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AWS Certified SysOPS Administrating Training
Basic Prerequisite Session
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS RedHat Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
AWS - Putty Linux Connect Setup (18:39)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
AWS SysOPS Training
Session 1 - 25th Feb_serverless | Lambda function | CloudWatch | Integrate S3 service with Lambda | Amazon Transcribe | Transcribe (263:55)
Session 1 - Summary_25th Feb
Session 2 - 26th Feb_API Gateway | API (Application Programming Interface) | Lambda Proxy integration | lambda | request-response concept (199:34)
Session 2 - Summary_26th Feb
Session 3 - 4th March_Lambda | API Gateway | Pass Data - Query String, Embedding Data | GET/PUT/POST methods | Pass Through Setup - Lambda Proxy | Payload | Postman | API/Rest API | Path Parameter (150:08)
Session 3 - Summary_4th March
Session 4 - 5th March - AWS Serverless | Lambda | API Gateway | Postman (129:35)
Session 5 - 8th April - CloudWatch dashboard | Creation of dashboard | detailed monitoring | Custom metrics | standard resolution | high resolution | AWS namespace | Custom namespace | dimension | CloudWatch Agent (168:07)
Session 5 - Summary 8th April
Session 6 - 15th April - CloudWatch | log group | log management | sys logs | Log Agent Program | AWS System Manager Parameter Store (150:16)
Session 6 - Summary 15th April
Session 7 - 19th April - Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:20)
Session 7 - Summary 19th April
Session 8 - 20th April - Event Bridge | Custom Bus and Product Bus | Creating Buses | Creating Rules | Send Events | Log Group | Event pattern | Custom event | Create pattern with json - event pattern | Clodwatch | lambda function |prefix matching | Content based filtering (123:08)
Session 8 - Summary 20th April
Session 9 - 25th April - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Session 9 - Summary 25th April
Session 10 - 27th April - CloudFront & Edge Locations | Use cases of Edge location | CloudFront Function | Lambda@Edge | Difference between CloudFront Function and Lambda@Edge | Create a function with CloudFront Function (108:01)
Session 10 - Summary 27th April
Session 11 - 2nd May - Lambda@edge | A/B Testing | Http Header | Cookie | Event Trigger | Lambda Code | Policy | CloudFront Event | CloudWatch Metrics and logs (123:44)
Session 11 - Summary 2nd May
Session 12 - 3rd May - Difference between IAM and CIAM | Customer IAM (CIAM) | Amazon Cognito | Call back URL | Identity Providers | Cognito User Pool | Integrate API Gateway with Cognito | Identity Token (138:05)
Session 12 - Summary 3rd May
Session 13 - 4th May - Amazon Macie | Data lake | Senstitive Data | jobs | Custom data identifiers | Aws gaurdduty | Vpc Flow logs | Aws cloudTrail (125:33)
Session 13 - Summary 4th May
Session 14th - 9th May - AWS Kinesis | Kinesis Data Streams | Amazon Kinesis Data Streams | Big Data | Shards | Data retention period | Bucketing/Partitioning | Partition key | Hash algorithm - MD5 | Consuming | Shard Iterator | TRIM_HORIZON | base64 to string | (157:48)
Session 14 - Summary
Session 15th - 10th May - Shard | Producer | Consumer | S3 | AWS SDK | Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) | Kinesis Agent | Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Kinesis Agent (134:43)
Session 15 - Summary
Session 16 - 12th May - Data stream | Event notifications | IAM | S3 | sending our Data to Kinesis (145:45)
Session 16 - Summary
Session 17 - 16th May - AWS S3 bucket to Kinesis data stream using lambda functions | Create a Kinesis Data Stream | Write the Lambda function codefor the producer | Retrieving S3 bucket name and object key | Getting object data from S3 | Sending data to Kinesis Data Stream (130:10)
Session 17 - Summary
Session 18 - 17th May - Kinesis Data Firehose (KDF) | Difference between KDS & KDF | Data Delivery | Data Stream V/S Delivery Stream | Flush the Buffer | Buffer time | Interval | Buffer size | Partitioning | timestamp Function (119:25)
Session 18 - Summary
Session 19 - 18th May - Kube- Scheduler | Benefits of Fargate | Limitation of Fargate | Resource request | K8S Namespace | Fargate on EKS | EKS - K8s cluster | Master Node and Worker Node | Untolerated Taint | Fargate Profile (97:18)
Session 19 - Summary
Session 20 - 26th May - Aws Kinesis firehouse integrate with splunk | HTTP Event Collector (HEC) | Splunk Overview | Kinesis Firehouse overview | VPC Flowlog | Install Aws on splunk | Launching Amazon Kinesis Firehose | Https vaild Certificate | Data Firehose | ACM | Route 53 (121:28)
Session 20 - Summary
Session 21 - 27th May - Pod Monitoring | Metrics and Logs | Container Insights | Cloudwatch-agent | Fluentd | Daemonsets | RBAC | helm chart | RDS | External namespace | Karpenter | Autoscaling
Session 21 - Summary
Session 22 - 30th May - Overview of Kafka | MSK(Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka) | Cluster type in MSK | Zookeeper | Overview of AWS Kinesis | Difference between Kinesis and MSK | Kafka Producer Program | Kafka Consumer Program (128:34)
Session 22 - Summary
Session 23 - 31st May - Kinesis Data Analytics | SQL engine | Apache Flink engine | Project: Real-time 404 Error Detection and Notification (124:04)
Session 23 - Summary
Session 24 - 6th June - Kinesis Data Analytics with Apache Flink | JSON format and Table format | Flink SQL | schema | connector | Zeppelin Notebook | stream API (118:37)
Session 24 - Summary
Session 25 - Summary
Virtual Private Cloud
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (128:52)
Right meaning of VPC (120:37)
Q & A Session (63:14)
NAT Gateway (126:14)
Security Group & NACL (95:23)
AWS EKS Sessions
Session 1 - 18th March - EKS | ECS | EKSCTL | Realtime monitoring | Kubeproxy | kubeAPI | Fault Tolerance and Seamless facility | etcd | Single Point of failure | EKS fargate | IAM (269:55)
Session 1 - Summary 18th March
Session 2 - 19th March - YAML | ELB | Container image | node | cluster (227:03)
Session 2 - Summary 19th March
AWS Load Balancer (119:39)
Application Load Balancer (94:35)
NLB with ALB; Gateway Load balancer (31:17)
Auto Scaling Groups (99:24)
AWS Data Analytics Speciality Training
Session 1 - 9th May - AWS Kinesis | Data Stream | Kinesis Data Stream | Shards | Throughput | Bucketing/Partitioning (157:48)
Summary 1
Session 2 - 10th May-Shard | Producer | Consumer | S3 | AWS SDK | Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) | Kinesis Agent | Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Kinesis Agent (134:43)
Summary 2
Session 3 - 12th May-Data stream | Event notifications | IAM | S3 | sending our Data to Kinesis (145:45)
Summary 3
Session 4 16th May - AWS S3 bucket to Kinesis data stream using lambda functions | Create a Kinesis Data Stream | Write the Lambda function codefor the producer | Retrieving S3 bucket name and object key | Getting object data from S3 | Sending data to Kinesis Data Stream
Summary 4
Session 5-17th May - Kinesis Data Firehose (KDF) | Difference between KDS & KDF | Data Delivery | Data Stream V/S Delivery Stream | Flush the Buffer | Buffer time | Interval | Buffer size | Partitioning | timestamp Function
Summary 5
Session 6-18th May - Kube- Scheduler | Benefits of Fargate | Limitation of Fargate | Resource request | K8S Namespace | Fargate on EKS | EKS - K8s cluster | Master Node and Worker Node | Untolerated Taint | Fargate Profile
Summary 6
Session 7-
Summary 7
Session 7 revision
Session 8 -26th May - Aws Kinesis firehouse integrate with splunk | HTTP Event Collector (HEC) | Splunk Overview | Kinesis Firehouse overview | VPC Flowlog | Install Aws on splunk | Launching Amazon Kinesis Firehose | Https vaild Certificate | Data Firehose | ACM | Route 53 (128:34)
Session 9 -30th May - Overview of Kafka | MSK(Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka) | Cluster type in MSK | Zookeeper | Overview of AWS Kinesis | Difference between Kinesis and MSK | Kafka Producer Program | Kafka Consumer Program
Session 10 - 1st June
Session 11 - 6th June-Kinesis Data Analytics with Apache Flink | JSON format and Table format | Flink SQL | schema | connector | Zeppelin Notebook | stream API (118:37)
Remaining Sessions
Regex (98:23)
AWS Storage Gateway/FSX (124:54)
Utility/Standalone Service | AWS Global Network | Global Accelerator | Edge locations | AWS Compute Optimizer | regional service | global service (126:28)
IAM | S3 | Launch webserver | System Manger | Allowing EC2 to use S3 (141:45)
Snapshot | Full Backup | Incremental Backup | Practical | How to create Snapshot | creating volume by Snapshot | Transferring HD from one region to other (140:36)
Recycle Bin | retention period | snapshot | encrypt the existing volume (110:51)
EFS | EFS filesystem | Geo-replication | PERFORMANCE | IOPS, Throughput | HDD | SSD | Pricing | EBS (113:10)
Cloud Front With Api Gateway Integration | Query String | Cache Policy | CloudFront | Distributions | AWS Shield (119:18)
Blue/green deployment | Rolling deployment | Canary deployment (117:20)
AWS SQS SNS MQS (129:19)
RDS and Read Replica creation (150:35)
Route 53 (129:09)
AWS Cloudformation (136:35)
Create Infrastructure via Cloud Formation (154:06)
Egress | Gateway | VPN (84:33)
AWS Database | Migration Service | VPC Peering | VPC Endpoint (113:06)
AWS Organization | SCP | RAM (119:26)
VPC flow logs (74:25)
Cryptography | ConceptCloud | HSMSymmetric keyAssymentric | Key for KMS | Service with Lambda (157:44)
AWS KMS Services | Encryption types in S3 | Encryption with AWS CLI (112:06)
AWS Certificate Manager Service/SSL (158:36)
AWS S3 pre-signed url & other S3 features (114:48)
Amazon Redshift
1. Biggest Amazon Redshift Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240224-064729 (134:03)
Summary Session 1
2. how to increase read operation in hard disk | Data management system | data warehousing | analysis/analytics | statistics | BI | data Lake | structure data/ un structure data | data set | schema | LLM model | transactional data | storage devices | read operation | write operation (142:49)
Summary Session 2
2.1 Revision Session (49:02)
3. Data Organize -DB(Structure) | Data Warehouse | Client Tool-Aginity | Parallel Processing Introduction | Node Types | Cluster Permission | IAM Roles | Network & Security Configuration | Encryption Of Data | Maintenance & Monitoring | VPC & Subnets | Single & Multi A-Z | SQL & DDL-DML Operations (182:09)
Summary -Session 3
4. Amazon Redshift Training by the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 31st March 2024_GMT20240331-072300 (90:58)
Summary Session 4
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
1. Code Commit | Code Deploy | Code Pipeline | DAG | Artifacts service | Docker | Container technology | Docker Image | OS | Registry | ECR | Custom images | Docker file | Python | Flask | Work Station | Code build | Build Spec file | Code specification (235:49)
Summary - Code Commit | Code Deploy |
2. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 3rd September 2024_GMT20240903-150658 (110:23)
Session 3 - Create a repository & project in code build | BuildSpec file | Build Command | Post-build | Docker file | Parameter Store | Decrypting password | Attach role | Push image in Docker Hub | Code Deploy Agent | Code Deploy | Pipeline | WebHooks | Blue-green Deployment (115:46)
Summary - Session 3
4. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 6th September 2024_GMT20240906-150105 (71:09)
Summary - session 4
5. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240910-151520 (151:07)
5_1. AWS DevOps Training Revision Session on 11th September 2024_GMT20240911-151738 (62:33)
6. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 16th September 2024_GMT20240916-150449 (90:26)
7. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 23rd September 2024_GMT20240923-150332 (129:30)
8. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 24th September 2024_GMT20240924-151108 (86:42)
9. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 25th September 2024_GMT20240925-135647 (97:08)
10. AWS DevOps Training on 26th September 2024_GMT20240926-150551 (40:30)
11. AWS DevOps Training on 27th September 2024_GMT20240927-150715 (43:02)
12. AWS DevOps Training on 28th September 2024_GMT20240928-151129 (42:53)
13. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 9th October 2024_GMT20241009-153120 (121:30)
14. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 15th October 2024_GMT20241015-151757 (89:43)
15. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 16th October 2024_GMT20241016-153031 (77:59)
Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga - Oct 2024
1. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241001-134443 (183:12)
2. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241002-134803 (123:48)
Amazon EKS - selfpage Sessions
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:30)
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:30)
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:30)
Important Links
Drive Link
Discord Link
Drive Link
Discord Link
Drive Link
Discord Link
AWS Devops Training - Self Page Sessions
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 2
Practice Test - 1
Route 53
Route 53 (129:09)
AWS Cloudformation (136:35)
Create Infrastructure via Cloud Formation (154:07)
Deployed Webapp With Backend On Lambda Function | DynamoDB (175:01)
AWS Glue/Athena/Cloudwatch integration (120:42)
AWS Storage Gateway/FSX (124:53)
Elastic Beanstalk (96:30)
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test - 2
AWS Devops Workshop By Mr. Vimal Daga
Session 3 - Create a repository & project in code build | BuildSpec file | Build Command | Post-build | Docker file | Parameter Store | Decrypting password | Attach role | Push image in Docker Hub | Code Deploy Agent | Code Deploy | Pipeline | WebHooks | Blue-green Deployment
Summary - Session 3
Session 2 - 19th March - YAML | ELB | Container image | node | cluster
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