Example Curriculum
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- Session 1 - Introduction of Linux |Operating System |CPU/RAM/Hardware|Linux distributor |RHEL9|Install RHEL9|Way to install OS|Bare metal |Virtualization |Cloud computing |Container technology |Hypervisor |Install Oracle VM|Rhel Image|ISO Image |Install RHel in VM |Root account |GUI & CLI & WebUI (120:13)
- Summary - Session 1
- Session 2 - GUI & CLI |Firefox Command |Crtl + c|Which Command |Gedit |Firefox code|Open Source Code |Gnome ScreenShot|foreground |Jobs command |Ping command |RAM File |Ctrl + z|Free command |History Command |Ctrl + l|Ctrl + s|Ctrl + q|Mkdir |Persistent Storage |ls & cd & Cat |Use of touch command (94:10)
- Summary - Session 2
- Session 3 - Terminal |Folder/directory |Storage |Unalias command |Packages management |RPM Format |Install the software |Instruction |rpm command |Erase software |Source|ISO file |Repository |Link Windows to Linux |AppStream & BaseStream |df command |Mount |Install firefox |Yum/Dnf command (108:00)
- Summary - Session 3
- Session 4 - Create User | Switch User | Multi-User | Ctrl+ alt+ function key | Booting | Record Screen | Yum configuration | Repository | write the yum configuration file | File protocol | Install httpd (109:34)
- Summary - Session 4
- Session 5 - Text Editor |Vim Editor |Insert mode|Command mode |Vi command |User management |Permissions |Authentication |IAM concept |Create User |useradd command |passwd file |shadow file |Set password |Remove password |User ID |Admin user |General user |System user |Root password | Finger database (105:11)
- Summary Session 5
- Quiz & QNA (79:23)
- Session 6 - UserAdd command |UID|Password|Shadow file |Crypt |Home Directory |/ Driver |Absolute Path |Etc file|Create User|Skeleton |Hide and unhide folder |Bash rc file
- Summary - Session 6
- 7. Home directory |Passwd file|Getent|Ldap concept |Shell|bash shell|Bash command |Interactive and Non-interactive user |No login |Path concept |UID|Authentication |Switch user |Usermod|Shadow file|Recursive directory concept |Remove file |Secure file |Last Command |Log file |Pam concept (85:41)
- Summary Session 7
- Session 8 - Shadow file |Passwd |Q password|Hashing concept |Count algorithm|Rainbow Table |md5sum|Encryption and decryption|sha512 algorithm|Salt |mkpasswd command|Change password|Epoch time (101:09)
- Summary - Session 8
- Session 9 - Add New User | Password Management File | Set User Password | Modify User Account| Password Expiration | Account Inactivity | Account Expiration | Switch User | PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) (96:03)
- Summary - Session 9
- 10. Security | File and user Permissions | Acees Control | Read, write, execute ,edit operations | access modes | Discretionary Access | Chmod command | Owner of object | User owner, group owner and others | Creating group | Group password | Creating user with custom group | changing group owner (116:06)
- Summary - Session 10
- 10_1. Linux Admin Training ( Basic to Advance ) By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241113-153714 (65:48)
- 11. Sticky bit |SGID|SUID |W permission |Chmod command |t power |Change permission |Program file |Process |root power |Change password |Chown command |Escalation concept |Privilege Escalation|w & r & x |Binary code |Machine code |Linker |Loader |Umask (121:08)
- Summary Session 11
- Session 12 - File Permissions | chmod Command | chown Command | umask Command | Symbolic and Numeric Modes | Default Permissions | Change Ownership | Modify File Access | Check Effective Permissions | Understand umask Values (102:50)
- Summary session 12
- 12_1. Linux Training revision Session on 19th November_GMT20241119-151645 (74:28)
- Session 13 - Security | Logging | Useradd | Sudoers | Commands | Processes | ID | Manual | Group | Visudo (117:49)
- Summary Session 13
- Session 14 - Discretionary Access Control (DAC) | Mandatory Access Control (MAC) | Access Control List (ACL) | r-x | r-- | rwx | setfacl | getfacl (76:40)
- Summary Session 14
- Session 15 - Cat Command | Date Command | Shell | Output Redirection | tty | echo | Piping | STDERR | STP output | espeak-ng (85:54)
- Summary Session 15
- Session 16 - grep | cat | ls | vim | tar | file manipulation | text processing | netstat | awk | sed (102:44)
- Summary Session 16
- Session 17 - Networking | IP addresses | Network cards | Connectivity | Protocols | Subnetting | Addressing | Configuration (101:54)
- Summary Session 17
- Session 18 - Public vs Private IP Addresses | Routing Tables | Network Connectivity | Network Packets | Netting | Padding | CIDR | (171:19)
- Summary Session 18
- Session 19 - SDN | Routers | IP Addresses | Docker Networks | Container Isolation | OSI Model | Sessions | Bridging | D-Netting | (176:44)
- Summary Session 19
- Session 20 - iptables | Masquerading | DNAT | Services | Ports | PAT | Docker | EXPOSE | Bridge Network | Host Network (148:19)
- Summary Session 20
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Available in
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- Session 1 - Introduction of Python|programming language|Type of programming languages|Polyglot|Algorithm |Install Anaconda|Interpreter |Function |Syntax|Keyword|Print() function |RAM / Memory |Variables |Id() function |REPL|IDE|jupyter notebook (118:22)
- Summary - Session 1
- Session 2 - RAM | Variable |Assign Operator |Data Type |Integer |String |list|Type function |Type inference concept |Float|Keyword|System function |Say function |Module |Pip command |Install pyttsx3|Import Keyword|Install Pywhatkit |Arguments|Send WhatsApp message from python (111:08)
- Summary - Session 2
- Session 3 - Data | Data structures|Algorithm |Memory /CPU|Space complexity |Array |Tuple |position number |list |index number |CRUD Operation |Mutable and Immutable |get concept|Slicing Operator |Records |Nested Array |2D/matrix |Data Handling (109:52)
- Summary - Session 3
- Session 4- List & Array |2D data |row-wise and column-wise operation|Numpy |primitive data Structure |Custom data Structure|Install NumPy |Computer Vision |Install OpenCV-Python |Click the photo|Imwrite()|imshow()|waitkey()|Create Own Image |Pixel |RGB color |2D & 3D|Crop image (126:04)
- Summary - Session 4
- Session 5 - Open Source |library | Data Type |Auto Concept |concatenation|Polymorphism|Variable functionally |Sort list |Reverse List |Create a technology control project|Escape sequence concept |IF-Else conditions |Input() function |Pseudo code |Operators |Indentation |Nested if-else (115:56)
- Summary Session 5
- Quiz & QNA (95:39)
- Session 6 - Conditions |True & False |Operators|Multi-line comment |Boolean|End= keyword |Inline way block of code |conditional expression or ternary operator|Functional programming|Logical Operators|AND, OR & NOT |Truth table|Lazy Operator |IN Operator (109:03)
- Summary - Session 6
- Session 7 - program file |Process|Run time |Data sources |Speech Recognize |Mic |Pyaudio |Google Speech Recognize |Microphone function |Recognizer function |listen function |Context manager|With keyword|Create a Speech Recognize program|Timeout concept|loop |While loop |Break keyword (116:31)
- Summary Session 7
- Session 8 - Iteration |While loop|For Loop |Append function |In keyword|Index number |Dir function |iterator|Indentation Error|pass keyword |iterable|Pointer |__next__ function |Extract Data|ETL Concept |Inline list with for loop |List comprehension (113:57)
- Summary - Session 8
- Session 9 - Creating Functions | Increament Count | Id function | Memory Layout | Calling the function (117:15)
- Summary - Session 9
- Session 10 - Generator | Function | Stack memory | Return keywords | Yield keyword | while loop | For loop | Append (118:40)
- Summary - Session 10
- 11. Time Complexity |Space Complexity |Memory profiler |Inner_wrapper function|Annotation & Decorator|@ Symbol|From Keyword|Create a code for memory Space|Timeit function |Default timer function |Lambda function |This module |Inline concept |Functional Programming|filter function (131:39)
- Summary Session 11
- Session 12 - Memory | Memory Address | Python Virtual Machine (PVM) | Memory Management | Reference Concept | Mutable & Immutable | iadd Function | is Keyword | import copy | Shallow Copy | Deep Copy | Garbage | Ctype Module CPython | Memory Interning | Cvzone | Click Photo (108:45)
- Summary session 12
- 12_1. Python Training revision Session on 19th November_GMT20241119-131841 (63:28)
- Session 13 - Lists | Dictionaries | Types of Dictionaries | Key-value pairs | Tuples | Zip | Column-Oriented Operations (124:21)
- Summary Session 13
- Session 14 - Function | Stack Memory | Namespace | Tuple | Dictionaries (121:19)
- Summary Session 14
- Session 15 - Module | Standard | Built-in | Package | C-extension | Binary Code | import sys | import numpy | sys.path (106:15)
- Summary Session 15
- Session 16 - Concurrency | Parallelism | Optimization | Context-switching | Threads | Processes | I/O-bound | Efficiency | Multitasking | Threading module | Threading module | current_thread() | start() method | PID (Process ID) (134:52)
- Summary Session 16
- Session 17 - Threads | CPUs | Parallelism | Global Interpreter Lock | Threading Model | Multi-Threading and GIL | Locking | Global Variables | Race Conditions | Locks and Deadlocks (144:19)
- Summary Session 17
- 17_1. Python Project Session - Part-1_GMT20241217-131502 (105:52)
- Session 18 - Parallelism | CPU-intensive | Core-utilization | GIL-bypass | Process-based | Simultaneous | Independence | Efficiency | Separation | Scalability | Memory-isolation | Non-shared | Deadlock-prevention | Race-condition-avoidance | Performance-boost (81:43)
- Summary Session 18
- Summary Session 19
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Available in
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- C++ Masterclass - Introduction of C/C++ |Performance|Use case of C/C++|Fine tune |Algorithm|Optimization |CPU/RAM|Binary language |Computing device |Time complexity|Space complexity|Create a C++ code |Process |Source code |Loader |Assembly language |Compiler |Print function |Operations (103:55)
- Summary
- Session 1 - Introduction to C/C++ | Physical Address | RAM (Random Access Memory) | Memory Address | Memory Segment | Compiler | Bytes | Assignment | Data Types | Declarations | ASCII Table (133:44)
- Summary - Session 1
- Summary - Session 2
- Summary Session 3
- Summary Session 4
- Summary Session 5
- Summary Session 6
- Summary Session 7
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Available in
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Available in
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- Session 1 - Shell Scripting Training and Benefits | Scripting and Automation in Linux | Scripting Language | Command Handling | Linux Commands and Scripting Techniques | Linux Piping | Real-Time Memory Utilization | Exploring DevOps and Scripting Concepts (194:47)
- 2. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 22nd December_GMT20241222-094335 (227:40)
- 2.1_Revision Session_1. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 22nd December_GMT20241222-090537 (37:47)
- Summary Session 2
- 3. Complete Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga on 23rd Dec 2024_GMT20241223-102226 (221:19)
- Summary Session 3
- 4. Shell Scripting Training By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20241228-071428 (102:11)
- Summary Session 4
- 5. Shell Scripting Session By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20250111-080047 (84:41)
- 6. Shell Scripting Session By Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20250112-074710 (90:27)
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- Introduction of Java and real industry use case of Java |Why we need to learn Java|History of Java|Versions of Java|Amazon Corretto Java|Operating System|device|user|jdk|Amazon Corretto Java Installation (69:11)
- What is JRE|what is JDK|what is JVM|why industry need java|Operation|process|compute processor|machine code |CPU|memory|language translator (compiler)|java Run Environment|Running a Java Code |java virtual machine (64:56)
- Java tool|microservices in java|algorithms in java|statement |function|jvm and jdk|byte code |runtime|create a function|high level language|class name|RAM|code section |stack memory|main function |entropy point|public static void function|access controller|string|packages|compilation error (95:24)
- Java-variables|data types|string|process|Ram|integer|bytes size|ASCII table|memory management |space complexity|unicode|size keyword|min_value keyword |max_value keyword|java integer class|byte data type|IDE|VS code|install IntelliJ IDE|source code (87:35)
- Summary-1,2,3,4
- Java-right use of JVM|use amazon corretto version 17|java home directory|java home |IntelliJ IDE|integer |console|how to connect with screen |data types|Typecasting|unicode|byte data type |operator |concatenation |Polymorphism |data type coercion (99:06)
- Summary - Java-right use of JVM
- Java-interact with keyboard|one after another in java|scanner function|keyboard prompt |java scanner class |next function |next_line function |radix function |expressions in java (63:21)
- Summary - Java-interact with keyboard
- Arithmetic operators|(=,+,-) operators|Pre Increment operator|post Increment operator|single statement|compute unit |optimization in java|Logical Operators|boolean data type |if else condition (93:27)
- Summary - Arithmetic operators|(=,+,-)
- Java-main() function|array|Length of Array|index number|storage file |Memory Allocation|RAM|code section|stack memory |Primitive Data Type|heap memory |static memory |dynamic memory |new keyword|create array |different ways to create array|reference of address|linked list|jvm|pointers (86:01)
- Summary - Java-main() function
- Java-functions|method|classes|block of code|i/o operation|create function|if else conditions|data types |string |integer|module|function definition |prototype|return function (84:52)
- Summary - Java-functions
- Java-functions|classes|user define function |parameters (Argument) |block of code |Float Data Type|stack memory |code section |Activation Record|main() function |local function |global variable|Local Variables|Method Overloading (110:21)
- Summary - Java-functions|classes
- Java-overlay in java|type conversion|explicit type conversion|overloading concept |loop |recursion|iteration |initialization |unreachable statement|Traversing an Array|Passing an Array|Passing Parameter |code section |heap memory |stack memory (110:21)
- Summary - Java-overlay in java
- Java-how to write classes|how to implement Oops concept in java|primitive data type|Custom Data Type|objects|boolean data type|Instantiation|stack memory |heap memory|new keyword|create object|instance variable|Getter|Setter Function|validation|Mutator|camel case |Access modifire|public keyword (120:48)
- Summary - Java-how to write classes
- Java-user define data type|organization of data|Instance Variables|Access Management|shared data|Shared Variables|Static Variables|class variables|non Static Variables|data members (79:23)
- Summary - Java-user define data type
- Java-create object|Constructor |Instantiation|Overloading |Constructor Overloading|Parameterized Constructor|default Constructor (42:39)
- Summary - Java-create object
- Java-classes|Oops|access specifiers /Access modifiers|data hiding|private and public access modifiers|encapsulation |method override|Parent Class |Child Class|myinfo() function|method dispatch|dynamic method dispatch|Method Overloading|Polymorphism (72:53)
- Summary - Java-classes
- Java-byte code |run time|compile time|compile time Polymorphism|source code|run time Polymorphism|dynamic method dispatch|Method Overloading|abstract keyword|abstract method|implementation|Inheritance|Abstraction|encapsulation (61:58)
- Summary - Java-byte code
- Java-Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Concept in Java|Classes|data structures|array|Attributes/ Properties|Instantiation |Objects |Organizing of Data |CRUD Operation|Get Operation|Set Operation|Create a class|Instances|code section|stack memory (76:40)
- Summary - Java-Object Oriented Programming
- Java-data structures|create class|Data Manupulation|Set Operation|Get Operation|CRUD Operation|SetFname|Methods |setter Method|getter method|Inheritance|Parent Class |Child Class|Multi - level Inheritance|Hirarachical|Inheritance|Single- level Inheritance|Multiple Inheritance (70:42)
- Summary - Java-data structures
- Java-Packages |directory in java |source file /folder|create Packages |function /method|Manage the Security|Access Modifiers|public Access Modifiers|private Access Modifiers|default access|modifiers|object|isA Relationship|hasA Relationship|Organize a file|central maven repository (98:32)
- Summary - Java-Packages
- Java-import Packages |create code for using Packages |Access Modifiers|Abstract|Interface |sub class|child class|Override Concept|Implement Interface|Abstract classes|Naming Convention in Interface|Extends |Implement Keyword|Dynamic Memory|Dispatch|Polymorphism|multi-class (114:23)
- Summary - Java-import Packages
- Java-collection|Implement Data Structures |process|permanent and persistent |storage|java|Create Objects|space complexity|compile time|Limitations of Array|packages|classes|Interface |time complexityOrganize the Data|FIFO Concept |operation method (58:54)
- Summary - Java-collection
- Java-collection|create queue data structure|object|Java Collection|array list |Collection Framework|static|variable|CRUD operation|get method|set method|Java Utils Package |integer |contain method|remove function|Dynamic Memory Allocation|Stack Memory |Heap Memory (72:25)
- Summary - Java-collection|create queue data structure
- Java-Collections |Pre-created Classes|Data Structures |Pre-created interface|framework|linkedlist |package|arraylist|Static Array|Dynamic Array|stack memory |heap memory |method|array list|override method|add function |extend array|set function|traversal |for loop| traversal array|iterator (81:39)
- Summary - Java-Collections |Pre-created Classes
- Java-create interface |abstract class |annotation |functionality in java|anonymous function|lambda functions|function argument|create object|private|public|generic class|override method|override annotation |sub class|final keyword|singleton class|constructor|getinstance method (97:18)
- Summary - Java-create interface
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