Example Curriculum
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- Introduction of RH358 | Httpd webserver | Launch EC2 instance | Introduction of webserver | Apache httpd software | Httpd protocol | IP address | Resource|git bash | Install httpd (46:54)
- Summary - Introduction of RH358 | Httpd webserver
- Install httpd | Create webpage | Webserver | Document Root Folder | Port number | Install net-tools | netstat -tnlp | Httpd Configuration file | Install vim | Directory | Index | CLI | Browser | Curl command | Httpd header | SElinux | Semanage | Install whatprovider | Setenforce 0 | getenforce (64:56)
- Summary - Install httpd | Create webpage | Webserver
- Access Management | user- agent | DDOS | log file | resource | Control the Document Root | route | httpd user-agent | regex | create roles| request_uri keyword | query string | force type keyword | all keyword | allow deny keyword|required keyword| Inline and Blog concepts (110:58)
- Summary-Access Management | user- agent | DDOS | log file | resource | Control the Document Root | route | httpd user-agent | regex | create roles| request_uri keyword | query string | force type keyword | all keyword | allow deny keyword
- PS command | pgrp command | kill command | Process | Source code | Access control | Automation | Log management | Modular concept | Module | Apache module list | mod_authz_host module | Configuration module | Static module /shared module (46:58)
- Summary - PS command | pgrp command | kill command
- Security | Access control | Authentication | Mod_authz_basic module | Secure data directory | Authentication providers | Authuserfile keyword | Create web page | Create group of users | LDAP | Server | Virtual hosting in web server | Network card | Create virtual card | Public IP | Private IP | DNS (72:08)
- Summary - Security | Access control | Authentication | Mod_authz_basic module
- Monitor | Apache status module | Enabling status| Log Management | Importance Status Module | Create user | User directory & Module | Access logs | Apache & Root user | SElinux | Audit log | Accept filter directive | Encryption | User | Directory Management | Virtual Hosting | DNS | Shared hosting (107:59)
- Summary - Monitor | Apache status module | Enabling status| Log Management
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- Introduction of HAProxy | load balancer service | features of haproxy | high availability|security issue|traffic|access control|bad UX|multiple nodes|network connectivity|Reverse Proxy|frontend server |back end server | round robin|Load Balancing |fail over |application layer|TLS (75:15)
- Summary - Introduction of HAProxy | load balancer service
- HAproxy program| Docker | Container technology | Public IP | launch EC2 instance for HAproxy | Gitbash | install HAproxy | Install nodejs | Node server | Reverse Proxy | Install express | Port number | Haproxy configuration file | Install vim | time out | Keyword | curl command (62:23)
- Summary - HAproxy program| Docker | Container technology | Public IP
- Create custom route | ACL concept | Multi-node | Load balancer | Target groups | HTTPD Header | Packet | OSI layer | TCP | Fetch | Application-level load balancer | Create role | Configuration Servers | Description of Timeouts | Monitoring tool | ACL | Matching method | Name & Inline based rule (114:43)
- Summary - Create custom route | ACL concept | Multi-node | Load balancer
- Load Balancer Algorithms | SSL/TLS|Statistics about HAProxy | Stats keyword | Install php httpd | Weighted & Unweighted Round Robin Algorithm | Least Connection Algorithm | Time out | Static Round Robin Algorithm | IP hash load balancerAlgorithm | Sticky Session | log | installl vim (104:48)
- Summary - Load Balancer Algorithms | SSL/TLS|Statistics about HAProxy
- Single Point of Failure | High Availability | Encryption | Scaler load balancer | ACL|backend & frontend server | DNS Health Checking | VRRP protocol | static IP address | Floating IP | Install Keepalive Program & haproxy | Virtual route IP | Monit Tool | install epel & monit | monit configuration (111:42)
- Summary - Single Point of Failure | High Availability | Encryption
- Security | Setup SSL/TLS | HAProxy for DDOS attack | Fetch | Stick table | Set-up API by UNIX Socket | Install socat | one-shot mode | Socket Creation | Install whatprovide | Bench marking tool|performance | Tuning | SSL/TLS Termination | layers| Encryption | Create csr file | end to end Termination (145:07)
- Summary - Security | Setup SSL/TLS | HAProxy for DDOS attack | Fetch
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- Storage | Create RH358 lab | Detail about RH358 course - Part_1 (32:06)
- Storage device | Partition | Type of storage | Compute unit | CEPH Storage | Use case of storage | File storage | Object storage | Block storage | Centralized Storage | Mount | Protocols | Get method | Put method | log file (53:44)
- Summary - Storage | Create RH358 lab | Storage device | Partition | Type of storage
- NSF server | CIFS | ISCSI | Mount point | Format partation | Centralized Storage | SELinux | File storage | Bash shell | Serverd | Install nfs-utils | Shared client /shared file | Firewall | Root user | ssh command (89:08)
- Summary - NSF server | CIFS | ISCSI | Mount point | Format partation
- CIFS file system | SAMBA | SMB protocol | Install SAMBA package | Servera | Install CIFS | Firewall | Getenforce | Setenforce | Mount /unmount | SELinux | Multi-user (82:57)
- Summary - CIFS file system | SAMBA | SMB protocol | Install SAMBA package
- iSCSI Protocol | Block Storage | Folder sharing | Partation | NAS | SAN | SCSI connector | Fiber channel | Serverd | Targetcli command | back stores | vdb | Unique IQN | LUN (logical unit number) | ACL |install iSCSI | Node mode | Login command (81:31)
- Summary - iSCSI Protocol | Block Storage | Folder sharing | Partation | NAS
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- How to setup static IP Address | DHCP server | Static and Dynamic IP Address | Network Manager | Nmcli command | Teaming | Switch network | Routers | Single Point of Failure | Redundancy | Network bandwidth | Team Runner | Link Aggregation | Active back up | Teamdctl command | Round robin (78:57)
- Summary - How to setup static IP Address | DHCP server | Static and Dynamic IP Address
- DNS server | Subnet | Domain name | curl command | Ping command | Root DNS | Types of DNS | FQDN | Database | Bind software | Lookup /resolve | Authority DNS | TLD | Forwarding DNS | Non authoritative dns server| Routers | TTL - Part_1 (73:18)
- Summary - DNS server | Subnet | Domain name | curl command | Ping command
- Configure authoritative | Configuration of DNS Server | Bind 9 | install bind | DNS configuration file | port no 53 | UDP protocol | TCP | hostname | Zone file | SOA | firewall | Network manager | A type query - Part_2 (63:43)
- Summary - Configure authoritative | Configuration of DNS Server | Bind 9 | install bind
- Bind | DNS server | Query | Name server | SOA Query | Serverd | Reverse lookup configure|Types of Query|load balacer|round robin concept|CNAME |PTR|named user |Configuration of Slave DNS Server|dns soa refresh interval |tcp (113:15)
- Summary-Bind |DNS server |Query |name server|SOA Query|servera|serverd|reverse lookup configure|Types of Query|load balacer|round robin concept|CNAME |PTR|named user |Configuration of Slave DNS Server
- Unbound |dns master|caching |install Unbound | Interface | dns server | Unbound control command | dns sec | TTL (56:00)
- Summary-Unbound |dns master|caching |install Unbound |interface|dns server|Unbound control command|dns sec |TTL
- Mail server|Send Only Mail|smtp protocol|pop3/IMAP protocol|relay|gateway|Postfix |install Postfix |loop back only |Myorigin Keyword (49:46)
- Summary-Mail server|Send Only Mail|smtp protocol|pop3/IMAP protocol|relay|gateway|Postfix |install Postfix |loop back only |Myorigin Keyword
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- Understanding Cryptography Beyond Encryption: Importance and Use Cases (23:15)
- Summary - Understanding Cryptography Beyond Encryption: Importance and Use Cases
- Securing Webpages with Cryptography Techniques on AWS (96:31)
- Summary - Securing Webpages with Cryptography Techniques on AWS
- Understanding SSL | Cipher Modes of Operation and Symmetric Key Authentication (79:55)
- Summary - Understanding SSL | Cipher Modes of Operation and Symmetric Key Authentication
- Understanding CBC Mode | CFB Cipher Mode | HSM Devices | Counter Mode (CTR) (39:03)
- Summary - Understanding CBC Mode | CFB Cipher Mode | HSM Devices | Counter Mode (CTR)
- Understanding AES256 | SHA256 | GCM | Hashing | MAC | Symmetric Key | Authentication (43:28)
- Summary - Understanding AES256 | SHA256 | GCM | Hashing | MAC | Symmetric Key | Authentication
- Understanding Hash | Encryption, and Data Integrity (90:32)
- Summary - Understanding Hash | Encryption, and Data Integrity
- Security Measures | Breaking AES | Sniffing Methods (32:39)
- Summary - Security Measures | Breaking AES | Sniffing Methods
- Exploring the World of Asymmetric Key Cryptography: From RSA to Shor's Algorithm (67:00)
- Summary - Exploring the World of Asymmetric Key Cryptography: From RSA to Shor's Algorithm
- Cryptography and Security: Digital Signature | Public Key | Hybrid Encryption | Cryptosystem (108:05)
- Summary - Cryptography and Security: Digital Signature | Public Key | Hybrid Encryption | Cryptosystem
- ROOT CA, SUB CA, SSL/TLS Handshake | CSR | CRT | and Self-Sign Concept for Secure Web Connections (142:30)
- Summary - ROOT CA, SUB CA, SSL/TLS Handshake | CSR | CRT | and Self-Sign Concept for Secure Web Connections
- Practical implementation of Root CA | Sub CA | SSL/TLS Handshake | CSR | CRT | Self-Sign Concept (119:50)
- Summary - Practical implementation of Root CA | Sub CA | SSL/TLS Handshake | CSR | CRT | Self-Sign Concept
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