Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Basic Introduction (61:14)
- 1. Cloud Computing Concept | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU | Compute Devices | Importance of OS & Physical Devices | Concurrent Connection Limit | Scalability Concepts | Netflix History | CSP(Cloud Service Provider) | Servers Or Instances | AWS Services (165:17)
- Summary - Cloud Computing Concept | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU | Compute Devices |
- 2. Cost Management | Computational Complexity | CSP | AWS-EC2 Service | Python program in EC2-CLI | Provisioning | Fully Managed Services(Serverless) | Lambda Service | Monolithic Approach | Mirco-services | FAAS(Function As A Services) | Use Cases Of Lambda (134:42)
- Summary - Cost Management | Computational Complexity | CSP | AWS-EC2 Service |
- 3. EC2 Service infrastructure | Lambda Service For Serverless | WebApp Via EC2 service | Security Groups | OS Images(AMI) | Yum Software | HTTPD(Apache) Software | Serverless Service | Physical Devices-RAM, CPU, HD, N/W | Real-Time Monitoring | Cloud Watch Service | Metrics | (133:54)
- Summary - EC2 Service infrastructure | Lambda Service For Serverless |
- 4. AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group | log Stream | API Gateway | Backend Program | API Gateway With Lambda | Serverless Services | Working Principle of API Gateway | REST API | Resources In API Gateway | GET Method (130:26)
- Summary - AWS Lambda | Pricing Of Lambda | Cloud watch | Matrices | Log Group |
- 5. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 8th Mar 2024_GMT20240308-151946 (123:31)
- Summary - Session 5
- 6.AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 13th Mar 2024 _GMT20240313-152606 (78:21)
- Summary - Session 6
- 7. Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless | Devin AI | EC2 service | Event notify | Trigger | SNS service | Topic | Pub-sub concept | Create Rule | Event bus | Pattern | Target | Matched Event | AWS notifications (118:55)
- Summary - Event Driven Architecture | Event | AWS EventBridge service | Serverless |
- 8. Storage as a service | Data storing | S3 service | Object storage | Block storage | File storage | Bucket in S3 | Creating the S3 bucket | Uploading object in the bucket | Object security | Event driven architecture | Integrating S3 with lambda and SNS | (150:26)
- Summary - Storage as a service | Data storing | S3 service | Object storage | Block storage |
- 9. Speech to text | Amazon Transcribe service | Real time transcription | Transcription job | Integrating S3, lambda and transcribe services | Event variable in Lambda | Object key | S3 URI | Retrieving the Object key | Boto3 code to connect lambda and Trancribe | Uuid for unique id (128:32)
- Summary - Speech to text | Amazon Transcribe service | Real time transcription
- 9.1 Revision Session (79:09)
- 10. AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI | Access key and secret key | Launching the EC2 instance using CLI | Creating own custom commands | Script | Uploading object in S3 bucket using AWS CLI (110:41)
- Summary - AWS CLI | Need for Aws CLI | Aws configure | Log in to Aws using the CLI
- 11. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 17th April 2024 _GMT20240417-151934 (127:10)
- 12. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 24th April 2024_GMT20240424-152344 (123:08)
- 14. AWS Cloud Training By the World Record Holder Mr Vimal Daga on 3rd May 2024_GMT20240503-151933 (108:28)
- 1. Need of the cloud | Public cloud | Ec2 and azure virtual machine | Multicloud strategy | Cost optimisation | Latency issue | Infrastructure as a service | Region and Location | Multicloud architecture | Storage(EBS and Azure disk storage) | Auto scaling (ASG and auto scaling sets) (123:03)
- Summary Session 1
- 2. (Azure )Data centres | Availability | Availability zone | Region/Location | Connectivity between the Azure regions | Cloud computing | Sovereign regions | Services | Resources | Subscriptions | Creating Azure account | Resource groups | Creating and launching Azure virtual machine (117:04)
- Summary session 2
- 3. Platform | Platform as a service | Azure App Service | Infrastructure as a service | Software as a service | Launching and configuring webserver in the Virtual Machine | Inbound rule | Setting up the Azure App Service | Pricing plan (107:15)
- Summary Session 3
- 4. Production environment | Staging area | Roll out | Deployment strategy | Deploying the code in app service using FTP server | Deploying the code in app messaging using the github | Github actions | CI/CD | Setting up a project in Azure app service (99:41)
- Summary Session 4
- 5. App Service | Elastic concept in autoscaling | Staging Environment | Production Environment.| Deployment Slots | Creating branches in github | Setting Github Actions | Canary Deployment | Scaling Concept | Types of Scale out - Ruke based, manuaal,automatics. | Maximum Burst (113:19)
- Summary Session 5
- 6. Ways to use the cloud | Benefits of using code | Accessing Azure Cloud using Api | Accesing the resource uisng Python | Azure Identity Library | Azure Identity Module | configuring azure cli | Creating resource group using python | Resource ManagementClient Module | Network Library (105:11)
- Summary Session 6
- 7. What is Serverless Concept | Event-Driven Architecture | Microservice Architecture | Function as a service | Azure Functions service | Setting up Azure Functions | Runtime | Putting code into the Azure Functions | App Keys (89:55)
- Summary Session 7
- 8. Storage as a service | Different types of storage | Object Storage | Azure Blob storage service | Storage account | Creating Storage account | Data sovereignty | Data Replication | What is Redundancy | Different Redundancy types(LRS, GRS, ZRS, GZRS) | Types of performance | Block Blob Store (96:47)
- Summary Session 8
- 9. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 26th May 24_GMT20240526-114751 (104:01)
- 10. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240616-124848 (75:49)
- 11. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240623-065139 (124:22)
- 12. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 14th August 24_GMT20240816-144910 (100:05)
- 13. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 20th August 24_GMT20240820-144923 (68:53)
- Summary Session 13
- 13_1. Microsoft Azure Revision Session on 21st August 24_GMT20240821-145121 (51:39)
- 14. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 22nd August 24_GMT20240822-144806 (57:35)
- Summary Session 14
- 15. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 27th August 24_GMT20240827-141759 (74:37)
- Summary Session 15
- 16. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 3rd September 24_GMT20240903-134524 (81:10)
- 17. Microsoft Azure Traning By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 5th September 24 _GMT20240905-134954 (66:29)
- 1. Introduction to Terraform | Why Terraform is used | Infrastructure | Infrastructure as code | Aws Cloud formation | Hashicorp configuration language | Workstation | Terraform installation | Plugins | Terraform registry | Providers | Creating a Terraform file | Terraform init | Resources (127:17)
- Summary Session 1
- 2. Imperative and declarative way of code | Desire state and current state | Idempotent concept | Variables in Terraform | Creating list in Terraform | Assigning Multiline values to a variable | Auto approve in Terraform | Storing sensitive data in variable | Map type variable (107:53)
- Summary Session 2
- 3. EBS volume | ssh using key | Lauching ec2 instancing | Creating And Attaching EBS volume | aws_instance resource | aws_volume_attachment resource | Data Sources | Configuring webserver | remote-exec provisioner | connection keyword | automating login | inline[] | null resource | command keyword (122:31)
- Summary Session 3
- 4. Creating a project using the Terraform | Setting up VPC using Terraform code | Cidr block | DNS | What is Subnet | Setting up Subnet using Terraform code | Internet Gateway | Setting up Internet Gateway using Terraform code | What is Route table | Setting up route table using Terraform code (118:12)
- Summary Session 4
- 5.Terraform Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 5th May 2024_GMT20240505-132114 (139:49)
- Summary Session 5
- 6. Terraform Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 12th May 2024_GMT20240512-101916_Recording.transcript (148:19)
- 7. Terraform Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 19th May 2024_GMT20240519-094621 (104:38)
- 8. Terraform Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 2nd June 2024_GMT20240602-071649 (112:49)
- 9. Terraform Training by the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240616-074602 (75:09)
- 1.Storage device | Database | Self service | Abstractions | Cloud platform | Interface | Network | NAAS | STAAS | Networking | Public cloud | Private cloud | Bare matel | Virtualization | Container | Virtualization technology | Cloud computing | EC2 | Compute service | Openstack NOVA service (92:48)
- Summary - Storage device | Database | Self service | Abstractions | Cloud platform |
- 2.Cloud computing | Private Cloud | Openstack cloud | Virtualization platform | Hypervisor |Packstack | MARIA-DB | AMI |'Openstack glance' | Root device | Block devices | Block storage service | EBS | Cinder| Neutron | SDN | OpenVswitch | Horizon | (107:20)
- Summary - Cloud computing | Private Cloud | Openstack cloud | Virtualization platform |
- 3.OpenStack Setup | Nova | Hypervisors | Compute Drivers | Hardware Virtualization | Nested Hypervisor | KVM & QEMU Program | Horizon(WebUI) Service | Dashboard Configuration | Identity Service-Key Stone | Glance Service | Formates of Glance Image | QCOW2 Image Formate |Neutron Setup via GUI (135:52)
- Summary - OpenStack Setup | Nova | Hypervisors | Compute Drivers | Hardware Virtualization
- 4. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 27th Jan. 24_GMT20240127-131957 (127:25)
- 5. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 28th Jan. 24_GMT20240128-132112 (99:59)
- 6.OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 3rd Feb 2024 (117:54)
- 7. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 10th Feb 24_GMT20240210-132127
- 7.1 Revision session
- 8. Importance Of Plugins | Challenges In Single Node | Multi-System Concept | Distributed Scheduling Concept | Slave Node & Master(Host) Node | Master-Slave Architecture | FIFO Formate Of Jobs | Static(Permanent) & Dynamic Node | Credentials In Jnekins | Master-Slave Setup (65:45)
- 9. Self service | Tenant user | Isolation tenant | Multi tenancy | Project /tenant | Users | Authentication | Create flavour | Glance/Cinder/Nova | Create project | Role based access control | Network Topology | Subnets | Tenant network | Private network | Public network | Route | Snat (85:10)
- 10. Session (81:32)
- 11. Format type of images. | Why do we need of custom image | Post install | Elements | Diskimage-builder | Post directory | Custom image with pre-configured DNS server | Environmental variables | Building Elemnts | disk-image command (93:21)
- Summary - Format type of images. | Why do we need of custom image | Post install |
- 12. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 26th April 24_GMT20240426-134906 (89:16)
- Summary Session 12
- 14. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 8th May 24_GMT20240508-134654 (73:16)
- 15. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 26th May 24_GMT20240526-091937 (83:10)
- 16. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga on 2nd June 24 _GMT20240602-101500 (81:16)
- 17. OpenStack Training By the World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga_GMT20240616-101225 (83:59)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.