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AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
Basic Videos
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
GIT Installation in Local Computer (6:10)
Introduction to Git And Github
Session 1 - Introduction and Working of Git (255:55)
Session 2 - Branch, Merge in Git & Connecting to Github (271:37)
YAML language (16:55)
Launching first pod from YAML file (45:20)
AWS Devops Workshop By Mr. Vimal Daga
Function | Associative memory | Variable and reference | Different RAM and Storage Device | List | Index | Boolean operator | Type() | dir | Save source code | Import keyword | Pyttsx3 library | Text To Speech | Array | Matrix | Data Structure Planning | Numpy Library (235:49)
Summary - AWS Devops Workshop
AWS Devops Workshop By Mr. Vimal Daga
Summary - Session 3
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
Session 2 - Code Commit |Code Deploy|Code Pipeline|DAG|Artifacts service|Docker |Container technology |Docker Image |OS|Registry |ECR|Custom images|Docker file |Python |Flask |Work Station |Code build |Build Spec file|Code specification (110:23)
Sesssion 3 - Create a repository in the code build |Create a project in the Code Build|BuildSpec file|Build Command|Post-build|Docker file |Parameter Store|Decrypting password|Attach role |Push image in Docker Hub|launch Ec2 Instance|code Deploy Agent |Create Code Deploy|Create Pipeline |WebHooks (115:46)
Session 4 - WebHook |Pipeline |S3|Upload artifact |Docker |port 80|Agent |deploy ID |App spec file|How To Troubleshoot Errors (71:09)
Sesssion 5 - Lambda Service|ServerLess approach|Function|Create Lambda |log group |Cloud Watch |Trigger|Create function URL|Upload code from the local system in lambda|import & pip |create S3 Bucket |Zip file|Build phase|post build|create a build project |create build (129:16)
Session 6 - Blue-Green Deployment |Auto Scaling Group |ELB Service|Create a launch template |Code deploy Agent |Launch ASG|Load balancer|Auto Scaling|target group |Code Deploy|Inplace strategy|Blue-Green Deployment strategy|traffic Switch |create application (151:07)
Session 7 - AWS ECS Service |Containerisation|What are containers|Launching docker in ec2|Launching container in ec2|Container as a service |Cluster|Serverless concept |Aws Fargate|Task definition in ECS |Logging for the ECS|Running the task in ECS|Difference between service and task in ECS (90:26)
Session 8 - CRUD Operation|API|n Elastic Container Service (ECS)|Spring Boot| HTTP protocol|a POST & GET request|Maven|Docker|TCP port|postman|Elastic Container Registry|Create Spring boot app|OpenAI Definition|load Balancer| (129:30)
Session 9 - ECR| Container| Java|OpenAI Definition|ECS Service|Code build |Build Project|Course Controller|Code Pipeline| Environment variable|Cluster| (86:42)
Session 10 - DevSec Ops|Config service|Compliance as code |Resources |Notification |Trigger |Remediation |SNS service|Set up AWS Config |Detective Mode|Create a custom role |Auto Remediation |SSM Service|Assume role concept |Create Topic|Create Lambda Function (97:08)
Revision Session (40:30)
Revision Session (43:02)
Revision Session (42:53)
Session 11 - AWS Organizations|Organizations unit |Root account |SCP|create Organizations |Create OU|Add some members to the project |Add policy (60:45)
Revision Session (89:43)
Session 12 - AWS Control Tower |Landing Zone|Security OU |Sandbox OU|Cloud Trail|Organizations
13. AWS DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 17th November_GMT20241117-121907 (94:23)
AWS Devops Training - Self Page Sessions
AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda
Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event |
Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis | Data Analytics | MessageQ Stream | Kafka (MSK) | Kinese Analytics | Cloud Formation | Dynamo DB (130:52)
Summary - Decision Latency | Real Time Fraud Detection | Aws Kinesis
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test - 2
Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training By Mr. Vimal Daga - Oct 2024
1. Introduction of ESK | Kubernetes Tool | Container Technology | Docker Image | Management | Docker Engine | Scale-Out | Load balancer | SDN | SVC | External Load balancer | Replicas Set | Pod | Driver | ELB | EBS | VPC | IAM | Worker Nodes | Control Plane (183:12)
Summary Session 1
2. EKSCTL code way | launch EKS cluster with yml | Cloud Watch | IAC | VPC | Addons | Persistent Storage | EBS | PV & PVC | Storage Class | Driver | CSI | Name Space | Create storage class with yaml file | create PVC | launch pod | Create IAM Role | VPC subnet | Install Driver | Cloud Watch logs (123:48)
Summary Session 2
2.1_ Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) Training Revision Session_GMT20241003-141329 (73:15)
3. identify users | IAM | Identity Provider | OIDC | Role Binding | Pod Resource | SVC Resource | Create Namespace | Create User | Unset command | Kube System | AWS - Auth | EKS dashboard | Install Helm | Proxy | Create Dashboard | Prometheus and Grafana | Install Prometheus (133:09)
Summary session 3
Amazon EKS - selfpage Sessions
Event | Event Management | Cloud Watch | Bus | Event Buses | Pub-Sub Model | Event Driven Architecture | Rules | Partner Event source (102:21)
Container Insights|EKS containers|CloudWatch|metrics|Fluentd|DaemonSet|multi-tier application with Helm|IAM |Bitnami repository|CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy|RDS|VPC (238:30)
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Launching first pod from YAML file
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