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ARTH 4.0 - The School of Technologies by Mr. Vimal Daga
Basic Requisite Videos
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS Red Hat - Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
Important Links for Arth 4.0
Discord Link
ARTH 4.0 Program Training
Free Guidance MasterClass on ARTH 4.0 for Engineering Students | 30th September (94:48)
Linux v9 Training
Session 1 - Why Linux and motivation behind learning Linux? | Operating System(OS) | Why Multiple OS?,Linux Distributors | What is Linux and Linux Community?, Virtualisation | Installation of Oracle Virtual Box | Installation of OS (RHEL V9.2) (162:37)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 -Root Users|Non Root User|GUI|CLI|WebUI|Right "ctrl"|Left "ctrl+c"|Left "ctrl+x"|jobs|network connectivity b/w windows & linux|RAM size|location of program|command to create new user ,setting password,perticular terminal,manual,to see terminal|mutliuser facility (139:44)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - How to take screenshot | Gnome terminal | Run any command in background | RPM | How to see all files of a software | Install and uninstall software using rpm | Package management | Dependencies problem of the software and how to solve it | What is yum | How to configure yum (147:58)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4.- Network and it's types | Asterisk | LAN | ipv4 | Changing Boot order in Virtual box | IP Address Mystry Solved | Map of Submarine Cables for Internet | traceroot in GUI and CLI | DNS | Network Interface Card (NIC) | Ping in depth (161:15)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 - Type of Linux os CLI, GUI & WebUI | local, remote & webUI login | SSH | vi, vim & gedit | Web server, Clint server configuration | Setting up any server | Process |type of web server IIS, nginx, HTTPD | Creating a web page | server start, status | folder directory, Secuirty | Textediter (142:30)
Summary - Session 5
Session 6 - Why we need port number | what is httpd and how to start it's services | Netstat command| how to configure the httpd file | SElinux | Changing default port number and landing page in httpd file | PublicIP and PrivateIP | ngrok software (128:52)
Summary - Session 6
Session 7 - Port no | Default port no of - web server, mail, ssh & https server | Systemctl status, start & enabled command | netstat command | Steps for changing settings in httpd | httpd.conf file | getenforce & setenforce | /etc/httpd/conf.d file | Importance of public IP | Ngrok (124:01)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - remote login | RSH , Telnet , SSH | configure files | start service | OpenSSH server | clinet & server | iscup | netstat -tnlp | putty| sshd_config | semanage port -l | SELinux |linux user su| GitBash | private & public IP | useradd | authentication_keys |ssh_keygen.exe| authorized_keys (124:17)
Summary - Session 8
8_1. Linux Revision Session on 28th Nov. 23 (88:35)
Session 9 - networking | NIC | IP | IP4 & IP6 | internet protocol | switch | router | netmask | LAN | gateway | NAT | masqurade | SNATÂ |Â DNATÂ |PAT (125:18)
Summary - Session 9
Session 10 - NAT | public IP & private IP | LAN | NATing | gateway | source IP | Destination IP | Masquerade | SNAT | DNAT | Demilitarized zone | pating | switch | OSI MODEL | L2 device | bridge L3 | home broadband devices | mobile hotspot (118:53)
Summary - Session 10
Session 11 - Admin user , General user & Service user | escalation | sudo | useradd | passwd | configure file | wq! | which command | install httpd | ALL Keyword | NOPASSWD | sudo -l | /etc/sudoers.d | wheel | sudoedit | sudoreplay (104:13)
Summary - Session 11
Session 12. File handling using python | What is a file | Mode of operations | End of line(EOL) & End of file(EOF) character | read(r) & write(w) operation | file seeking (141:11)
Summary - Session 12
13. ps-aux | systemd | PID | pgrep | killprocess_ID | free-m | dockerimages command | SELinux | runc| (152:25)
Summary - Session 13
13_1. Linux v9- Revision Session on 24th Dec. 2023_GMT20231224-091853 (66:01)
14. command-line interface | graphical user interface | GNOME | KDE | Zsh ZShell | FISH Friendly Interactive SHell | DASH | Username | Password | UserID| GroupID | User Info | Home Directory | Login Shell | which command | Shell | Bash(Bourne Again SHell) | Quotes | Single quotes (97:32)
Summary - Session 14
15. RHCSA EXAM guidance (67:38)
Linux V9 Important Links
Drive Link
Community Link
Extra session for Linux
Basic Concepts of Partition (100:24)
Create a Partition (100:08)
Partition | Format | Mount (94:24)
LVM | Extend the LV (103:24)
LVM | Reduce LV (79:12)
FSTAB | Swap Space (72:08)
NAS | NFS | Persistent Mount | NTP Servers and Clients (117:24)
Logs Metrics Importance of Logs and Metrics (110:34)
NAS | NFS | Autofs (79:21)
Stratis | VDO | Crontab (44:02)
SELinux Session 1 (116:19)
SELinux Session 2 (98:12)
SElinux Session 3 (57:59)
Podman Session 1 (184:09)
Podman Session 2 (155:06)
Scope | Users | Cgroups - Part 1 (15:25)
Users Cgroups - Part 2 (26:55)
Systemd | Cgroup (72:30)
CPU Scheduling / Hardware Controlling (110:28)
TestDisk Tool For File & Partition Recorvery (20:31)
Recap (2:36)
Cockpit Graphic Tool (From RedHat) (17:55)
TCPDump ( Tracking Packets) (3:37)
1. DevOps Tools | Configure Program | Type of configure | program code (Scripting, Intelligence) | Usecase | Installation on RHEL9 | Configuring host file | Resources | Control Node | Manger Node | AWS intance Lunche | Remote Login Using SSH | Ansible List Host configure | sshd configure | model (168:08)
Summary - Session 1
2. Configuration Management | Controller Node & Target Node | Password Authentication Inventory | Configure Apache HTTPD Webserver | Idempotent (111:45)
Summary - Session 2
3. Playbook | Configuring webserver | YAML language | Syntax check command | Running a playbook | Service module | present , true & enabled keyword | Ansible doc command (76:01)
Summary - Session 3
4. Creating a playbook | debug module | variable & string in YAML | Gathering facts | vars & msg keyword | Syntax error | extra vars keyword | verbosity (116:26)
Summary - Session 4
5.ansible-doc command | command module | File module | creating/ deleting directories | Target Node |copy module | playlist | sequencing (/n /t) | OS footprint | Controller Node | facts | User Defined Variable | debug module | Ansible gathering | syntax to print | httpd | apache2 | WAMP | (126:52)
Summary - Session 5
Ansible Revision Session on 28th Nov. 23 (100:42)
Session 6.ansible-doc -l | AWS cloud | docker | Kubernetes | galaxy | yml file | namespace | FQMN/CN | FQCN | Python | rpm -q -l ansible-core | installing galaxy | boto3 | Security Credentials | Access Key | ansible-doc -l | ansible –version | (127:44)
Summary - Session 6
Revision Session (63:39)
Session 7.Role/Template/jinja/Handler | local host | ansible localhost –list-hosts | Apache webserver | ansible-playbook web.yml | rpm -q httpd | docRoot | template | Jinja2 templating | copy and template | Template file | webport | semanage port -l |web service start | handlers | notify (112:18)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8.Role/Template/jinja/Handler | Apache webserver | ansible-playbook | docRoot | template | Jinja2 templating | copy and template | Template file | webport | semanage port -l |web service start | handlers | notify (112:09)
Summary - Session 8
Session 9.key-based authentication | key pair | Protocol-ssh | ec2-user | chmod o-r /etc/myserver.pem | admin-level commands | become true | SELinux security | vars | tasks | Role | ansible-galaxy role init | cp command | handlers | roles_path (91:14)
Summary - Session 9
Session10.Reverse Proxy set up | Load balancer | Horizontal Scaling | Scale Out | Scale In | setup.yaml file | file setup | yaml file | HA proxy | HA proxy services | (121:12)
Summary - Session 10
11. Reverse Proxy set up | Load balancer | Horizontal Scaling | Scale Out | Scale In | setup.yaml file | file setup | yaml file | HA proxy | HA proxy services | (89:40)
Summary - Session 11
12. Load Balancer | Public IP | HA proxy | Backend-Server | Concurrent Connection | Horizontal Scaling | Load-Balancer Group | Scale in | Group Host | Playbook | Reverse proxy | Auto Scaling | Scale-out | Magic Numbers | Loop Concepts (81:53)
Summary - Session 12
13. Ansible - Specialisation in Devops on 20th Jan. 2024_GMT20240120-110856 (108:29)
Summary - Session 13
Ansible Important Links
Drive Link
Community Link
Ansible Extra Session
Basic of Ansible Core | Ansible controller |Limitation of ansible engine | Use Case of Ansible Tower | Ansible Inventory | Role base access control | Ansible tower installation | Preflight Check | Monitoring tools | Dynatrace | Dynatrace integration with ansible tower | (192:49)
Dynamic inventory (118:59)
Regex (98:23)
ssh Protocol Web Service Web Hosting Configuration of Webserver Firewall default document root (83:00)
Port Numbers | Curl Command | httpd (84:16)
SSH key-gen: - Refer the Video - From Time Stamp (50:00) (83:00)
Sudo Concepts (85:30)
Ansible Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test - 2
Python Programing Training
0. Introduction to Python | Python usage | Latest Version of Python | Comparision of Python with different languages (101:30)
1. Operating system | Install python using anaconda | Coding | Syntax Error | function | Associative memory | Variable and reference | Different Ram and Storage Device | Read Entire Ram | python interpreter, REPL | List | Index | append()Â |Â len() | Slicing Operator | Boolean operator | Type() | dir (136:22)
Summary - Session 1
2. Save source code | libraray | modules | functions | pip command use | Import keyword | Pyttsx3 library | Text To Speech | Send whatsapp, sms & email | Array | list | one dimension data and Vector | Metrix | Data Structure Planning | slicing in nested list | Numpy Library | Row & coloum operations (147:05)
Summary - Session 2
3. Data types in python | type casting | how a program run | space complexity and time complexity | how to check memory usage of a variable | use of sys module | what is tuple | difference between list and tuple | swap operation in python | multi value assignment of variable | f- string (117:39)
Summary - Session 3
4. Why do you code optimization | Split and join operation on string | What is iteration| what is the loop and why we need it | For loop | Block of code | Indentation | what is the ETLÂ operations (106:33)
Summary - Session 4
5. Python Operators | Relational /Comparison Operators(not equal != | equal to == | greater than >, less than <) | How to think before writing a code | Assignment Operator (=) | Decision control statement ( if, if else, if elif.....else) | input syntax | Logical Operator | Truth Table (99:57)
Summary - Session 5
6. Escape Sequences (/n,/t) | Menu based Program | Integrating earlier given task program | Declaration of multiple sentences as a String (90:02)
Summary - Session 6
7.list and numpy operations |Dictionay Data Structure | It's Methods | Accesing it's data | While loop |Incremental /Decremental operator | While loop Use Case (108:20)
Summary - Session 7
8.Algorithm | Function | Function Call | Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)| pre build function Defferent : print() vs return() | parameterized / input Function | name argument | default argument (81:33)
Summay -Session 8
9. Algorithm | Function | Function Call | Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)| pre build function Defferent : print() vs return() | parameterized / input Function | name argument | default argument (89:54)
Summary - Session 9
10. How to set up environmental path of any software || How to create function || Function Call || len || CRUD Operation on Tuple || Dictionary Types (95:51)
Summary - Session 10
10_1. Python Revision Session - 8th Nov (74:29)
11. Type and Id || Variable Memory Address || Python Memory Manager || dir || copy module|| Shallow Copy || Deep Copy || Lambda Function (81:38)
Summary - Session 11
12. File handling using python | What is a file | Mode of operations | End of line(EOL) & End of file(EOF) character | read(r) & write(w) operation | file seeking (94:57)
Summary - Session 12
13. file handling | mkdir() | Open() | write() function | writelines() | close() | Exits() | "\n" | lsof command | with keyword | remove() & removedirs() | pass keyword | r , w mode | readlines() | seek () function | head command | > option in cat (90:38)
Summary - Session 13
14.Revision Session (59:33)
15. module | Calling function in module | dir keyword | help keyword | sys module | custom module (115:32)
Summary - Session 15
Python Advance Training
16. Object Oriented Programming | Classes | Object | Methods | Attributes (79:38)
Summary - Session 16
16.1 Revision Session (63:08)
17 Classes | Object | modifiers | crud operation | Access modifier | getter function | setter function | (99:30)
Summary - Session 17
17.1 Revision session (67:38)
18. Inheritance | extend/derived/child class | base/parentclass | Hierarchical inheritance | dir | super()keyword | Method Overriding | constructor overriding | Single inheritance | Multilevel inheritance| Multiple inheritance | Hybrid inheritance | (100:43)
Summary - Session 18
19. Process in Python | parallel processing | context switch | process explore | Multithreading | light weight process | (102:26)
Summary - Session 19
20. Thread | Single-threaded | Multithreading | Synchronous programming | Global Interpreter Lock | (130:01)
Summary - Session 20
21. Multi threading | Gil concept | Concurrency | Arthmatic operators | Stack memory | Activation report | Local variables | Global keyword | Shared memory | Global variable | Current thread | Race condition | Mutual exclusion | Mutex concept | Thread synchronization |Â Parallelism (127:10)
Summary - Session 21
22. Concurrent processing | Python interpreter | Parallelism | CPU bound program | I/o bound programming | Contact switching | Sequential programming | multiprocessing module | Child process | Parent process | Shared variables | Global variables | Stack memory | Active child function (76:43)
Summary - Session 22
23. Multi-processing | CRUD Operation | Global Scope | Process Communication | Global Variables | Parallelism | Queue & Pipe Communication | Queue Data Structure - FIFO | Enqueue(Put) & Dequeue(Get) | Uses Of Queue | Difference b/w Pipe & Queue | Producer & Consumer Concept (106:12)
Summary - Session 23
24. Decorators | Functions | Wrapper Function | Higher Order Function | Local & Global Scope | Function As Input | Usecases of Decorator | Framework & Types | Inbuilt Decorators (92:13)
Summary - Session 24
Extra Sessions
Server | networking | local program| Process | Local access | Remote Network acces | Socket programming | socket | IP and Port number | bind () | tuple | netstat -tnip | packages | (97:19)
server | network programming | port number | conn variable | conn.recv | Client side | string | os.system | (67:16)
file handling | read() | open() | close() | Exception Handling | interger | write() | input() | try & except keyword | TypeError | NameError | SyntaxError | I/O-Bound Processes | Finally Keyword | Raising Exception | (88:37)
devices | Text-to-speech | pyttsx3 library | functions | program file | say() | runAndWait() | os.system | init() | type() | pip list |numpy | array | sliceing | if-else conditions | for loop | list | iteration | (134:37)
range stack memory stack frame arguments and variables loop Stateful functions Yield List comprehension more readable and efficient manner main blocks Functional Programming (117:59)
Open() | devices | context program | construct | With keyword | statement | speech_recognition | Pyaudio | Google Speech | GoogleRecognizeAPI | text.lower() | (90:28)
Python Advance Test
Python Advance Test - 1
Python Advance Test - 2
Python Practice Sets
Practice set - 1
Practice set - 2
Python Important Links
Drive Link
Linkedin Community Link
Extra Topics
Exclusive session by Vimal Sir for ARTH 4.0 learner’s on 1st Nov. 2023 (75:57)
Foundation of Kubernetes - Docker Session
Session 1 - Operating system | Containerization | Containerization products | OS Environment | AWS Cloud |AWS Linux operating system | sudo su |docker install |docker start | docker ps | docker image | use different docker image | docker run | exit | docker ps -a | docker attach | ping (136:33)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - Docker Stop | Docker rm | ifconfig | whatprovides | docker stop $(docker ps -q) | docker rm -f $(docker ps -q) | docker custom image create | docker commit | docker file |FROM & RUN keyword | docker build | docker image | echo 3> / proc/sys/vm/drop_caches (109:47)
Summary - Session 2
Session 2_1 - Revision Session (88:37)
Session 3 - Webserver | httpd webserver | install httpd | systemctl start httpd | systemctl status httpd | ps -aux | docker start | curl | docker file | RUN echo "hi LW" > /var/www/html/index.html | docker build | CMD keyword | docker cp | COPY keyword | docker history | "bin/bash" (125:27)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4 - docker -h | dockerfile | base image | centos | Ubuntu | docker build | ---ulimit | --ulimit nofile=1024000:1024000 | docker run | DIND | create docker file | ps _aux | RUN&CMD | docker history | DFORGROUND | docker inspect | horizontal scaling | public & private IP | patting (123:41)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 -Networking | Switch | Router | Docker networking | SDN | L3 Bridge | docker network ls | private LAN | private IP&public IP | Masquerade | SNAT | docker attach | install net-tools | ether | rount -n | -host | overly | MVLAN | IPLAN | docker network | DHCP | IPAM | docker network (107:48)
Summary - Sesison 5
Session 6 -docker run | ping | docker inspect | Dynamic IP | client & server | static IP | # | --ip | --link | connecting two container | Domain name| Multi tier application | wordpress | MYSQL | LAN | docker pull | docker logs | enviroment variable | port 8080 | wordpress container (95:40)
Summary - Session 6
Session 7 - docker images | free ram | lscpu | df & df -h | hard disk | Persistent & Ephemeral | ls | mount | /cdata & /mydata | docker rm | mysql image | docker exec | clienttool | /var/lib/mysql | mkdir /lwfolder | container | \ | mysql –u root –p |wordpress | server | /blogdb | Resilient set up (107:26)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - Container | Dockerfile | docker history | FROM | RUN | CMD | ENTRYPOINT | ls | docker build | docker history | python3 | COPY | Docker image | -DFOREGROUN | EXPOSE | port number | 3333 port | patting | –P | registry | share our file | docker save | myaa.tar | docker load -i (87:02)
Summary - Session 8
9. Repository | Dockerfile | mkdir | vim Dockerfile | 4 layers | docker build –t | centos:7 | intermediate image | def | ID | layers | docker history | UFS(union file system) | overlay file system | e / drive | echo | touch | docker inspect | hash | tar xvf layer.tar (88:49)
Summary - Session 9
10.kernel | nested process | namespeace | ps –aux | grep bash | docker attach | lscpu | free –m | c group | docker run --help | -- privileged keyword | docker run –it --memory 100M | runc | crun | nsenter | docker hub | docker search |e/root/.docker/config.json | docker push | tag | versioning (116:58)
Summary - Session 10
11. Revision Session (75:05)
12. tcp / socket | c group | docker service | containerd.sock |/dev/sda| vim/usr/lib/system/docker.serivce | execstart | dind | docker daemon | containerd.runtime |docker hub |rancher/dind| -- privileged | apache webserver | jenkins | kubernetes| podman | /run/podman/podman.sock (114:57)
Summary - Session 12
Session 1 - Running Container in Detached Mode | Docker Compose | Docker Engine | YAML Language | Multicontainer (129:33)
Session 2 - Network Infrastructure | Docker Compose | Multicontainer Concepts (119:15)
Session 3 - Integrate docker file and docker-compose | Tomcat Server | Docker attach Command | Bash Program |ROOT Directory | Docker-compose build Command | Patting in docker-compose | ADD Keyword in Docker File | Archive File | Copy Files | Expose Ports | Expose & ENV Keyword (116:42)
Session 4 - PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
Session 5 - " Data Structure | Data Member| Create Class | Create Object | Use of Objects | Methods/ Functions | Mutator |Accesor | Validation | Mutable Property | Immutable Property | Control access of variable" (124:11)
Session 6 - " Horizontal Scaling | SPOF | Container Cluster | Create Cluster | Swarm Tool | Why Cluster? | Master Node | Slave Node | Docker Swarm Command | Launch Container through Swarm | Docker Service Command (92:16)
Session 7 - Cluster | Create Cluster using docker- swarm | Encapsulation | Task | Replication | Pre-created Load Balancers | Replicas Keyword | Fail Over| Fault Tolerance | State| Scaling | Scale Out | Scale In | Orchestration (127:05)
Session 8 - Docker Engine | Distributed Network | Overlay Network | Network Connectivity | docker network command| Encrypt the packets | Opt Option| VXLAN | Docker Compose with Swarm| Single Node | Stack | Docker Compose File | Redis (113:16)
Session 9 - Leader Node | Worker Node | High Availability | Fault Tolerance | Replicas by Manager Node| SPOF |Quorum | Election | Split Brain Problem | Raft Consensus Algorithm (111:25)
Session 10 - Docker inside docker | Dockerd program | Container socket | Sharing base system socket | Chattr command | docker capabilities | Removing capabilities in a container | Adding capabilities in a container | privileged keyword | Cap-drop keyword | Cap-add | Server hardening | Security (124:03)
Docker Important Links
Drive Link
LinkedIn Community Link
Docker Practice Sets
Questions set 1
Questions set 2
Docker Practice Test
Practice Test - 1
Practice Test -2
OpenShift Training
1. "Kubernetes | Operating system | Docker | Podman | CRI-O | Container management tool | Container engine | Docker host | services | kubernetes Scheduler | virtual box | minikube setup | kubectl command | Minikube setup | env variable | minikube.exe start | kubectl get pods command " (130:15)
Summary - Session 1
2. Kubernetes Server | "kubectl" Command | Docker Introduction | Pod & Container | Minikube with SSH | Container Image | Container Engine | Metadata Concept | deployment | Resources Type | Backend-Server | Replicas Concept | Scale-In | Scale-out| Service -svc | IP-Public & Private (126:06)
Summary - Session 2
3. Sets of Kubernetes | Container | Pod | Single & Multi Container Pod | Resource Name & Type | Deployment | Server/Cluster/Plane | WebUI-Dashboard | API | API-Version | KIND Keyword | "metadata" Keyword | Instruction Code - YAML | Key-Value Pair | Specification - "spec" | Kube API-Server (135:21)
4. Pod & Container | Labels | Launching Pods | Label's Filtering | Selector | Equality - Based Selector | Set - Based Selector | Replication Controller(RC) | Replica Set(RS) | Scale-up & Scale-down | API-resources | YAML Code | Service (svc)-> NodePort | Load Balancing (131:06)
Summary - Session 5
6. Services | Outbound & Inbound Traffics | Replica-Set | Auto-Discovering By Labels| Reverse Proxy | Protocols- UDP, TCP, SCTP| Cluster IP & NodePort | Mutable & Immutable SVC | Outside-Inside Connection | Network Card & Connections | Node & Node-IP | SVC Port & Target Port | NAT Concepts (113:45)
Summary - Session-6
6.1 Revision Session (78:49)
6.2. Revision Session - Interview pactice session (96:03)
7. Docker File | Custom Image | Replica Set | Process / Pipeline | Push & Pull Image Concept | Roll-Out Concept | Recreate Deployment Strategy | Rolling Update Strategy | Drawbacks of Recreate Strategy | Image Deployment Via Dockerfile | Difference B/w Podman & Docker | Image Push To DockerHub (138:24)
Summary - Session-7
8. SCM Tool | Provisioning | Custom Container Images | Container Repository | Container Engine | Deployment strategy | POD & Container | DockerFile & Image Stream(IS) | Internal Private Registry | Automation Tool-Jenkins | Monitoring Tool-Grafana & Prometheus | K8S -WebUI, CLI, API (115:25)
Summary - Session-8
9. grep command | build process | source to image | topology | end to end automations | Docker files | pre-created image | builder image | services | cluster IP | Nodeport service | expose service | CI/CD pipeline | describe command | resources types (95:40)
Summary - Session-9
10.Rolling update | Recreate | Downtime & Uptime | Deployment strategy | testing strategy | rollout | blue/ green , shadow , Canary , slow rollout deployment | load balancer service | traffic split | Istio | operator | service mesh | route | labels | round robin | blue green deployment (112:32)
Summary - Session-10
11.Deployment Strategies | Benefits Of Dry Run | Kube-Api Server Program | Recreate & RollingUpdate | JSON & YML Formates | Spec & Template In Deployment | MaxSurge & MaxUnavailable | RollingUpdate Strategy | Canary Deployment | Basic Shell Scripting | Blue/Green Deployment (113:30)
Summary - Session - 11
12.Container Images | Docker, Podman, CRI-O | Swarm & Kubernetes | RunC | SPOF | Manager-Node | Matrices & Fault Tolerances | Multi-Node Cluster | Kubectl | Kube-API | Kube-Proxy | Kubelet | DockerHub | CRI | ContainerD | SDN | LAN & VLAN | Underlay & Overlay Network | CNI | Calico (148:41)
Summary - Session - 12
13.Overlay Network | BGP-Bird & SDN | Calico Tool | CRI-O | Kubeadm | Kubelet | Bridging Netfilter Drive | IP-Forwarding | CRI-O | Kubeadm | Kubelet | Service-NodePort | Matrices | Calico Configuration | Underlay Network | Multinode Cluster With Calico | VXLAN | Kube-Proxy | (196:50)
Summary - Session - 13
14. Overlay Network | Router & Switches | SDN Concepts | Single node Cluster-Minikube | Multi Tier App | Connection String | Multi-POD App | Wordpress Application On K8S | Kubelet Program | Events In Cluster | Shell Variable or Environment Variable | Deployment | Entry Point In Docker (96:12)
Summary - Session 14
15. MySQL database | environment veriable | WordPress | kube proxy | multi node cluster | Calico | expose pod | overlay | kubernetes service | Nodeport service | multi tier app | WordPress configaration file | trigger | file system | secret database | secret resources type (135:17)
Summary - Session 15
15.1 Revision Session (75:24)
16. Storage & Storage Devices | Ephemeral & Persistent Storage | File System | Overlay & Mounting | CSI(Container Storage Interfaces) | Storage Provisioners PVC & PV | Storage Classes | Dynamic Provisioning | Setup-Persisten storage to the POD | Manual Provisioning | Access Modes (127:09)
Summary - Session 16
16.1 Revision Session (63:07)
17. Storages-Ephemeral & Persistent | Resource Types- PVC, PV & SC | Dynamic & Manual Ways Of Storage | Storage Class | Self Provisioning | Mount Storage | PV & PVC Via CLI & YAML File | Provisioner | Deployment | Minikube-Pre Created SC (109:18)
Summary - Session 17
17.1_ Certified Kubernetes Administrator - Openshift Admin Training Q&A Session (61:21)
18. NFS Dynamic Provisioning | Storage Classes | NFS Server | PV & PVC | Master-Slave Architecture | Storage Servers | AWS-EBS | Centralized Storage | Dynamic Provisioning Of PV | NFS Client | Deployment creation | SC Reclaim Policies (128:54)
Summary - Session 18
19. Free Helm Chart MasterClass by Mr Vimal Daga on 12th March 2024_GMT20240312-141820 (209:48)
Summary - Session 19
Ingress Controller | DNS and its uses | Routing (73:03)
Network policy (54:26)
Summary - Network Policy
Design Pattern (84:59)
Summary - Design
Container Security (66:28)
Summary - Container Security
Service Account (45:10)
Summary - Service Account
Custom resource & Custom resource definition (58:14)
Summary - Custom resource & Custom resource definition
20. Openshift Admin Training by Mr. Vimal Daga on 26th March 2024_GMT20240326-152139 (93:50)
Summary - Session 20
CKA & CKAD Extra Sessions
Environmental Variables (36:42)
Secret (12:55)
Namespace (21:17)
Configmap (71:17)
DNS Services - CoreDNS ConfigMap (127:42)
CRI - O Podman (114:46)
NAS | NFS | Persistent Mount | NTP Servers and Clients (117:24)
NAS | NFS | Autofs (79:21)
Authentication Part 1 (37:05)
Authentication Part 2 (74:25)
Role Based Access Control - Part 1 (18:37)
Role Based Access Control - Part 2 (63:46)
User Management - part 1 (57:43)
User Management - part 2 (63:46)
Kubernetes Important Links
Drive Link
LinkedIn Community Link
AWS DevOps Practice Test
Practice Test - 2
Practice Test - 1
AWS Cloudformation (136:35)
Create Infrastructure via Cloud Formation (154:07)
Deployed Webapp With Backend On Lambda Function | DynamoDB (175:01)
AWS Glue/Athena/Cloudwatch integration (120:42)
AWS Storage Gateway/FSX (124:53)
Elastic Beanstalk (96:30)
Route 53
Route 53 (129:09)
GITOps - Argo CD DevOps Training By Mr. Vimal Daga
Session 1 - Introduction of GitOps |Kubernetes| EKS |EKSctl |Kubectl |CICD |SCM tool |Version control system |Jenkins |launch pod |credential |Argo CD Agent |GitOps principle |Create GitHub repo|commit IDs |Install Argo CD Agent |Argo CD dashboard | (180:49)
Summary - Session 1
Session 2 - Agro CD Agent | GitHub & SCM Tool |Rollback |Create namespace |Web UI & CLI |AgroCd command |Load balancer |Create ArgoCd App |Deploy App |Sync App |History |Argo cd logs |GRPC protocol |Manifest Yaml file |How to manage the yaml file |Customize|Helm chart | (131:57)
Summary - Session 2
Session 3 - Directory Structure |Integrate Helm chart with the Argo CD |Multi-tier application |Helm Chart |Install helm |Create Charts |Create application |Auto Sync |Prune Resource |Replicas Count |Deployment strategy |Rollback |Parameter (120:23)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4 - ArgoCD Overview | GitOps Workflow | App Sync | Deployment Management | Declarative Configs | Auto Rollbacks | Health Monitoring | Sync Policies | Multi-Cluster Setup | RBAC in ArgoCD | Troubleshooting | Manifest Files | Customizing Settings | CI/CD Integration (162:50)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 - Concept of Secrets|Passing environmental variables in the container|Creating secrets|Private key|Public key|Encryption|Vault agent |Vault plugins|Sealed secrets|Kubeseal|Auto-create namespace|CRD keyword (118:51)
Summary - Session 5
Summary Session 6
Summary Session 7
Summary Session 8
Selenium: DevOps Automation Web Testing Training
1. Selenium with Python Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241123-041901 (253:16)
Summary Session 1
2. Selenium with Python Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241207-071539 (131:01)
Summary Session 2
3. Selenium with Python Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 8th Dec 24_GMT20241208-071534 (100:09)
Summary Session 3
Summary Session 4
Summary Session 5
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training (DOP-C02) by Mr. Vimal Daga
Summary - Session 1
Summary - Session 2
Summary - Session 3
Summary - Session 4
Summary - Session 5
Summary - Session 6
Summary - Session 7
Summary - Session 8
Summary - Session 10
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