summary - Session 5
6. Notification & Billing | SNS Service | Subscribers | Boto3 Library | Integrated SNS With Boto3 | Topics In SNS | Lambda Function Creation | Event Driven Approach | Uses Of SNS Service (78:21)
Summary - Session 6
7. Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
Summary - Session 7
8. Storage as a service | Data storing | S3 service | Object storage | Block storage | File storage | Bucket in S3 | Creating the S3 bucket | Uploading object in the bucket | Object security | Event driven architecture | Integrating S3 with lambda and SNS (150:26)
Summary - Session 8
9. " Speech to text | Amazon Transcribe service | Real time transcription | Transcription job | Integrating S3, lambda and transcribe services | Event variable in Lambda | Object key | S3 URI | Retrieving the Object key | Boto3 code to connect lambda and Trancribe | Uuid for unique id " (128:32)
Summary - Session 9
9.1 Revision Session (79:09)
10. Need of the cloud | Public cloud | Ec2 and azure virtual machine | Multicloud strategy | Cost optimisation | Latency issue | Infrastructure as a service | Region and Location | Multicloud architecture | Storage(EBS and Azure disk storage) | Auto scaling | Load balancing (123:03)
11. AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI | Access key and secret key | Launching the EC2 instance using CLI | Creating own custom commands | Script | Uploading object in S3 bucket using AWS CLI (110:41)
Summary Session 11
12. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 17th April 2024 (127:10)
Summary Session 12
13. What is IAM Role | Policy | Attaching different policies to EC2 | Attaching policies to Lambda function | AWS Systems manager | Nodes | SSM agent | Allowing ssm agent policy for EC2 instance | Running commands in EC2 using the AWS Systems manage (123:08)
Summary Session 13
14.EFS | EFS filesystem | Geo-replication | PERFORMANCE | IOPS, Throughput | HDD | SSD | Pricing | EBS (113:09)
Summary - EFS | EFS filesystem | Geo-replication | PERFORMANCE | IOPS, Throughput
15.Storage Tier | Standard storage tier | Archive storage | Restore snapshot from archive | Archive snapshot | Data Lifecycle Manager (DML) | tier | Create Lifecycle policy | AWS Backup | Amazon Machine Images (AMI) | Create Own custom AMI (130:06)
Summary - Storage Tier | Standard storage tier | Archive storage | Restore snapshot from archive
16. CloudWatch | Cloud Trail | Event Management | Monitoring (150:35)
Summary - CloudWatch | Cloud Trail | Event Management | Monitoring
17.Metrics | CPU utilization | AWS CloudWatch | AWS CloudWatch alarms | To create a CloudWatch alarm for a Lambda function | Create a CloudWatch alarm for a EC2 (134:03)
Summary - Metrics | CPU utilization | AWS CloudWatch | AWS CloudWatch alarms
18. Global Accelerator | cache | TTL | CDN | S3 | Bucket | CloudFront | Edge location | Static Content (125:41)
Summary - Global Accelerator | cache | TTL | CDN | S3 | Bucket
19.CloudWatch dashboard | Creation of dashboard | detailed monitoring | Custom metrics | standard resolution | high resolution | AWS namespace | Custom namespace | dimension | CloudWatch Agent (168:07)
Summary - CloudWatch dashboard | Creation of dashboard | detailed monitoring
20. CDN (Content Delivery Network) | cache | Cloud Front | Cache Miss | Cache Hit | Cloud Front classes | TTL ( Time-To-Live) | OAC (Origin Access Control) | S3 (118:58)
Summary - CDN (Content Delivery Network) | cache | Cloud Front | Cache Miss
21. Cloud Front With Api Gateway Integration | Query String | Cache Policy | CloudFront | Distributions | AWS Shield (119:17)
Summary - Cloud Front With Api Gateway Integration | Query String | Cache Policy
22.CloudWatch | log group | log management | sys logs | Log Agent Program | AWS System Manager Parameter Store (150:16)
Summary - CloudWatch | log group | log management | sys logs
23. How to connect with s3 when it's private with cloudfront | S3 policy | OAC | ARN | Placement Group (Cluster , spread , partition) | Elastic IPS | EIP aws cost (112:53)
Summary - How to connect with s3 when it's private with cloudfront | S3 policy
24.CloudFront & Edge Locations | Use cases of Edge location | CloudFront Function | Lambda@Edge | Difference between CloudFront Function and Lambda@Edge | Create a function with CloudFront Function (108:01)
Summary - CloudFront & Edge Locations | Use cases of Edge location
25.lambda@edge | A/B Testing | Http Header | Cookie | Event Trigger | Lambda Code | Policy | CloudFront Event | CloudWatch Metrics and logs (123:44)
26.Difference between IAM and CIAM | Customer IAM (CIAM) | Amazon Cognito | Call back URL | Identity Providers | Cognito User Pool | Integrate API Gateway with Cognito | Identity Token (138:05)
14. User Authentication | AWS Cognito Service | User pool | OAuth protocol | Callback URL | Federate identity | Creating user pool in Aws Cognito | Creating Sign in/Sign Up page using AWS Cognito | Attributes (108:28)
Summary Session 14
Extra Session
Accessing EC2 instance using SSH protocol | Internet's networking over the globe | Proxy concept | Socks5 Proxy with implementation | Deploying simple web page on EC2 | Global Accelerator | AWS's Global Network Infrastructure (142:03)
Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:27)
Storage | EBS | Persistent Storage | S3 | NFS | Storage as a service | Block, File, Object Storage | Partition | Disaster Recovery | EFS (152:42)
Deployed Webapp With Backend On Lambda Function | DynamoDB (175:01)
DNS and Global Accelerator (127:51)
AWS Database Migration Service | VPC Peering | VPC Endpoint (113:06)
AWS Cloudformation (136:35)
Create Infrastructure via Cloud Formation (154:07)
Virtual Private Cloud
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (128:53)
Right meaning of VPC (120:37)
Q & A Session (63:14)
NAT Gateway (126:15)
Security Group & NACL (95:24)
AWS Load Balancer (119:40)
Application Load Balancer (94:36)
NLB with ALB; Gateway Load balancer (31:17)
Auto Scaling Groups (99:24)
Route 53
Route 53 (129:09)
AWS - ( Identity and access management ) (116:17)
IAM policy and CLI (117:50)
Continuous monitoring with CloudWatch (126:24)
AWS CLI and Cloudwatch (94:42)
Dynamic AutoScaling Core concept (85:07)
Egress Gateway/VPN (84:33)
RDS and Read Replica creation (150:35)
AWS Database Migration Service/VPC Peering/VPC Endpoint (113:06)
AWS Organization | SCP | RAM (119:26)
VPC flow logs (74:25)
AWS ECS Cluster & docker concept (123:54)
AWS ECR/Fargate Services/Creating Image by Dockerfile (80:16)
Summary - Session4
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