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RedHat OpenShift Development - DO288 - Training by Mr Vimal Daga
Basic Prerequisite Videos on Docker
Docker Session 1 - Main use of an Operating System | Four different ways of installing an Operating System | Case study on Hotstar | Scaling | Tech Stack | Docker Hub | Docker Engine | OS Images (128:48)
Docker Session 2 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Ephemeral storage | Persistent storage | Mounting volume | Configuring the Web Server | Curl Command | (112:44)
Docker Session 3 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
Docker Session 4 - Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
Docker Session 5 - Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
Docker Session 6 - Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
Docker Session 9 - Create Own Images | Commit | Code | Clone a running Container| Keywords | Non-interactive Commands | Interactive Commands | Docker File | Build Time | Run Time (134:26)
Docker Session 10 - Docker File | Docker Commit Command | Run Keyword | CMD Keyword | Run Time | Build Time | DFOREGROUND Option | Share Image | Docker Save Command | Docker Load Command (88:15)
Docker Session 11 - Docker Registry | Docker Hub | Different ways of creating image | ENTRYPOINT keyword in docker file | Install Python Software in conatiner | -t Option RUN command | Copy files in container | Creating image for python program | Passing python program files as arguments | MAINTAINER keyword in docker file | Docker login command | Docker push command (121:52)
Docker Session 13 - PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
Docker Session 14 - Isolation | Namespace | Shared Namespace | Cgroup | Processes | Nested Process | lsns command unshare command | nsenter command | Hardware Resources | Bash Program | lscpu command | Run- time Program | Runc Tool (124:11)
Sandbox setup
Session 1 - 13th Dec - Deploying an Webapp | Run Time | OS | Physical Hardware | Container Host | Ways to Install OS | Container Engines | Container Cluster | Scaling | Master Node | Worker Node | Scheduler Program | Automatic Scaling (164:01)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 14th Dec - Different way to interact with open shift cluster | Docker image | Scaling | Custom image | openshift intelligence | Image catalog | Image registry | Docker hub | Scale in | Scale out | Deployment | Build controller | Oc command | Deployment controller | Oc new-app command | Oc Status command | Creating new app from CLI | oc expose command | Scalling pod from web UI (160:46)
Summary -Session 2
Session 3 - 20th Dec - Single container pod | Source to image | Developer Catalogue | Builder images | Deploying the app | Route | Deployment Strategies | Trigger | Pods | Events | Streaming Events | Building app from Image | Deployment | Building tomcat web app | Oc run command | Creating deployment | Priveleges Pods | TCP & Udp | Deploying Tomcat app (146:42)
Summary - Session 3
Session 4 - 21st Dec - Crash loop back off error | env variable | shell variable | oc logs command | oc set command | Setting environmental variable in pod | Deployment operator | Creating deployment | Oc delete all command | Single container pod | Deployment strategy | Template | Deloyment controller | Catalogs (125:13)
Summary - Session 4
Session 5 - 22nd Dec - Installation of oc command on windows | oc login command | API | Manifest code | YAML language | Resources types | metadata keyword | spec keyword | Creating pod from manifest file | API version keyword | Group name | Labels | Selectors | Equality operator | And operator (124:24)
Summary - Session 5
Session 6 - 29th Dec - Kube scheduler | Kube API | Replication controller | Replica Set |Selectors | Labels | oc scale command | oc edit command | Creating replica set with labels (138:42)
Summary -Session 6
Session 7 - 30th Dec -Service | Load Balancer | Reverse Proxy | Round robin Algorithm | Creating Load balancer | Creating service | Endpoints| Cluster IP| Working of load balancer| Router | Expose command (158:47)
Summary - Session 7
Session 8 - 3rd Jan - SERVICE | Cluster IP | DEPLOYMENT | Router | DEPLOYMENT Strategies | Rolling Update | Rollback | Rollout | Rollout history cmd |Labels or selector | Watch cmd | Endpoints in service | Tag cmd | Oc edit cmd (150:03)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 4th Jan - "Recreate Strategy | Rolling Update vs Recreate | Deployment vs deployment config | Hooks Events | Concept of replicas | Max surge | Use of max Unavailable keyword | build configuration | new app resource/keyword | auto port detaction | oc start build cmd | Use of to-revision option in rollout | as deployment config keyword in new app cmd | oc patch cmd | json format" (148:38)
Summary - Session 9
Session 10 - 5th Jan - Ephemeral Storage | Persistent Storage | Resource Type | Storage Class | Use of Storage Class | Challenges in recreating PODS | PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) | Persistent Volume (PV) | Create PVC | Access Modes (142:03)
Summary - Session 10
Session 11 - 10th Jan - Deploying Multi-tier app in Openshift | Launching the WordPress Website | Launching the MySQL Database | new - app keyword | Scale- In | Scale- Out | Access Control | Creating PVC | Headless Mode | Create Service | Volume Mount (148:11)
Summary - Session 11
Session 12 - 11th Jan - Multi tier application | Secret (147:59)
Summary - Session 12
Session 13 - 12th Jan - " OKD | Secret | base64 encoding | Config Map | Creating config map | CM mount with pod " (108:52)
Summary - Session 13
Session 14 - 17th Jan - "RBAC| IAM | Manage users and roles | Resource types | Create Authentication | Authentication Services | API | Password Based Authentication | htpasswd Driver | Secret | oauth Resources | Create Identity Provider | Local Identity Provider" (161:59)
Session 14 - Summary
Session 15 - 18th Jan - RBAC | Role Binding | Objects | Multi Talent Concept | RBAC Scope | Multiple Roles | Pre-created Roles | Namespace | Self - Provisioner | Groups | Remove a Role | Create Custom Roles (150:18)
Summary - Session 15
Session 16 - 19th Jan - "Security Context Constraint | Linux Security Capabilities | Least Privilege Concept | Namespace | Secrets | Users | Role Binding" (137:51)
Summary - Session 16
Session 17 - 31st Jan - Multi Tenant Setup | Resource utilization by containers. | Limit in Openshift. | Resource utilization by multiple processes. | Quotas in Openshift. | Cgroup | Resource Request | Limit (MIN,MAX AND DEFAULT) | CPU utilization by processes. | Limiting the resources for pods. | DRY RUN. (134:03)
Summary - Session 17
Session 18 - 8th Feb -Template in Openshift | Object in template | Parameters in template | oc process command | Generator option in parameters | By default value option in parameters | Self service (104:22)
Summary - Session 18
Session 19 - 4th March-build config|github|scm tools|docker image|docker hub|pod|connect github and openshift with webhook trigger (97:15)
Session 20 - 5th March-DNS|ExternalName services|OpenShift utilize external resources|Helm|package manager |Nexus Repository|Maven |Docker|deploy Nexus| (123:34)
Summary - Session 20
Session 21 - 19th March-build config|github|scm tools|private registy|builder images|SVC|registy operator|internal registy|route|podman| (67:44)
Extra Videos
Multi Container Pod & Design pattern (84:59)
Helm Chart (121:18)
Readiness / Probes / Liveness (54:34)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
Basic Concepts of Networking (81:54)
Openshift Installation on Local System (343:56)
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Session 1 - Summary
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