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Linux System Admin Ver_9 Training by Mr. Vimal Daga
Linux System Administration 9
Session 1 - 8th October -Operating System (OS) | Why Multiple OS | Kernel | Linux Distributors | Virtualization | Installation of Oracle Virtual Box | OS Image | Host OS| Guest OS | Installation of OS | Interact to OS | GUI | CLI | WebUI | Login to OS | Commands | Arguments | Terminate a Program | Short cuts or Signals | Location of a Program | User Account | Multiuser Facilities | Basic Commands | Consoles or VT | Switch to Consoles | Manual of a Command (215:48)
Session 1 - Summary
Session 2 - 9th October - Remote Login | Network Interfaces | Basics of Networking | Virtualization | Baremetal | SSH Procol | Putty | DNS | RPM | Kernel | Install Packages (235:07)
Session 2 - Summary
Session 3 - 15th October- RPM | Repository | YUM Configuration | Server | Service | Configure Webserver | Configure Webclient (175:30)
Session 3 - Summary
Session 4 - 16th October - Session 4 - 16th October - Server | Process | Webserver | Apache HTTPD Webserver | Network Drivers | SELinux | NMAP Command | Logs (174:28)
Session 4 - Summary
Session 5- 29th October- Login Ways | Remote Login | SSH | SCP | WinSCP | PermitRootLogin | Empty Password | Printmotd | Authentication (224:17)
Session 5 - Summary
Session 6 - 30th Oct- Plain Text | Cipher Text | Private and Public Key | Symmetric and Asymmetric Key | ssh | Key Based Authentication | User Management (217:09)
Session 6 - Summary
Session 7 - 19th Nov - useradd Command | adduser Command | /etc/passwd file | GECOS | chfn Command | man Command | finger Command | who Command | w Command | Home Directory | /home directory | Bash Shell | Nologin Shell | Shell Program | Interactive Users | Non- interactive Users (138:10)
Session 7- Summary
Session 8 - 20th Oct - Superuser | General User | System or Service User | /etc/shadow file | /etc/login.defs | Hashing | Epoch Time | Password Aging (137:50)
Session 8 - Summary
Session 9 - 26th Nov - User Permissions| Permissions on a file | Permissions on a directory | Modes | chmod Command | chown Command | su Command | Groups | /etc/group| chgrp Command (149:08)
Session 9 - Summary
Session 10 - 27th Nov - DAC (Discretionary Access Control) | Linux Permissions | Special Permissions | Sticky Bit | SGID | SUID | Challenge of 'w' Permission | Set sticky bit on a folder | Primary Group | Secondary Group | newgrp command | gpasswd command | /etc/shadow file |Use case of SUID (147:23)
Session 10 - Summary
Session 11 - 3rd Dec - POSIX | ACL | getfacl Command | setfacl Command | Mask | Effective Permissions | Umask | Sudo Power| Admin Level Commands | System Level Commands | /etc/sudoers main configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d secondary configuration file | Wheel Group | Visudo (172:25)
Session 11 - Summary
Session 12 - 4th Dec - Security Program | Firewall | Network Service | Network Traffic | Firewalld Service | Pre-created rules (Zones) | Custom rules | firewall-cmd Command | Network Interface Card (NIC) | Implement Firewalld on NIC Target | Zones | PAT | Masquerade | Port Forwarding | Rich Rules | How to reset root password? | Podman | Cockpit (194:50)
Session 12 - Summary
Google Drive Link
Linux V9
Basic Prerequisite Video
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
AWS Account Creation (7:08)
AWS Red Hat - Linux Instance Launch (17:31)
AWS - Putty Linux Connect Setup (18:39)
Extra Videos for Linux V9
Basic Concepts of Partition (100:23)
Create a Partition (100:08)
Partition | Format | Mount (94:24)
LVM | Extend the LV (103:24)
Summary - LVM 1
LVM | Reduce LV (79:12)
Summary - LVM 2
FSTAB | Swap Space (72:08)
Summary - FSTAB
NAS | NFS | Persistent Mount | NTP Servers and Clients (117:23)
Logs | Metrics | Importance of Logs and Metrics (110:34)
NAS | NFS | Autofs (79:21)
Stratis | VDO | Crontab (44:02)
SELinux Session 1 (116:18)
SELinux Session 2 (98:12)
SElinux Session 3 (57:59)
Podman Session 1 (184:08)
Podman Session 2 (155:06)
RHEL Revision Session
Revision Session - 5th Nov (118:33)
Practice Questions
Practice Set 1
Session 6 - Summary
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