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- 1.1 DevOps Tools | Configure Program | Type of configure | program code (Scripting, Intelligence) | Usecase | Installation on RHEL9 | Configuring host file | Resources | Control Node | Manger Node | AWS intance Lunche | (80:06)
- 1. Configuring host file | Resources | Control Node | Manger Node | AWS intance Lunche | Remote Login Using SSH | Ansible List Host configure | sshd configure | model (43:39)
- Summary
- 2. Configuration Management | Controller Node & Target Node | Password Authentication Inventory | Configure Apache HTTPD Webserver | Idempotent (85:09)
- Summary - Configuration Management | Controller Node & Target Node
- 3. Controller Node | target node | ADHOC | Playbook | YAML | vi editor | ansible-playbook –syntax-check web.yml | ansible-playbook web.yml | html | yml extension | systemctl status httpd | enabled | package | ansible-playbook –h |“ansible-doc module_name | “ansible-doc –l | (63:10)
- Summary - Controller Node | target node | ADHOC | Playbook | YAML | vi editor
- 4. Target node | Manage node | Instances | Git Bash | Vim editor | Ansible-playbook basic.yml | Ansible Debug Module | Gathering Facts | vars value | cat main.yml | msg | variable | String | httpd | web server | verbosity | --extra-vars parameter (87:47)
- Summary - Target node | Manage node | Instances | Git Bash | Vim editor
- 5. Ansible-doc command | Command module | File module | creating/ deleting directories | Target Node |copy module | playlist | sequencing (/n /t) | OS footprint | Controller Node | facts | User Defined Variable | debug module | Ansible gathering | syntax to print | httpd | apache2 | WAMP (91:05)
- Summary - Ansible-doc command | Command module | File module |
- 6. Ansible-doc -l | AWS cloud | Docker | Kubernetes | Galaxy | yml file | Namespace | FQMN/CN | FQCN | Python | rpm -q -l ansible-core | Installing galaxy | boto3 | Security Credentials | Access Key | ansible-doc -l | ansible –version | (88:39)
- Summary - Ansible-doc -l | AWS cloud | Docker | Kubernetes | Galaxy | yml file
- 7. Ansible Revision Session (63:39)
- 8. Role/Template/jinja/Handler | Local host | Ansible localhost –list-hosts | Apache webserver | Ansible-playbook web.yml | rpm -q httpd | docRoot | template | Jinja2 templating | copy and template | Template file | webport | semanage port -l |web service start | handlers | notify (80:45)
- Summary - Role/Template/jinja/Handler | Local host | Ansible localhost –list-hosts
- 9. Role/Template/jinja/Handler | Apache webserver | Ansible-playbook | docRoot | template | Jinja2 templating | copy and template | Template file | webport | semanage port -l |web service start | handlers | notify (100:24)
- Summary - Role/Template/jinja/Handler | Apache webserver | Ansible-playbook
- 10. Key-based authentication | Key pair | Protocol-ssh | ec2-user | chmod o-r /etc/myserver.pem | admin-level commands | become true | SELinux security | vars | tasks | Role | ansible-galaxy role init | cp command | handlers | roles_path (75:46)
- Summary - Key-based authentication | Key pair | Protocol-ssh | ec2-user
- 11. Reverse Proxy set up | Load balancer | Horizontal Scaling | Scale Out | Scale In | setup.yaml file | file setup | yaml file | HA proxy | HA proxy services | (89:39)
- Summary - Reverse Proxy set up | Load balancer | Horizontal Scaling | Scale Out |
- 12. Load Balancer | Public IP | HA proxy | Backend-Server | Concurrent Connection | Horizontal Scaling | Load-Balancer Group | Scale in | Group Host | Playbook | Reverse proxy | Auto Scaling | Scale-out | Magic Numbers | Loop Concepts (81:52)
- Summary - Load Balancer | Public IP | HA proxy | Backend-Server | Concurrent Connection
- 13. Ansible - galaxy | Apache role | Ansible control module | Ansible run time | Plugins | Cisco | ansible automation platform (AAP) | Automation hub | Qeerlingguy.redis | Dynamic inventory | Container | Docker/ podman | navigator | execution engine (74:40)
- Summary - Ansible - galaxy | Apache role | Ansible control module | Ansible run time
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Available in
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- Dynamic inventory (118:59)
- Regex (98:23)
- ssh Protocol Web Service Web Hosting Configuration of Webserver Firewall default document root (86:37)
- Port Numbers | Curl Command | httpd (84:16)
- Docker Session 1 - Main use of an Operating System | Four different ways of installing an Operating System | Case study on Hotstar | Scaling | Tech Stack | Docker Hub | Docker Engine | OS Images (128:49)
- Docker Session 2 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Ephemeral storage | Persistent storage | Mounting volume | Configuring the Web Server | Curl Command | (112:45)
- Docker Session 3 - Docker Basic Commands | Launching container | Port Number | Configure Container as Webserver and Database Server | Environmental Variables (114:19)
- SSH key-gen: - Refer the Video - From Time Stamp (50:00) (83:00)
- Sudo Concepts (85:30)
- Basic of Ansible Core | Ansible controller |Limitation of ansible engine | Use Case of Ansible Tower | Ansible Inventory | Role base access control | Ansible tower installation | Preflight Check | Monitoring tools | Dynatrace | Dynatrace integration with ansible tower | (192:49)