Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Docker Session 1 - Main use of an Operating System | Four different ways of installing an Operating System | Case study on Hotstar | Scaling | Tech Stack | Docker Hub | Docker Engine | OS Images (128:48)
- Docker Session 2 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Ephemeral storage | Persistent storage | Mounting volume | Configuring the Web Server | Curl Command | (112:44)
- Docker Session 3 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
- Docker Session 4 - Word Press | MySQL | Set-up Three Tier Architecture | Patting | Hosting a Webpage | Container Linking (122:16)
- Docker Session 5 - Docker Networking | NAT | Networking Basics | SDN | Network Infrastructure | Bridge (129:28)
- Docker Session 6 - Runtime | Plugins | NAT | Bridge Network Interface | SDN | DHCP | DNS | Subnet | Gateway | IPAM | Custom Network Infrastructure (135:17)
- Docker Session 9 - Create Own Images | Commit | Code | Clone a running Container| Keywords | Non-interactive Commands | Interactive Commands | Docker File | Build Time | Run Time (134:26)
- Docker Session 10 - Docker File | Docker Commit Command | Run Keyword | CMD Keyword | Run Time | Build Time | DFOREGROUND Option | Share Image | Docker Save Command | Docker Load Command (88:15)
- Docker Session 11 - Docker Registry | Docker Hub | Different ways of creating image | ENTRYPOINT keyword in docker file | Install Python Software in conatiner | -t Option RUN command | Copy files in container | Creating image for python program | Passing python program files as arguments | MAINTAINER keyword in docker file | Docker login command | Docker push command (121:52)
- Docker Session 13 - PID | Why Docker is Superfast? | Need of OS | Process | Nested Process | Pgrep Command | /proc directory | Bash Shell | Kernel | Cgroup (98:19)
- Docker Session 14 - Isolation | Namespace | Shared Namespace | Cgroup | Processes | Nested Process | lsns command unshare command | nsenter command | Hardware Resources | Bash Program | lscpu command | Run- time Program | Runc Tool (124:11)
- Sandbox setup
- Session 1 - 13th Dec - Deploying an Webapp | Run Time | OS | Physical Hardware | Container Host | Ways to Install OS | Container Engines | Container Cluster | Scaling | Master Node | Worker Node | Scheduler Program | Automatic Scaling (164:01)
- Session 1 - Summary
- Session 2 - 14th Dec - Different way to interact with open shift cluster | Docker image | Scaling | Custom image | openshift intelligence | Image catalog | Image registry | Docker hub | Scale in | Scale out | Deployment | Build controller | Oc command | Deployment controller | Oc new-app command | Oc Status command | Creating new app from CLI | oc expose command | Scalling pod from web UI (160:46)
- Summary -Session 2
- Session 3 - 20th Dec - Single container pod | Source to image | Developer Catalogue | Builder images | Deploying the app | Route | Deployment Strategies | Trigger | Pods | Events | Streaming Events | Building app from Image | Deployment | Building tomcat web app | Oc run command | Creating deployment | Priveleges Pods | TCP & Udp | Deploying Tomcat app (146:42)
- Summary - Session 3
- Session 4 - 21st Dec - Crash loop back off error | env variable | shell variable | oc logs command | oc set command | Setting environmental variable in pod | Deployment operator | Creating deployment | Oc delete all command | Single container pod | Deployment strategy | Template | Deloyment controller | Catalogs (125:13)
- Summary - Session 4
- Session 5 - 22nd Dec - Installation of oc command on windows | oc login command | API | Manifest code | YAML language | Resources types | metadata keyword | spec keyword | Creating pod from manifest file | API version keyword | Group name | Labels | Selectors | Equality operator | And operator (124:24)
- Summary - Session 5
- Session 6 - 29th Dec - Kube scheduler | Kube API | Replication controller | Replica Set |Selectors | Labels | oc scale command | oc edit command | Creating replica set with labels (138:42)
- Summary -Session 6
- Session 7 - 30th Dec -Service | Load Balancer | Reverse Proxy | Round robin Algorithm | Creating Load balancer | Creating service | Endpoints| Cluster IP| Working of load balancer| Router | Expose command (158:47)
- Summary - Session 7
- Session 8 - 3rd Jan - SERVICE | Cluster IP | DEPLOYMENT | Router | DEPLOYMENT Strategies | Rolling Update | Rollback | Rollout | Rollout history cmd |Labels or selector | Watch cmd | Endpoints in service | Tag cmd | Oc edit cmd (150:03)
- Session 8 - Summary
- Session 9 - 4th Jan - "Recreate Strategy | Rolling Update vs Recreate | Deployment vs deployment config | Hooks Events | Concept of replicas | Max surge | Use of max Unavailable keyword | build configuration | new app resource/keyword | auto port detaction | oc start build cmd | Use of to-revision option in rollout | as deployment config keyword in new app cmd | oc patch cmd | json format" (148:38)
- Summary - Session 9
- Session 10 - 5th Jan - Ephemeral Storage | Persistent Storage | Resource Type | Storage Class | Use of Storage Class | Challenges in recreating PODS | PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) | Persistent Volume (PV) | Create PVC | Access Modes (142:03)
- Summary - Session 10
- Session 11 - 10th Jan - Deploying Multi-tier app in Openshift | Launching the WordPress Website | Launching the MySQL Database | new - app keyword | Scale- In | Scale- Out | Access Control | Creating PVC | Headless Mode | Create Service | Volume Mount (148:11)
- Summary - Session 11
- Session 12 - 11th Jan - Multi tier application | Secret (147:59)
- Summary - Session 12
- Session 13 - 12th Jan - " OKD | Secret | base64 encoding | Config Map | Creating config map | CM mount with pod " (108:52)
- Summary - Session 13
- Session 14 - 17th Jan - "RBAC| IAM | Manage users and roles | Resource types | Create Authentication | Authentication Services | API | Password Based Authentication | htpasswd Driver | Secret | oauth Resources | Create Identity Provider | Local Identity Provider" (161:59)
- Session 14 - Summary
- Session 15 - 18th Jan - RBAC | Role Binding | Objects | Multi Talent Concept | RBAC Scope | Multiple Roles | Pre-created Roles | Namespace | Self - Provisioner | Groups | Remove a Role | Create Custom Roles (150:18)
- Summary - Session 15
- Session 16 - 19th Jan - "Security Context Constraint | Linux Security Capabilities | Least Privilege Concept | Namespace | Secrets | Users | Role Binding" (137:51)
- Summary - Session 16
- Session 17 - 31st Jan - Multi Tenant Setup | Resource utilization by containers. | Limit in Openshift. | Resource utilization by multiple processes. | Quotas in Openshift. | Cgroup | Resource Request | Limit (MIN,MAX AND DEFAULT) | CPU utilization by processes. | Limiting the resources for pods. | DRY RUN. (134:03)
- Summary - Session 17
- Session 18 - 8th Feb -Template in Openshift | Object in template | Parameters in template | oc process command | Generator option in parameters | By default value option in parameters | Self service (104:22)
- Summary - Session 18
- Session 19 - 4th March-build config|github|scm tools|docker image|docker hub|pod|connect github and openshift with webhook trigger (97:15)
- Session 20 - 5th March-DNS|ExternalName services|OpenShift utilize external resources|Helm|package manager |Nexus Repository|Maven |Docker|deploy Nexus| (123:34)
- Summary - Session 20
- Session 21 - 19th March-build config|github|scm tools|private registy|builder images|SVC|registy operator|internal registy|route|podman| (67:44)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.