Example Curriculum
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- Session 1 - Introduction of Python|programming language|Type of programming languages|Polyglot|Algorithm |Install Anaconda|Interpreter |Function |Syntax|Keyword|Print() function |RAM / Memory |Variables |Id() function |REPL|IDE|jupyter notebook (118:22)
- Summary - Session 1
- Session 2 - RAM | Variable |Assign Operator |Data Type |Integer |String |list|Type function |Type inference concept |Float|Keyword|System function |Say function |Module |Pip command |Install pyttsx3|Import Keyword|Install Pywhatkit |Arguments|Send WhatsApp message from python (111:08)
- Summary - Session 2
- Session 3 - Data | Data structures|Algorithm |Memory /CPU|Space complexity |Array |Tuple |position number |list |index number |CRUD Operation |Mutable and Immutable |get concept|Slicing Operator |Records |Nested Array |2D/matrix |Data Handling (109:52)
- Summary - Session 3
- Session 4- List & Array |2D data |row-wise and column-wise operation|Numpy |primitive data Structure |Custom data Structure|Install NumPy |Computer Vision |Install OpenCV-Python |Click the photo|Imwrite()|imshow()|waitkey()|Create Own Image |Pixel |RGB color |2D & 3D|Crop image (126:04)
- Summary - Session 4
- 5. Open Source |library |Type conversion |Type casting |Swap data |Data Type |Auto Concept |concatenation | Polymorphism |Sort list |Reverse List |Create a technology control project|Escape sequence concept |IF-Else conditions |Pseudo code |Operators |Indentation |Nested if-else statement (115:56)
- Summary Session 5
- Quiz & QNA (95:39)
- Session 6 - Conditions |True & False |Operators|Multi-line comment |Boolean|End= keyword |Inline way block of code |conditional expression or ternary operator|Functional programming|Logical Operators|AND, OR & NOT |Truth table|Lazy Operator |IN Operator (109:03)
- Summary - Session 6
- 7. program file |Process|Run time |Data sources |Speech Recognize |Mic |Pyaudio |Google Speech Recognize |Microphone function |Recognizer function |listen function |Context manager|With keyword|Create a Speech Recognize program|Timeout concept|loop |While loop |Break keyword (116:31)
- Summary Session 7
- Session 8 - Iteration |While loop|For Loop |Append function |In keyword|Index number |Dir function |iterator|Indentation Error|pass keyword |iterable|Pointer |__next__ function |Extract Data|ETL Concept |Inline list with for loop |List comprehension (113:57)
- Summary - Session 8
- Session 9 - Creating Functions | Increament Count | Id function | Memory Layout | Calling the function (117:15)
- Summary - Session 9
- 10. Python Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241112-133037 (118:40)
- Summary - Session 10
- 11. Time Complexity |Space Complexity |Memory profiler |Inner_wrapper function|Annotation & Decorator|@ Symbol|From Keyword|Create a code for memory Space|Timeit function |Default timer function |Lambda function |This module |Inline concept |Functional Programming|filter function (131:39)
- Summary Session 11
- 12. Python Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241115-132002 (108:45)
- Summary Session 12
- 12_1. Python Training revision Session on 19th November_GMT20241119-131841 (63:28)
- 13. Lists | Dictionaries | Types of Dictionaries | Key-value pairs | Tuples | Zip | Column-Oriented Operations (35:24)
- Summary Session 13
- Summary Session 14
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