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Industry Relevant AWS Training - 16 hours
SetUp Guidelines
AWS Account Creation (7:07)
How to Launch RedHat LinuxOS in AWS Cloud and Connect it (17:31)
How to use Putty to Connect Linux Over Internet (18:38)
Linux Basic Commands (44:14)
AWS Basics, EC2 , API Gateway, AWS Lambda, FAAS, Serverless Framework
Introduction for Day 1 by Ms Preeti & Mr Vimal Daga (35:38)
Cloud Computing Introduction | AWS Basics | Launch AWS EC2 Instance | API | Flask Webserver (182:15)
API Gateway | Postman | FAAS(Function As A Service) (130:54)
Serverless | AWS Lambda | API Gateway Integration With Lambda | IAM User | Serverless Framework (126:09)
AWS SES, Serverless Framework, DynamoDB, IAM, CloudWatch
Serverless Framework Setup (42:36)
YAML | Serverless Framework Project | Lambda | Serverless Deploy | AWS SES | (201:55)
Deployed Webapp With Backend On Lambda Function | DynamoDB | (175:00)
AWS S3 | Integration Of S3 with AWS Lambda (62:04)
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AWS S3 | Integration Of S3 with AWS Lambda
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